[TI] Client not loading. 13feb2016 10:26est usa1

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by LYSSA, Feb 13, 2016.

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  1. LYSSA

    LYSSA User

    Can log on but client wont load. Back page non-functional. ETA please.
    ♥♥BAD-GIRL♥♥ likes this.
  2. H-Town

    H-Town User

    USA West can't log
  3. DimeSlime

    DimeSlime User

    US East same issue
    ♥♥BAD-GIRL♥♥ likes this.
  4. Same here maaannn!! what we will do now freaking game:mad::rolleyes::rolleyes:
    ♥♥BAD-GIRL♥♥ likes this.
  5. GE1 keeps crashing all the time. Been like this for 2 days now.
    ♥♥BAD-GIRL♥♥ likes this.
  6. LYSSA

    LYSSA User

    Tried a couple of my other accounts.. Seems to be problem on multi servers. 13feb2016 11:49est
    ♥♥BAD-GIRL♥♥ likes this.
  7. souleater1

    souleater1 User

    same here back page seems to work fine, but can't get onto the client game page all i get is a black screen!
    ♥♥BAD-GIRL♥♥ likes this.
  8. LYSSA

    LYSSA User

    I get different results from different accounts. My 2 main accounts wont even go to back page. they stick at where the ADs would normally play. A couple others will go to back page but then stuck.. May have to do with the age of the accounts. Has always been some differences between the older accounts and newer ones.
    ♥♥BAD-GIRL♥♥ likes this.
  9. I have same issue too...I think it has to do with windows updates.
    ♥♥BAD-GIRL♥♥ likes this.

    SNOWDOG User

    Same problem here also. Game and server were functional last evening. This problem has surfaced as of this morning on 02-13-2016. Hope its corrected soon !
    ♥♥BAD-GIRL♥♥ likes this.

    SNOWDOG User

    My Windows are currently "up to date" Its a problem with Dark Orbits server. Hope its corrected soon !
    ♥♥BAD-GIRL♥♥ likes this.
  12. Same Here people Usa East 1 is down for most people.
    meatpill-Warlord likes this.
  13. I guess East 2 is down also? Can't load battle page. Had problem loading back page also. Hope we have lf4 tomorrow to make up for it? Hint hint lol
    thanks for reading my rank :)

    GalaxyPrincess (GP)
  14. Multiple browsers tested on multiple connections on EAST1
    -fiber 60 meg bad lag
    -fios 150 meg bad lag
    -Comcast cable really bad lag
    -T1 6 meg bonded bad lag

    Each was with a different pc current flash and win 7 pro 64.

    I had a problem with Firefox where you had to go to addons and then plugins and uncheck protected mode in flash. Then it worked.

    Now when I hit most every backpage that involves flash extensions nothing works. Been messing with it for a while. Seems to be a flash related problem that has been getting worse all week.
    ♥♥BAD-GIRL♥♥ likes this.
  15. Same problem...back page is laggy and game screen will not load.

  16. I'm sure support is aware of this by now
  17. LYSSA

    LYSSA User

    ♥♥BAD-GIRL♥♥ likes this.
  18. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello everyone,

    We're working on getting info on this to support. In the meantime, if you could please post back with some information (trace route, ISP) I'll send it up & we can see if it helps get to the bottom of the issue. If you wish you can provide the info here, the Chat section, or contact support if you do not wish the info to be in forums.

    If you are unsure how to do a traceroute:
    ♥♥BAD-GIRL♥♥ likes this.
  19. LYSSA

    LYSSA User

    Trace.. 13feb2016 13:16est

    Tracing route to darkorbit-47-game-01-pub-01.ashv.bigpoint.net []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 * * * Request timed out.
    2 * 26 ms 5 ms 50-248-248-102-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net []
    3 21 ms 40 ms 10 ms
    4 21 ms 16 ms 18 ms
    5 17 ms 12 ms 18 ms xe-5-1-23-0-ar01.b0atlanta.ga.atlanta.comcast.net []
    6 28 ms 32 ms 14 ms hu-0-4-0-3-cr02.56marietta.ga.ibone.comcast.net []
    7 21 ms 10 ms 30 ms c-eth-0-2-0-pe05.56marietta.ga.ibone.comcast.net []
    8 21 ms 17 ms 61 ms
    9 12 ms 24 ms 50 ms be2034.ccr41.atl01.atlas.cogentco.com []
    10 25 ms 23 ms 52 ms be2112.ccr41.dca01.atlas.cogentco.com []
    11 25 ms 24 ms 51 ms be2171.ccr41.iad02.atlas.cogentco.com []
    12 46 ms 84 ms 63 ms
    13 30 ms 32 ms 38 ms

    Trace complete.
    ♥♥BAD-GIRL♥♥ likes this.
  20. Solid no one of us are going to do it because this is a game problem = problem of support, so they need to fix it, we cant do anything moving our pc's cmd.exe and those stuff...
    ♥♥BAD-GIRL♥♥ likes this.
  21. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    It provides information which can help to determine the issue. You do not have to do it, but it can and has helped in the past.

    @LYSSA, thank you

    ♥♥BAD-GIRL♥♥ likes this.
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