[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    Yeah! The starfighter that Obi-Wan pilots in Attack of the Clones. :D
  2. It's still a paper glider :p
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  3. now we know what they do at the bigpoint office lol
  4. Haha! Well interesting comparison.Would be cool to have pet designs that boosted non pvp stats, stuff like uri bonus, credit bonus or maybe even a rankpoint booster.
  5. In a death spiral - notice the hole in the right wing :eek: and a passenger blew the emergency exit door open - can't land in space :oops:
    BestGArenEUW likes this.
  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Breaking News bit for Easter event has been updated to include a start date:

    Greetings, pilots!

    After the wildly successful introduction of the DRONELOOKZ™ system, M.A.S.Q.U.E. has done it again!

    PETLOOKZ™ enables all P.E.T.s to be individually customized, meaning you no longer have to choose between style and stats!

    Starting on Monday, the 21st of March 2016, at midnight – at the same time this year's Easter event is scheduled to kick off - the first designs will be available everywhere in human space:
    The Chimera P.E.T. skin complements the Phantom drone design, while the Mirage design is a great match for fans of the Enigma drone designs.

    PETLOOKZ™ will fit all P.E.T.s, so every pilot can easily equip the new designs.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2016
    BestGArenEUW likes this.
  7. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    UBA March season breaking news text:

    Greetings, pilots!

    The latest UBA season has started! Join the challenge and defeat as many enemies in the UBA PvP arena and place yourself amongst the top 3 ranked players to win these valuable prizes:

    1. 1st Place
      • 10 Blue Skull drone designs
      • 10 Red Skull drone designs
      • 10 Green Skull drone designs
    2. 2nd Place
      • 5 Blue Skull drone designs
      • 5 Red Skull drone designs
      • 5 Green Skull drone designs
    3. 3rd Place
      • 2 Blue Skull drone designs
      • 2 Red Skull drone designs
      • 2 Green Skull drone designs
    For more information on the UBA seasons, the awarded titles and the regular prizes for place 1-50, please check the UBA Seasons FAQ on the DarkOrbit Forums.
    BestGArenEUW likes this.
  8. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Red Enigma weekend:

    The Carnival may be over but the Evil You in the Kronos gate still has not let go of the Red Enigma Drone Designs!

    This weekend, starting Friday at midnight and ending on Sunday at 23:59 (Local Server Time), you have the last chance to win one of the awesome DRONELOOKZ™ designs hidden in the Evil You’s stash.

    When the text says 'this weekend' that does not necessarily mean this weekend as of this post being written, it could be that the breaking news bit is meant to show up next week etc.
    BestGArenEUW likes this.
  9. If only there were official announcements that came more than a day ahead of the events. o_O

    This is not a dig on the mods, maybe on the devs for holding out on the information but not the mods. ;)
    theOtherKey and PuckerUp like this.
  10. AkAKuzuki

    AkAKuzuki User

    2 more weeks no event? i guess i'll boxing or palla all day then :(
  11. You know D O can't do that, they need every minute they can to TRY to get the programming to work correctly, and even after they make the announcement about something happening, KNOWING, something is wrong they will still release it so the problem can be exploited for personal gains by those undeserving few while the majority of the community takes it in the shorts, just look at the Kuiper Gate Event, where the announcement stated "they had issues and were hoping to release this week, but may have to be delayed", they should have delayed instead of creating such a rift, with the entire community, over the unfairness of the problem.

    What you want a special EVENT all the time? I remember when the only events were done for SPECIAL occasions (Spring Break, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and D O Birthday) and most were less than a week long, some even a weekend. D O has found the need to create more "EVENTS" to supplement their loss of income from their dwindling community, and the events have become so LAME, that even these are not generating the results they were hoping for.

    I liked it when WE (the players) made our own events (within our clans) it brought unity to the clan, gave us a reason to play with each other and even help those who needed help. Today it is ALL about ME (MY ACCOUNT) not the community, not the clan, not the company, but ME. No Event guess I will go pout. I want events that really mean something, force players to come together as a company, prevent the NEED to kill your own company players.

