Things to do after reaching FE

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by NubCake87, Oct 12, 2014.

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  1. Dr.Led[GR]

    Dr.Led[GR] User

    How excactly do missions help become more elite? all they give is experience, honor and 200-300 uridium...
    Personally i just have 5 missions that i bother about whenever i am bored, and always try to do the daily ones (especially if there is a booty key, or jump vouchers or log disks)

    Also, is it really that important to get 21-24 points (practically 21 for fats 24 for all visual effects).. i mean, the bonuses are only like 5-10% at the price of hundreds of thousands.. I only upgrade bio when i finish a zeta gate and have enough log disks..
  2. The increase in Hull and Shields are a dramatic increase and the mines dropped by someone with the right BIO settings can wipe a ship out with one mine. So yes the bonus from the bio is needed for the proper survival of your ship.
  3. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    Missions are practically useless for getting UF. Except the one mission where you get an lf4 as a reward.

    I don't bother doing any missions. Maybe only the daily missions that give 1 booty key or 5 spins.

    Just Palla or box

    Focus on Zetas for now.
  4. Missions help keep your rank in place and if you are shooting NPC's anyway why not collect the extra for killing them. Smart people carry items for the NPC's in one map and then pop anything that is red.
  5. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    He wants to become more elite. I'm just stating the fastest way to get there. True, missions do have a purpose. But not in getting to UFE.