[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. never seen any post saying they will not be putting in back in shop
  2. Oh great, you have probably just jinxed it xD
    Watch it be near impossible XD
  3. I wonder how many NPCs I will have to POP and collect ore to use for the crafting? Sounds a lot of NPCs are going to go :eek::D Looks like gonna have a stay away from my NPCs like with the cubikons :p
  4. When it was put one sale for 2 weeks they said "This is your one and only chance to buy the surgeon in shop" They also stated before the event started "We'll be giving out the design as a reward to top users in the event, then it will go on sale for one time"
  5. If we can learn anything from past NPCs with lucrative payouts... one rock of unobtanium will be issued from the uber-hitac, which has 12 billion hp and hits about a million damage. You must be in a group of 99 players to get a chance at a lock and the lock will change from map to map. If you have less than 95% of your group actively shooting and the uber-hitac, the lock will randomly shift to any group that has a single player that has collected more than 14 million bonus boxes or has over 5 million npc kills. You can only collect the cargo if you have the red lock upon the demise of the uber-hitac.
  6. xuhu99

    xuhu99 User

    then we all get mad and get hercs compensation
  7. xuhu99

    xuhu99 User

    is it possible it happens sometime today? or maybe it start 17th or 18th and ends at around jan 31 or feb 1
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
  8. Yeah, Hitac is one of the many events I dont' bother with due to the lock issue and the general craziness between players. But it seems as though it is getting a late start. But DO regular staff should all be getting to work soon. Maybe it will be fixed by the time it hits the US. So not holding my breath...
  9. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It could start whenever, those dates I have were just based on the thinking of the calendar being the end of the Frost event.

    The only interesting thing is the Winter event did not end correctly I think - it ran over schedule for 2 days and this also caused the 50% EP booster to glitch out and run 3 days in a row. So that could have had an impact on the frost event or equally it couldn't. Just have to wait and see.

    Don't take anything I write here as 100% confirmed, it really is just what I can scrape from the test server files and put together, sometimes I turn out to be way off with guesses ^^
  10. Its the best thing we get to go on. Actually its the only thing we get to go on. o_O

    While what they put out in the Dev Blogs is nice, its very very vague at best. The best thing I have seen from them is the Turkish interview. :rolleyes:

    What you give I will hang on to. :cool:
    OILDAILY likes this.
  11. xuhu99

    xuhu99 User

    Is it possible it was cancelled entirely?
  12. any new news on the crafting system, maby a idea of the date it is going to be relesed?
    Painkiller32 likes this.
  13. frost hitac just been added to GB1 (possibly others too)
  14. crazytoon

    crazytoon User

    but no Hitac spawning :( :( :(
  15. they added everything ready and should start them spawning soon
  16. crazytoon

    crazytoon User

    lol no they actually removed HITAC banner from back page
  17. I don't see anything on the backpage :'(
  18. As per Chat CM HITAC event is suspended for now :(
  19. Well they never DID OFFICIALLY announce the event. We were lead to believe it was going to happen by this UNOFFICIAL thread that D O has decided to make their announcement board for the HOLIDAYS and then the MODERATORS get upset because we ask questions as the items do not match what the system tells us.

    It is nice of Okapi to give us some insight into what is coming out but we have to remember this is all speculation on his part and he is not in the actual loop of coming attractions, he just sees the script changes on the Test Server and using his best JUDGEMENT give us his OPINION of what is happening and when.
    Painkiller32 and OILDAILY like this.
  20. I would have guessed that the hitac event starts 9th or 10th of January since the server regular events ends 9th.
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