[UI] New PvP Protection - For Beginners & Advanced Players

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by KilerStreak, Jan 20, 2016.

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  1. I've thought of a new PvP Protection system that can be good for every player, and I can't think of anyway it can be misused.

    If a player is shot down five times within an hour (by a player; not by NPC), then the player receives a "special shield" that automatically activates, and other players will not be able to shoot you at all, for one hour.

    At the end of the hour, the shield is gone, and the above is repeated.

    If the player wishes to fire upon an enemy, the player can, and the shield will be removed, but it's a bit different than getting a jump on someone.

    When the shield is active, there will be a blue shield effect (kind of how you have the red colour effect from the Energy Leech Tech) over the player. When you attempt to attack another player, the blue effect shows for a full five seconds (letting other players know that your shield is about to disappear), and then you will be able to start an attack.


    Advantages of receiving the shield
    -Other players cannot shoot you

    -Mines dropped by other players cannot affect you


    Disadvantages of receiving the shield
    -Access to PvP maps is denied (Prevents a "Boxer's Paradise")

    -Cannot drop mines of any type (Prevents players with shields to drop mines on people on a base with no consequence)

    -Abilities that disable another player/enemy cannot be used (Example would be a Spearhead's J-MAX ability. Stops the user from helping in PvP fights in any possible way)

    -You cannot heal Clan-mates, allies or outfit members who do not have this shield active (Again, prevents the user from helping in PvP fights)


    Unchanged effects of having the shield active
    -NPCs can still shoot you

    -Use of ammunition is unrestricted (on NPCs)

    -Clan Battle Stations (CBS) will still shoot you (Prevents the user from disrupting any PvP)


    So there's that. I'm proposing this, because where this game is right now...yea, we need it...

    There are too many users who just does not let another user the privilege to keep playing, and keeps lowering the amount of players that play DarkOrbit. If you guys have any idea modifications, concerns, etc., please, do comment. I'll review it and either edit the main post, or provide a counter example on why that may not be a good idea, or help reason why a specific part is good.

    NOTE: The goal of this system is to protect any player from PvP, while preventing any player with this shield from interfering with PvP (either by helping or trolling), and prevent too excess of an advantage.


    Additions & Revisions


    Last edited: Jan 28, 2016
    VESPID, xuhu99 and TheShadows like this.
  2. Did a little editing with the Energy Leech Effect to Produce the PvP Protection Shield Effect

    Energy Leech

    PvP Protection Sield Effect
  3. I like it, even though I find it odd how I only seem to get shot at about twice a day. Still it sounds good.
  4. Thanks

    And yea, there are players who get destroyed pretty much immediately during events, and could use some help so they can keep going :3
  5. LOL, i get you. Lucky for me, its not my first rodeo so I know to stay away from events like that. I am still having fun though, even though this account will pretty much be noob for life. New players need some incentive to avoid these fast pace events until they have been playing a while. I have a friend I invited to play and all he could do was log on and go after the first ship he saw that was not me and fire away. I think he popped 30 times that first hour and then got mad, at me and the game. Of course he does not play anymore but for players that are trying to learn the game, your idea would be great.
    theOtherKey and KilerStreak like this.
  6. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    Hmm good idea :D

    Some ways it can be misused: :p
    • One or more ships shooting while hiding under a stack of ships (citadels :mad:) with PvP protection (stacking). Admittedly this won't work in pvp maps.
    • Say a group of ships want to attack a cbs (which is not in a pvp map) which is surrounded by slowmines, ddms, emps. They will get one or 2 ships with PvP protection to clear a hole through the minefield for them to swarm in unimpeded.
    • Ships that have PvP protection as a first wave of "attackers" drawing cbs fire away from the ships which are actually attacking the cbs. Cbs fire is not that powerful without a player backing up its damage with he/her own damage.
    • Ships with PvP protection can take a recon mission and check out a enemy cbs or enemy group to find out its strengths and weaknesses as they can't be attacked back by actual players.
    Do cbs count as enemies and turn off PvP protection if a ship were to shoot at a cbs?

