[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. 1 will be uba winner 1 will be uri shop and all of them with be in shop for real money
  2. They are in PAYMENT section now single and as a whole I would say eventually they will appear in the SHOP for uridium but not for a while.
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Okay a few things to write about.

    There is a thing called 'asLight', not sure what that is but there is a new setting called 'pixelation mode' - it could be related to that in some way but honestly there's no way to know for sure right now.

    The chat seems to be reworked or restructured slightly, there is an error message if someone is typing too fast and posting too many things in chat too often, I think that is new or at least I haven't experienced it before in current chat.

    Ship customization is making its way to the game, full details are hard to come by just from the test server documents but there is something called "favorite ship slots" in the hanger and there will be a maximum of 10 of these slots.

    As far as I know the ship customization thing will be similar to how drones and pets work, you can put a design that gives no bonus ontop of one that does.

    Customization categories are pretty self explanatory it seems.

    G = Goliath
    S = Spearhead
    A = Aegis
    C = Citadel
    N = Nostromo
    V = Vengeance
    BB = Bigboy

    So a Referee design for the Goliath is G-Referee etc. Those names could just be temporary.

    The only big difference is that the Diminisher, Sentinel, Spectrum, Venom and Solace are no longer classed as being Goliath. They are their own ships now. The lightning is still a Vengeance.

    There are 2 new quests but neither of them have names or text at the moment.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2016
  4. So they are returning these to a ship instead of a design, that is going to make the Hangar situation a lot harder when they implement the in-game hangar changes.
  5. That would suck if a player has all hangers full.
    theOtherKey likes this.
  6. Tell me about it I have 2 Vengeance Hangars so I could have the Pusat and Lightning equipped and ready to fly now I have to decide what ships to SELL so I can have more Goliath ships, and YES I have all 10 hangars full. I hope this is just a misread script as I would hate to have to sell ships just to be able to have them available. OR are they going to increase the number of Hangars to be purchased to accommodate the new changes reverting back to what they were originally?
  7. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    Changing the goli designs to 5 individual ships will not go down well at all, all those that have paid real money and uri to get the deigns will not be happy as they would have to get 5 extra hanger slots and pay out more uri to use what they have already payed for once, a double whammy move like this by DO would be very bad for the game and loose the trust of a lot of players who have spent money.
  8. BUT, again, when they were first introduced they were actual ships and could only get them with "PAYMENT" then eventually went into the "SHOP" and were changed to designs when they went into the "AUCTION" and now they seem to be reverting back to ships which is going to raise KANE with those who thought they were going to stay as designs and filled their Hangars accordingly. So, unless D O wants to really loose a lot of players this change is going to include adding more Hangars and giving them away again (like they did with the reduction in price of additional Hangars and purchase of Yamato and DefCom ships), I would say for every "Specialty Design (the 5 in question)" owned you are given an additional Hangar to house these ships, NOT decide what ships to sell so you can use these 5 place holders.

    The other option is to allow us to rotate the ships in the Hangars meaning we have the OPTION to sell or RESTOCK additional inventory ships, YES this would be a pain in the backside having to re-equip the ship when making the change but it is better than having to sell them every time you wanted to change to something other than the 10 available.

    I say it is a mistake to introduce this change with the upcoming In-Game Hangar modification that is already being tested. What Wallet Warriors that are still in the game, that bought the ships originally, knowing they had to have them in separate Hangars, to see them changed to DESIGNS, and now back to ships may be the straw to break the WALLET (LOL) and prevent them from spending anymore with you, assuming they do not quit the game all together.

    Some of the recent changes have not been completely thought thru and are not setting very well with the populous of the game.
  9. Simply, skill designs are classed as different ships meaning you cant make one of them look like sapphire design but you could make a an enforcer look like an amber design.
  10. Wow the game is getting boring. I am in the verge of quiting the game. Nothing new. Poped everyone in the game and not even have boosters. What the point of color design no special abilities. You can do better then that. Tina you the best. Sincerely the one and only JJWatt.
  11. I can understand this as it would be too difficult to create the "VANITY" skins for them, but that is not what was said by Okapi32 when he made this statement;

    The only big difference is that the Diminisher, Sentinel, Spectrum, Venom and Solace are no longer classed as being Goliath. They are their own ships now.

    No longer classed as Goliath is the way they were introduced ORIGINALLY you had the ship and it had to be in its own Hangar or you sold it when you decided to change to another ship. We are in need of further clarification as to what is happening so we really know if it is really being set as "Their Own Ship" or just not getting the "VANITY" slot, I would hope it is the "VANITY" slot not being applied to it. Then it also brings into question if they are going to create "VANITY" skins for the Vengeance ships and whether the Lightning and Pusat are going to receive them or are going to get the same restrictions when they are created.

    Can't expect them to have Special Events all the time. Instead of HUNTING all the time why not help the NEWBS get stronger or learn how to defend themselves from being popped? The game is what you make it, instead of popping everyone all the time the weak ones would really appreciate the assistance in completing quests (oh that is right you are tired of grinding NPC's and is why you only HUNT newbs).

