[UI] Server Merge

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ventex1000, Dec 18, 2015.

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  1. ventex1000

    ventex1000 User

    I think that a server merge for all the east servers is almost necessary at this point. It would certainly make the game a lot more fun for us. Maybe even merging all the east with GA5 or something would be cool. I know this idea is already out there and I'm not sure if it's even been done before, but I just want to put an emphasis on how dire the situation is for us east players. We are already vested into our accounts with countless hours and dollars, and we're not about to drop all of that and start all over again on a different server. If anything, it'd probably make me, personally, want to put in more money and time if there was a merge because of the increased amount of competition.
    ttt-Benny likes this.
  2. DO is on the fence with this subject mainly because of the mixed thoughts on rank. Not everyone wants to possibly loose the rank they have. Some have had the rank for years, others just got it yesterday. Its like gold but not my question. If you play on 2 or all 3 of the east servers from one login, do they attempt to combine what you have on the multiple accounts or force you to choose 1 of them to keep and loose the rest? Just something I would want to know as a player.
    ventex1000 likes this.
  3. ventex1000

    ventex1000 User

    I understand the issue but at some point those doubts become almost irrelevant. If a server dies out, and there are few amounts of players left, what do you do? I'm assuming there are 3 options. 1) You let it die out and don't do anything about it. 2) You get rid of the server and any accounts associated with it with (which is preposterous). 3) You do a merge and pretty much everyone is happy. Now, I take caution in saying "everyone". I personally would much prefer a lower rank, if it means I can play with more people, but I can't speak for everyone. The game is much more fun that way and as I've said above, I'd be motivated to put more time and money into the game that way. This way, the players are happy, and bigpoint is happy (after the merge of course, i'm sure server merges are a chaotic hassle for them to perform) because they're probably going to be gaining more revenue due to the (possible) increase in income as well as the reduced costs of maintaining a useless server. And as for one player having multiple accounts on different east servers, I'm assuming you'd have to choose one and maybe the devs would give compensation, in terms of uri, based on the equipment or time put in, of other accounts.

  4. If your server is dying - congrats now go finish all those PvE quests in peace and love :cool: (Don't forget to just stay in the pally feild) and bash those gates...Cross your fingers and hope for a merge since there are PvP quests to do next.
    chilninja and OILDAILY like this.
  5. idk,It may not work...but it might,it could be 4 years ago again.
  6. bigsteve78

    bigsteve78 User

    Its not server merge that is the problem but instead REWARDING players for doing the one thing that is fun, killing others. noobs shouldnt be protected, but encouraged to gang up 5 v1 and go after UFE. How? give the newbs x4 rsb, uri, exp, rank, boosters for killing someone much more powerful. Then the UFE always has to watch their back, and the noobs get a huge reward for doing the impossible. on the other hand groups of UFE killing newbs should get nothing except wasted ammo and penalties. If the UFE kills other high ranks, by all means REWARD them for gods sake! Why is this so hard to understand for rick deckard and crew? its so easy to fix. Imagine the thrill for little ships, they clan up, gang up and go after the big guys with strategy in order to get huge bountys. Powerful teams always have to worry and are frustrated unless they war against the right clans. The bounty system would save the game, and DONT BE CHEAP. if little guys kill a general, give them 10k whites and 2k rsb and all types of great rewards from cargo so they are given incentive to play and spend $$$ on the adrenaline rush of hunting.
  7. I dont think this is a good idea, it because someone might abusing this reward system. just a thought.
  8. bigsteve78

    bigsteve78 User

    Simply put, the UFE loses the same rewards in proportion. problem solved. Any benefit is offshot by harsh reductions in rank and honour. Then they wouldn't be so gung ho with the griefing when they fear dying. This is called a "zero sum game"
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  9. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    What use does a rank have if you have nobody to show it? In the end, I really really (really) don't care about rankings, I care about damage output. That is what kills.

    Furthermore, to everyone else: I though bigpoint is already investigating the option for a server merge, but I guess they want to wait till it is really neccassary. I guess we will just have to wait.
  10. bigsteve78

    bigsteve78 User

    Nah bro, when you are UFE, you start to care about rank a lot.
  11. xuhu99

    xuhu99 User

    don't merge servers! Makes noobies leave even more
  12. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    I guess? XD
  13. wen dark orbit merge the servers they need to let the players choose to witch server they will go, wen i would played east server then i was years back there started and was not started on USA west, DO can implant that on a easy way, let say each ship you can at the maximum 2 times switch to an other server, then its finished.
    but that don`t takes the problem away.
    i always sayed from start on (europe global 1) to jonnhywigwam and the other developers in hamburg.
    don`t make to much servers and don`t make not to much different s between normal free players and $$$flow players

    wen the different s between both only 20 % then also little players have a change to shoot a little bigger ship down and for the big players its more interesting to fight and play (now they fly over the maps and pop 200 ships in 1 hour) the different s between low players and $$flow players now much to high about 70%, make more things for credits to get up the normal players.

    Johnny and all other, i only can say players what have much money also will spend money on the game only to get that 20% better then a normal ship.
    wenn that will be happend together with compressing so many servers to only
    5 global America
    3 global America south
    10 Europe
    1 great Britain
    3 African
    3 Asian

    instead of to build also from each country more servers, then you have on all servers many players, and its for the players worth it to spend money on it, and so you get more new players in each server at 1 time.

    best regards

    Respect to all
    †BΛЯBΛЯIΛN† likes this.
  14. [KeBaB*]®

    [KeBaB*]® User

    To make a server merge a new rank system would be needed. Rank is probably the top thing holding back a server merge. I guaruntee the top 10 players of my server would stay on the server alone if it meant they would keep their ranks.
  15. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Hell no, you dead server idiots can stay there.
    If you're the reason for the server death than you deserve what you have reaped, other wise just enjoy the peaceful game play most wish for.

    Closing the dead servers on you should be reward enough for being a stupid kill ratio padder.
  16. [KeBaB*]®

    [KeBaB*]® User

    You're angry at the players? You seem to have overlooked the fact that Dark Orbit turned the game into a money pool where new players don't stick around because although they may be able to work up to UFE, they're getting constantly outdone by players who are already there or who have paid to get there.

    This is a PvP game. If you want peace and quiet buy and allotment and grow some potatoes.
  17. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Dead servers are the reward for pvp players attacking the unprepared all the time, suck it up tuff guy.
  18. [KeBaB*]®

    [KeBaB*]® User


    Again, this is a PvP game. The lack of players joining isn't due to the fact that only UFE players remain; obviously they won't quit because they've put the most effort or money into the game. Dark Orbit needs to have a much better marketing campaign.
  19. VESPID

    VESPID User

    I bet if the PvP were restricted to just battle maps this whole reason for merging would no longer be needed and it would still be a PvP game for the ones that are either ready for it or want it.

    "It's a PvP game" is the sort of comment employed by the dummest people in the game and in forum, it reflects the absence of real honor and lack of respect to fellow players of the game.

    Again I say suck it up, either start over or complain to support.
    The forum has already addressed this topic with a loud and clear "NO".
    chilninja likes this.
  20. [KeBaB*]®

    [KeBaB*]® User

    Or maybe it's employed by the people who instead of complaining on the forums worked and worked all of those days/weeks/months to get to UFE status and be able to fight back. There's no honor in war, just the victorious and the defeated.
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