[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. SauronL

    SauronL User

    I would like to ask:

    So UBA season starts 8th and ends 21st?
    And carnival event starts 15th ends 28th ?

    Then i would like to ask whats Disguisor's hp and shields so we would know if its worthless or not .

    Thank ya :)
  2. oh its probably worthless ;)
  3. SauronL

    SauronL User

    It were but i read somewhere that their rewards gonna be increased so thats why im asking.
  4. They will be the same as before just better rewards they aint as strong as reff there the same as like santa bots
  5. oh ok
  6. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    They should start trying to monetise custom looks drone designs / ships then reduce the time or cost it takes to become UFE. Ie lf4s, havocs and hercs.
  7. when will start the UBA season of this month?
  8. took me 1 yeae to get from fe to ufe (well will be a year in march). i dont think its so bad, my server isnt the busiest but still, a year isnt that bad. flies by between events, mini events, grinding, gates etc
  9. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    More images of the drones, currently only 2D stuff, will get 3D in-client view sorted later today.


    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]


    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Just a reminder that the Orange and Red Enigma are not being sold in shop but it is pretty normal for the same format of images to be made for everything, normally for use in hanger etc.

    Carnival banners:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2016
  10. Hi :)

    Just to put two missed images ^^

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    EDIT :

    The background of the home page :)

    Last edited: Feb 9, 2016
  11. One again, thank you @Okapi32 for awesome new leaks of upcoming designs. Nice to see visual images what we can expect from upcoming weeks :).

    But there is definitely some issues with these designs: Whose idea was to develop a drone design what is cosmetic and only available from kronos gates? Does developers really think that players will use over 10.000.000 - 20.000.000 uridium for full red enigma set?

    I really like that bigpoint is not making major updates to our current damage/hitpoint/shield system (adding new stuff which increases players stats). I also like this new "trend" in darkorbit, more cosmetics and visual options to players, but this is getting out of hand. I can still remember those good old times, when cosmetics were not overprized...

    As there was mentioned before, Enigma (Green) is available in shop and the designs full set (10 drone designs) costs something like 1.000.000 uridium. So why anyone would like to use 10-20x more uridium for red variation, which costs even more time, effort and the most important thing of all: more money.

    I think that going for full 10 Enigma Red set doesn't feel rewarding at all: too expensive and anyone can get similar design with less uridium and without any effort. Even 1 awesome event of Kronos x2 part day wont help at all...

    Enigma red: Looks cool, but thats all. I would rather to buy instanly 10x Engima (Green) designs which is pretty much the same thing as Enigma (Red). I know that Engima Red designs will be the most unique designs in the whole game (because of the insane price) but is it still worth to use over 10.000.000 uridium for full drone set?
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2016
    TheShadows and chixonator like this.
  12. Enigma red: Looks cool, but thats all. I would rather to buy instanly 10x Engima (Green) designs which is pretty much the same thing as Enigma (Red). I know that Engima Red designs will be the most unique designs in the whole game (because of the insane price) but is it still worth to use over 10.000.000 uridium for full drone set?[/QUOTE]
    Everything you said, is totally true! No matter how cool these red designs look, it will never worth it to make 10 kronoses just to have them... Getting them with uridium, ok, why not. Getting them from TA, even new players can get to first places there so, it's good. But getting them for each finished kronos... New players will never be able to get a design like that. Also, most of the old players which will be able to get few from these designs, don't play with turned drones. I know only few new players that turn them on.
  13. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    PET customization stuff:

    Some new pet design names (separate from the Red, Green and Frozen - now named Artic - designs that were posted earlier in the thread).
    • Mirage Orange
    • Mirage Red
    • Mirage Green
    • Chimera Green
    • Chimera Orange
    • Chimera Red
    At the moment all the designs have the same description - "Give your PET this awesome look in the special variation"

    The 3 Chimera and Mirage Orange P.E.Ts appear to be in packages. All 6 pets seem to be cosmetic.

    Last edited: Feb 12, 2016
  14. Any news about Equipment in Client when it is going to be released on live server and changes?
  15. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It won't be released soon (as in within next couple weeks), it probably still has more open beta testing phases.

    Asking for news tends to be a bit pointless though, anything coming from me is normally going to be things I found on the test servers a few minutes before I posted it. Anything from the mods will have been sent to them by the DO team and they will have either been told its okay for them to post it or it will be FAQ / OA info which is held until the release.
  16. crazytoon

    crazytoon User

    wow they pulled off Carnival event
  17. SauronL

    SauronL User

    I would be much more satisfied if they would put some designs for free, cause ways such as 10 kronos in less than 2 weeks , 1 mil uridium or tons of $ is not looking very nice. They could make for example: lets say red enigma would be kronos chance. lets also say orange enigma would be UBA reward. Then lets say green enigma would have a chance 0,5% to drop from cubikon. Then lets say UBK would drop red phantom. Lets say we have 0,05% chance to find green phantom in bonus box, or lets say we can find orange phantom in any random cargo box. There too many ways how to make customers happy. Hovewer im pretty sure when u give out drones for $ or 1 mil uri , they wont be pretty happy.
    Painkiller32 likes this.
  18. dont forget they may run 2weeks of discounts just dont blow all ya money at once because they may run a discount on the shop drones at near the end if u do plan on buying any
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    P.E.T designs breaking news segment:


    Greetings, pilots!

    After the phenomenal success of their patented DRONELOOKZ system, the R&D conglomerate M.A.S.Q.U.E are proud to reveal their latest innovation – PETLOOKZ!

    Now you can customize the appearance of your P.E.T companion to suit your personal preference. Give yourself a P.E.T that everyone can admire by visiting the shop today!

    This long-awaited feature is sure to push M.A.S.Q.U.E’s share values through the roof!

    Last edited: Feb 17, 2016
    BestGArenEUW likes this.
  20. ponix6000

    ponix6000 User

    when will the pet desinges into the shop?
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