[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Toudi

    Toudi User

    Looking at the description probably during or after Carnival event.
  2. Okay so finally something that might be used but why just cosmetic why not make something that is actually beneficial for the money they are going to want for it?
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    In the future when they add in pet designs which give a bonus then a separate group of people will begin crying about how they are killing the game and we don't need more damage and everything is ruined etc. At least with cosmetic items, if you don't like it or don't want it then you are in no worse position than anyone else who has them.

    You also say 'Okay so finally something that might be used' as if the cosmetic drones aren't used by anyone either - thousands of players have bought them so its a pretty obvious decision for the DO team that cosmetic pets would be the next step forward for customization options.

    It can be very foolish to complain about cosmetic updates that don't add stat bonuses as it could lead the people in charge to believe we want a power creep with every single update.

    The stat pet designs will likely come eventually but lets not rush into them and end up having a few released in a short amount of time or anything like that.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2016
  4. Toudi

    Toudi User

    Bro this will be unfair for players who's not invest much money in this game , I like the way how darkorbit deal with things now. Players can chose the way how they look and they don't have to buy because of stats :)
  5. So is the new drone now being dropped by ''Evil You'' in the Kronos Gate?


    T <3
  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yeah, the Red Enigma is acquired from a bonus box that is dropped by the 'Evil You' in Kronos GG. If you want to try and get the full set, box doubler + pet protocols + pilot bio works on the box so you can get 2 or 3 drones per Kronos.

    It will stop being dropped in Kronos when the event ends on the 28th of February 23:59:59.

    >>The FAQ<< has all the info on the other drone designs and how to get them.
  7. Rossi

    Rossi User

    I have a question, which might not be answered, but worth the shot.

    I am thinking about buying ice drones but I wouldn't like to buy them and then discovered, that you will be able, in like 2 months, build them in the new crafting thingy system that's in progress. So my question is: Can you build them, or is it special?

  8. only a small list for the craft system is out and it aint much we dont have any clue what will be put in the crafting system its more for the noobs then the UFE players, they may come up with event where they add new stuff just have to wait and see
  9. The PET is best used as a 'guard' not a kami 'tool'...just load it up with lf-3s and/or lf-4s when you get them. :rolleyes: despite myself ;) I like the color change of the PET....not the drones o_O
    -AdamantiumDragon- and SauronL like this.
  10. The PET cosmetics are really the only ones worth anything as they are the only ones that is guaranteed to be seen, the drones require you and others to have them turned on to see, whereas, the PET is seen as long as it is active, unless you are cloaked.
  11. Thanks :)
  12. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Chimera pet design:
    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Mirage pet design:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    At the moment the 3 Chimera pets all seem to have package offers / deals, however out of the Mirage designs only the Orange seems to have one.

    Only the mirage has the all the 3d files available at the moment, will post in-game views of it later. Currently no 2D files so could be later today or next week.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
    *Amitié* likes this.
  13. Toudi

    Toudi User

    Hahaha I think the designer was still drunk after new year :D This game will always surprise me, mirage one looks nice...
  14. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    Chimera pet design looks very much like the the F117 stealth fighter minus the tail fins and made me think back to an issue with the original lenov design looking to much like a jedi fighter and had to be remodeled because of possible copyright implications. The Mirage pet design looks incomplete to many bits detached from the main body.
  15. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    WOW these look amazing :eek::D

    Has anyone picked up that the Chimera pet designs look like [​IMG]

    yellowsubmarine likes this.
  16. LOL...I got you. Looks like a thumb and fingers rubbing together :rolleyes:
    TheShadows likes this.
  17. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    Ahhh more than one meaning.

    The rabbit hole is deeper than I realise :eek:
  18. Lol... Those are pretty ugly looking designs. :confused:
  19. Rossi

    Rossi User

    Can anybody please post a pic with frozen drones in 2D? I looked for it everywhere, but found only in 3D. THX!
  20. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Think they were in the old achieved thread somewhere but will just repost them here for you:
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