    Effects of Kamikaze need to be outlined too. Splash damage so could affect players and may not turn off PvP protection as they are not shooting them.

    Overall great idea but it might be hard to implement.
  7. Great points Shadows...

    • If a ship is under a stack that is doing pvp, they would loose protection.
    • I am thinking since mines do not affect the protected ship, they should not go off, which sucks because they just get popped alone when at the base.
    The rest I am not going to guess at. Valid points though...
  8. 1st Point: Crap, yea, that can happen. But it could be the same as a group of stacked ships in demil zone.
    -Most of the time, you lock onto the one shooting ya xD

    2nd Point: People with protection can't set off any mines dropped by others :D

    3rd Point: Hmm... Perhaps adding in a red halo around a CBS (minimap & in game) and if a player were to go into it, the PvP Protection is temporarily disabled and they can be open for attack, making the CBS a PvP zone.

    4th Point: Going off the 3rd, they can be open for attack if they get too close towards the CBS :D

    CBS will count as another enemy, and will fully disable the PvP Shield if the player attacks the CBS

    Pet splash damage will not affect players with Shields :3

    -----I'll update main post when I get back from school & these additions/edits are good
  9. I think this would be less likely to be used by noobs and more likely to be used by guys that leech off cubes/ice/ubers...
  10. Only because we would have to make sure the noobs stay around long enough to use it. :p
    theOtherKey and KilerStreak like this.
  11. I'll think of something for Cubes & Ubers.
    Not Icy, because there should be some NPCs available for newbs :3

    EDIT: Attacking any shared NPC (Cubes, Ubers) will disable the shield, unless it is an event NPC (Icy, Kucurbiums, Boss Curcubitors, etc).
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2016

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you for your input on this topic,

    As I can see some valid points to the thought process, please work on it a bit more and see if you cannot create way that this could not be utilized by players merely wanting to take control over certian events, cubes etc.

    This has been added to the Index.
    We will watch this thread further to see how the community responds to this idea.

    Thank you and have a nice day
    KilerStreak likes this.
  13. So I get poofed 5 times and I get protection for an hour. Sounds like a good idea/tradeoff to me.
  14. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    Hi Astraea, what do you mean? :p I'm a bit confused at the double negative.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2016
  15. He's asking to work this idea out, so it doesn't benefit the player under protection too much to the point where they are protected from everything; like, leeching cubes. Some of us don't like that :3

    EDIT: Ah, I see it now xD
    "cannot create way this can not"


    Found a "better solution" towards the shared NPCs.
    Somewhat like the CBS, if the player wishes to attack a NPC that is shared, the shield will be paused momentarily during the attack. Once the player stops attacking, the shield will be reactivated after "battle mode" is over (the time period where your shields & hull can't regenerate/repair).
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 28, 2016
    TheShadows likes this.
  16. You have to start thinking like "if I were an absolute jerk, how would I use this to be more of a jerk". It's sad that you have to do that when coming up with ideas for the game, but that's the reality of it.

    This "better solution" isn't...

    JP (jerk player.... wait... that's jackpot battle... let's use AP - another player... what did you think the A was for)... any way AP flies in, shoots three volleys at the cube and stops attacking and shield reactivates. He's already died five times for leeching, but he got shot more because he was dropping DDMs on the guy that was cubing. At some point the AP decides that it's more fun to mine the heck out of the cubes. He can stay there parked because his invincible shield is up and when he's not shooting at anything his mines don't blow him up.
  17. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    You can't place mines when you have PvP shield up.
  18. xuhu99

    xuhu99 User

    All ideas have some flaws so don't be disheartened by them in fact it'd be shocking if it had no flaws.
  19. VESPID

    VESPID User

    I like this idea, it needs implementing in the worst way in my server.
  20. Every idea comes with negatives :p
    Ikr, it's needed on every server that has UFEs going for noobs.
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