[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Last edited: Jan 7, 2016
  2. Rofl! Lets just sit back and enjoy what we have till something comes out ;D
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Well its definitively the 18th. A few other mods teams have now confirmed it either in replies to questions or as official announcements.
    Watt-Overlord likes this.
  4. Well from what i have heard from chat CM ..Event is cancelled due to glitch
  5. Good to know. :)
  6. actualy, they briefly added the hitac banner to the backscreen and the scheduled events are ending tomorrow. must be the end of darkorbit ;P
  7. RickDekard

    RickDekard User Team DarkOrbit Team Darkorbit

    The event is not cancelled. It's still on for the 18th. The only glitch was that the banner popped up early (and only once per player) after the sync, so we fixed that.

    Hopefully, that clears up any confusion.

    Thanks! Have a good weekend.
    $ΣηęяĝỴ$(HUN) and Okapi32 like this.
  8. Thats awesome! What about crafting system? Or at least when is surgeon coming out on shop cause it is unfair to have a speed boost or shield boost when some have and some not. Also i would suggest to put more designs like surgeon or add that 1 generator to all designs so at least those designs will be useful again. Only players that use normal designs for hunt are those that dont have surgeon, and those that put spectrum or sentinel to handle more players but that is unfair when they just run away from u and you have no chance on catching them after ... Well u can say that also vengi got same speed but HP and dmg of vengi compared with those of surgeon is way too low and you can pop them but for surgeon it is really overpowered.
  9. Well it is so nice to know that D O IS using the UNOFFICIAL thread to post the OFFICIAL NOTICES for the game improvements and notices. TOO BAD only those who have been keeping up with OKAPI's thread know anything about coming ATTRACTIONS since YOU no longer use the HQ threads to pass any of this information along anymore, that is until some disgruntled player LIKE ME calls you out on a mess up and someone posts a conversion chart to appease a problem created but unsolved or even addressed other than in this thread of ASSUMPTIONS!
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Probably posted it in here because this is where people are talking about it?

    This is also the place that the information will be viewed the most if it is posted, the thread has got over half a million views after all and gains a few thousand almost everyday. This thread typically gets viewed more in a single day than a OA gets viewed over a couple of months.

    Normally OAs for events and such are left for the mod teams to post, I imagine they will do it closer to the start date or when it is actually more relevant. The event isn't going to vanish from the game because there isn't an OA about it right now.
    SauronL likes this.
  11. YES I do understand that people have come to view your thread as it is the only information we are getting on updates since before Christmas. I also know I got a very SNIDE reply to a post I made about the current ADVENT calendar since the only information we had came from this post and the numbers showed it would not start till the first of the month so we tried to understand the issue as nothing had been posted till that thread had been started.

    I do appreciate that you are doing the best you can but as you do not have the entire story you can not give us 100% accurate information and would expect to have D O do a better job of informing the community of what changes are being done/ADDED/CREATED than some speculation from another portion of the FORUM. I guess D O has outgrown letting the community know of upcoming events/activities like they used to, as the Advent Calendar was supposed to be part of the Hitac Event and now the Event won't start till the Calendar is over, or at least this is the rumors running in the Chat in the game.

    Maybe this is the reason the Major Events are not getting the attention they used to get, or it is just so many people getting tired of dealing with D O who really knows?
  12. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Again, if and when we have official announcements we post them. We don't have one for the Hitac at this point as it's still over a week out and so there is no announcement. We usually have these within days of leading up to the event, if we have one.

    I am going to ask you stop hijacking multiple threads to rant about this. If you are unsatisfied with an answer you have received here in the forums, or have a complaint about the mod team, please contact support. Continuing to rant around the forums is only going to result in posts being treated as spam.

    This thread teases what is up and coming, which means information is here before it is announced unofficial or otherwise. When and if an announcement is ready, the information will be made available via announcements & FAQs as has been. Until then, the unofficial conversation on it is here


    edit: grammar stuff
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2016
  13. Like many games you have hidden things that can be found should you look for it, for those who really are into the game.They will find this thread if they are curious.So in a way its like our little treasure hunt tho we all don`t look for it but we discuss what could be, what is, and what we would otherwise desire ;)
  14. ZarKeanth

    ZarKeanth User

    I agree. The minimalist rules were so vague I missed more than eight boxes b4 I realized what recycle scheme DO had decided to use. The initial appearance was that DO didn't know when to turn off a done deal. VERY DISAPPOINTING !!! DO needs a superior explanation.

    btw, fishing for information in the unofficial threads of the Forum is NOT an optimum solution for customer satisfaction.
    If DO can't be bothered to write clear instructions, then what incentive do I have to support the staff with any on-line purchase?
  15. any news about crafting system?
  16. You like the stuff they put up for sale ZarKeanth,

    Painkiller next event starts next week. True to form, you will have to wait for it to start to actually have, as everyone is pointing out, reliable information.
  17. Nice work mate ,
    hope they add some Designs from this ;)
  18. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Some inventory/hanger changes regarding the cosmetic and stat drone designs being equipped:

    <item name="label_dronedesign_desc_visual">
    <![CDATA[ You can equip cosmetic drone designs in this slot. ]]>
    <item name="label_dronedesign_desc_stats">
    <![CDATA[ You can equip stats drone designs in this slot. ]]>

    During the EiC testing last month there was a place holder slot for cosmetic designs already there but wasn't functional during that particular test. Still, wouldn't surprise me too much if the we get both features at the same time.
  19. The question now would be if you just have a "stats" design, and no "cosmetic" design, will you see it or just a plain drone?
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