    Back when the Pirates were introduced the weak were not attacked off of their target but had assistance from the strongest (FE with FULL Bio) in the game, clans that only helped themselves were even helping the noobs instead of having to pop them for the rewards. Did the players like the way the game was changed, NO, they disliked the addition of the Pirates to the normal maps because they could not do NORMAL quests/boxing without being disturbed by these Pirates, but by the time the Event was started we had a PURPOSE and everyone worked for the purpose, "Drive these NPC's out of our maps" which generated the 5-x maps (yes I know this was the intention at the time, just not told to us), but the point is you had an active community working together for a goal.

    I say if D O wants to make something of themselves and regenerate populations like they used to have, they need to revisit how the game was functioning back then, YES we had issues (strongest 50 players of 3 companies created new clans to win the rewards, disbanded as soon as the rewards were issued to their original clans) and the clans who had been together for a long time took second fiddle to this cheat, but we were not all killing our own company players (lots of clan wars over the cheat though) to try to have fun, chasing NEW players from the game.

    The point is the activities were designed so everyone of a level to get to the maps were able to participate and enjoy the activities, and those not leveled high enough, or strong enough, had help to get to that point. You wanted to kill Boss Devo's you were able to get a group together easily to do these, level 10 player wanted to get to level 12 TODAY they would be able to get a group together and work missions in a map to do that and even sharing the NPC rewards made the jump easily, whereas today you will sit in chat and ask for help for hours while soloing the quests trying to advance in the level system, hoping that you are not popped by every UFE that comes along (whether enemy or friendly). The game has had to advance to keep the game interesting, but there is a point where the advancement has actually work in reverse and become a detriment to the game.

    Imagine having to do this quest in today's game (taken from Quest FAQ still posted);

    200! (Level 9)Overview
    Hunt down 200 Sibelons on your company's X-4 map.

    • - 6,500,000 EP
    • - 6,500,000 Credits
    • - 2,000 Uridium

    Yet a level 9 player could get this done in a couple days, if they wanted to, because we were able to get a group together at anytime interested in killing these, if not for this quest for any of the others we had to do. BTW finish this quest and you were level 10 (1,280,000 EP for jump) because of the NPC rewards and the quest reward. But today's player does not even have to think about doing such a task to level up.
  12. @Okapi32

    I am sure this is not something that is going to be added in the game, but i may be wrong? Check this when you have time, its something really interesting. ;)
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  13. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yeah a few people have brought that up now, they are just created by a fan, not by darkorbit :)
  14. These are really cool, unlike designs that DO developers have made so far!
    "It's not really hard to make paper plane. And it's ugly as design too." (Chimera)
    DO developers should really take example from that guy.
  15. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Some form of new special log in bonus appears to be in the works.

    Info from loading screen slides:

    Each time you log in you can collect a reward. After logging in 5 days in a row you are eligible for a special reward.You can also re-roll the items, but you will start at day 1 if you do so.

    The company selection screen appears to be changing a little too for starting accounts - something to do with 3 values for each company. Wouldn't read into it too much right now since there's very little info to go off, could just be 3 variations of flavor text to describe each company.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2016
  16. I hope it lasts longer than the log-in reward of Kuiper Event...
    †BΛЯBΛЯIΛN† likes this.
  17. Wonder if they will be starting it at Day One even though we are at day 5. Will they restart the Login Bonus on all accounts to start the counter? Will they give us more information so we KNOW exactly what they are doing? TOO many questions were raised by the Kuiper Gate bonus that were not answered until days after the event was over, and then it was take this and leave us alone.

    I hope it works the way they say, when it is described, instead of having to get support to FIX what they messed up, it never did give anyone 2 gate parts as seen on login page. And even the fix was not correct (most of us log in every day) but gave us as if we had just started to log in, but I guess 12 Gate parts is better than a swift kick in the backside. But yes I agree it is time for a permanent change to the login bonus, even started a thread suggesting some possibilities but for what ever reason was deleted before too many people saw it.
  18. Yeah thats what we need better rewards!H8 farming cubes all the time.
  19. Hi :)

    Just a little update for the chat window:

    (I've just replace the existing elements and I don't know if the element's location are going to change)
    I don't know if this is just graphic and when it's coming.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2016
  20. ponix6000

    ponix6000 User

    wil the pet desinges be sold each and a package of 4? and wil the green pet desinge into the shop for uri?
    sorry for the bad english
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