[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Not bad, colonel full demons :p
  2. That means the UBA of february will start until feb 8 ?
  3. UBA Carnival Season:
    Runs 8th of February 00:00:00h until the 21st of February 23:59:59h.

    Players will receive the regular season prizes as well as bonus Orange Enigma drone designs.

    looks like it :)
  4. I mean theres no Season started yet, so it will start until Feb 8 ?
  5. OwningPeeps, could you perhaps show us what the enigma drone designs will look like?
    Thanks! :)
  6. What about JPA? they maybe reveal something "unofficial" here about jpa? :p
  7. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    PET design images.







    Generally I post images as soon as I find them, they haven't been put on either test1 or test2 yet.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2016
  8. was this on the test server?
  9. Steelinger

    Steelinger User

    Grant's +10% to pet's laser damage
    Colour: Black and MMO Colors.

    Grant's +20% to pet's shields
    Colour: Black and EIC Colors.

    Grant's +15% to pets current hitpoints
    Color: Black and VRU Colors.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2016
  10. And how to get this designs any idea ?
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    No I don't sorry, there literally only images and then their names Frozen / Green / Red, that's it at the moment.
    »»THE•GAME«« likes this.
  12. Ok,
    Thanks for the information :)
  13. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Phantom / Enigma top down view. I don't actually know which one is which at the moment, probably get normal images next week that give a better idea of what they look like.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]


    Picture from DO facebook clarifies which designs are which.


    Do not post fake information please :/.

    This thread is used by lots of languages to see what updates are coming in the future and many of them are believing what you wrote even though it is false.

    (To any mod, it would be really helpful if the post in question was removed - the false info has already been re-posted in 3 other forums and wouldn't want it to spread and a big chunk of people expecting the designs to have bonuses when they don't)
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2016
    *Amitié* likes this.
  14. ponix6000

    ponix6000 User

    just found the link for the P.E.T 10 review
  15. Gotta say I really like the outlook of some of those designs, def gonna be looking forward to their release and I hope they wont be too hard to obtain:)
  16. Yeah I think the same of Okapi, actually we know will be released new designs for P.E.T., but too we know for now just will be cosmetic designs, and for example, actually I post this unofficial post of Okapi in spanish, I mean, I'm like the "manager" of translate this of english to spanish, but too I need to know this is real and not a fake, and maybe some persons do the same but to other languages.
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It is fake, the names that Steelinger has posted do not exist. The descriptions of the pet designs do not mention stats either.

    <item name="items_pet_pet_designs_frozen_fullname">
    <![CDATA[ Frost PET Design ]]>
    <item name="items_pet_pet_designs_frozen_description">
    <![CDATA[ Get this awesome and freezing design ]]>
    <item name="items_pet_pet_designs_frozen_code">
    <![CDATA[ PD-P-01 ]]>
    <item name="items_pet_pet_designs_frozen_short">
    <![CDATA[ PET Design ]]>
    <item name="items_pet_pet_designs_green_fullname">
    <![CDATA[ Green PET Design ]]>
    <item name="items_pet_pet_designs_green_description">
    <![CDATA[ Get this awesome Green design for you PET ]]>
    <item name="items_pet_pet_designs_green_code">
    <![CDATA[ PD-P-02 ]]>
    <item name="items_pet_pet_designs_green_short">
    <![CDATA[ PET Design ]]>
    <item name="items_pet_pet_designs_red_fullname">
    <![CDATA[ Red PET Design ]]>
    <item name="items_pet_pet_designs_red_description">
    <![CDATA[ Get this awesome Red design for you PET ]]>
    <item name="items_pet_pet_designs_red_code">
    <![CDATA[ PD-P-03 ]]>
    <item name="items_pet_pet_designs_red_short">
    <![CDATA[ PET Design ]]>
  18. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Looks like they gonna keep me in the game longer than i expected.
    Painkiller32 likes this.
  19. way a head of ya was ment to be leaving years ago and update after update comes out Halloween was the best event by far that kept me going lol
  20. When is the assembly event going to be released? And is there a craftable surgeon confirmed?
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