Carnival 2016 feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Solid_Eye, Feb 15, 2016.

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  1. Okay then it must be this weekend coming up. But it will only be a bonus when buying your Uridium. If you would have done as I stated and checked the thread you could have found out what I have transferred to this thread below.

    Okapi32 posted Monday in "UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed";

    Uridium deal this weekend - they work on MHH as well if anyone hasn't done it before and was wondering.

    Greetings, pilots!

    This weekend, starting on Friday at midnight, all the way through until Monday, 23:59h (Local Server Time), you will get great bonuses with every Uridium purchase! Buy the Uridium package of your choice and get the following exciting bonuses:

    • 15,000 Uridium package: 2 weeks premium
    • 30,000 Uridium package: 2 weeks premium and 1 week Rebate Advantage Package
    • 75,000 Uridium package: 1 month premium plus 1 week Rebate Advantage Package
    • 150,000 Uridium: 500 Extra Energy, a Defcom ship and one Hercules Drone design
    • 330,000 Uridium: 500 Extra Energy, a Defcom ship, one 1 Hercules design, a Goliath Surgeon and one Month Premium
  2. Tis annoying the Surgeon is only available with a cash purchase, as some of us have no incentive to use/purchase any booty being almost UFE giving us the chance of a surgeon from a booty would at least balance out if they could be included in Booty boxes. I doubt they are even in the Blue/Red booty nevermind the regular green and gold ones. Maybe this could become another themed event or at least add to planned or ongoing ones as it may be an incentive to participate in game events like infiltration or other npc based events.
  3. The Surgeon was initially a reward from the Parasite Tide event that may be coming out again in May, since that was when they had it last year, and they seem to be recycling events lately.
  4. april 2010 started playing dark orbit quicklyrealising i would have to pay to play if i wanted to be anygood, ive stuck with it thru thick and thin mainly because of the thousands of pounds ive spent, thru bp denying botters exist to bp denying auto locks exist, watching mmo camp in 1-2 for days on end as vru put more than 1 nme on the danger bar. Ive put up with rude ignorant some downright nasty comments from support, ive had chat bans for a month as i watch other people say far worse and get away with it...thru all this i have still paid my subs im still prem i still buy doubler and rebate. This week i havent spent any money on mhh i didnt aquire any gates or do any and ive gone up the ranking by 5 places, ive cancelled my subs bp as the game is not fit for purpose. No longer does it fill me with pleasure, all bp want is money, they are not bothered how it comes as long as it does
  5. You know, for all the hype built up for the three new missions, they really are overly difficult with a minimal reward. Kill 5 UBKs without dying, get 3 booty key. Kill 50 prots, pirates, and kristallin without dying, 100 uber rockets. Damage lordakia without killing them or fail, and get 2k RSB. These missions really aren't worth the effort, and I am surprised I even got the first one done.
  6. My real life friends stopped paying over 6 months ago and now we get NEWSLETTERS telling us MHH is coming soon (every Sunday morning), tell me they are not hurting for the money we are not spending!
    I looked at the requirements and did not even take the missions as I saw they were a waste of time to do. The fact you have to kill Lordakia in x-6 map told me the true story (not supposed to complete the quests at all). The events are just trying to get the coins they have lost recently and they seem to be loosing even more as they have really shown their true colors and how really greedy they are.
  7. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    The quest had a mistake, it was fixed. If the point was to have made an impossible quest just to sole example of ruin in a game, I don't imagine it would have been fixed.


  8. In a way, I see this event as a way to get the veteran players to help out the newer players, although it would be great if they would just come out and say that. The first mission was not too bad for a new player, but the second one wanting you to kill uber-streunerR and UBK, and the third mission just screams "NOOB Get You Some Help." I know I have a leg up with getting help since I have no problem getting in the chat and asking for assistance, but we have a lot of players that may send you an invite but can't figure out how to say what they need help with past that point. This is not to bash on them, just stating facts. Even though I am in NOOB status myself, I can't get these players to tell me what they are working on, even when they have already made the jump to vengi or goli.
  9. I got third place in uba event. Cool useless drone designs useless bronze goliath design. I would better want 5 booty keys instead of all this trash. Btw orange drone designs are ugly. Not even damn 5% dmg boost for goli design, even enforcer is better than that, and it is called prize? kidding me? enforcer is worth 10k creds in auction, but this isnt worth even that much lol. Please make it possible to sell that design, it messing up my inventory i dont even want that trash in there.
  10. That is why these designs are COSMETIC ONLY and any of the UBA designs are just that COSMETIC, just so you can show off the fact you participated in, and won UBA competition.
  11. bd33

    bd33 User

    the game as a whole has gone backwards since "DO" tried improving it.... they keep making stupid decisions on what they think works for players...... hence why so many players just dont do the events. the masquerade event was stupid pretty much most players looked at quest number 2 and did even try it. and as for more mhh's and more kronus event lol why would a person do a kronus for a crap ship when the surgeon design comes up for sale... i stopped spending a money when i seen continued breaking of rules and poor planed events...
  12. Edited poster quote.
    I agree with the invasion starts very very hard and then gets easier o_O Kill em' all before they can enjoy :oops: the rest of the gate and they don't even drop cargo. Only on a few select NPCs :rolleyes: do...Heck, while you are at it - drop the Century Falcon just as I enter LoW to START ;) I am just going with DO logic, not mine.

    Boxes were OK...liked the replacement of fuel used by me PET :D Gonna achieve if you know what I mean o_O

    Haven't done the (Mas) missions, so no idea about that.

    Too many were busy doing GG do anything anyways...esp. with Kronos event in conjunction w/ Invasion gate day/night.

    For a real crazy carnival, let a player do the Hades - once all by themselves.

    Pretty much a - masquerade.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2016
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