    What an attitude change from when the game started and before UFE status came to the game, "boring" was sitting on port protecting the maps from enemy attack (no longer done because of AJP-01), now boring is tired of popping players as "I have already popped everyone". You make the game exciting in what you are doing, not in what is put into the game for a short period of time. You got spoiled during the "HOLIDAYS" because we had 3 months with almost non stop events, which is not what D O was founded on, but was done to try to increase player participation in the game which in some cases backfired and chased more away. I can remember having Easter Eggs, Fireworks, Hallows Eve, Thanksgiving, and Birthday/X-mas events, or a NEW CHANGE to the game, to look forward to and that was all we had. Now they have something every month for 1-2 weeks and sometimes we even have 2 in one month (like December was all month long EVENT).
  12. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I don't know where you are getting your information from in regards to the skill designs not being a Goliath when they were introduced. They have always been a Goliath and the only way you could select one was as a design.
    The skill designs were also never exclusive to payment, the controversy over them was that they didn't go into auction until years later, whereas every other uridium item at that point had gone straight into auction.
    The concept of multiple hangers did not exist when they were introduced into the game.

    Hanger overview of the Solace

    Breaking news of skill designs being introduced to the game

    I think BMλŋ916-ƒliesUSƒlaǧ is correct in saying it has been done so that people would not put a 'regular' Goliath on top of the skill designs since they have very distinctive looks compared to the regular Goliath model. It could be that in the future there are plans to expand the amount of ships we have currently that are similar to how skill designs are now.

    With regards to hanger slots, there is something being called 'favorite hangers' being created with a maximum limit of 10 so if these are a separate classification of hanger then it is reasonable to assume that more hanger slots will be added into the game. I am sure the developers have already taken this into consideration.
  13. Kyro

    Kyro User

    Hopefully they make it so you're not forced to just use stuff on one ship as in if want to use stuff on another ship you have to remove it from the current ship then put everything manually on another ship... It is not practical for huge majority of players to have/get more drone designs and lf4's for other ships, just let us bloody put our stuff on more than one ship it's not like we can use more than one ship at a time so it's just pointless making us remove stuff then put on other ship.

    A very high majority of players will never even bother to try get more equipment for another ship, they just do the tedious/pointless removing and putting it on another ship... So hopefully they do change how it currently is cause it serves no purpose other than to be a bother/annoyance to players. As already said I'm pretty confident huge majority of players would do the tedious removing/moving than get more equipment for another ship, so I doubt BP will barely miss any money by doing this change. So just do it, BP.

    Or atleast do a kind of "saved configs" which can load as says configs, so if everything that is in the saved configs is not being used by another ship then it puts the stuff on the ships configs. That would atleast shorten it down to clicking "remove config" twice(or maybe add another button to remove both configs, then its just one click...) then just "load configs"* on other ship but it would be simpler to just let us use stuff on as many ships want, so the moving just happens in the background automatically without even knowing... >.>

    *or guess clicking "load config" twice so load configs individually... or could just give option of loading certain saved configs individually or loading two set configs at once aka can save/load individual configs and both configs.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
  14. It is nice to get the UNOFFICIAL heads up of what is coming, however, it would be nice to get some OFFICIAL reports when questions are brought up, like you reporting in #385 "The only big difference is that the Diminisher, Sentinel, Spectrum, Venom and Solace are no longer classed as being Goliath. They are their own ships now." We know they are planning on moving the Hangar's to In-Game as we have seen on the Beta Site but have not heard or seen anything since that failed test, too many questions were asked and too few answers were given. Now they are adding 'favorite hangers' again without enough information except it is "seen" in some script. These upcoming additions would make great dialogue for the next TWITCH feed, if it is in the Alpha testing then it should be discussed for the community to comment on or at least get an understanding of what it is before they actually cram it down our throats.
  15. Hopefully you are not suggesting that it is he who will give the official report. Okapi can only say what is seen during testing. Dev's will never give clear information on what they are doing, even during open-beta testing. Even the information they hand off to the mods for our consumption is broken up and incomplete. I will give that it would be good for Twitch dialogue but I won't be holding my breath on that one. :rolleyes:
    theOtherKey likes this.
  16. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Players are definitely not needed to know about anything that is in the alpha stage of production. Nothing is set in stone during an alpha and they DO team would not gain anything in telling people about something that was in alpha. If they then changed the feature it would open them up to players calling them 'liers' and such.
    It also doesn't make sense from a marketing standpoint to talk too much about a customization feature that isn't coming out for what could be 2 or 3 months, people who wanted it wouldn't really get excited for something that they can't even have soon.

    The communication to players could be better in terms of keeping the players updated on progress, general info or not withholding FAQ info until the day of an event being released. However I think you are mistaken in how much we should be entitled to know about updates and features that are not close to being released.

    Everything I pull off the test servers could be misinterpreted and I think in some respects what I did in this thread was very annoying for the team as well as having the benefit of keeping people interested in developments in the game. Since this thread became popular test4 and test5 have been created and both are password protected so they cannot be datamined.
    This was probably because in the past there have been examples of times when I have misinterpreted an update which has excited players only for them to then be angry at DO for my mistake.

    It could well be that they are indeed going to show it in a twitch stream or the likes, which would be a positive thing for players such as yourself. However I'm guessing you would want somebody from the DO team to comment on it now saying "We plan on talking about it more on X" or "We cannot commit to giving details on the feature right now as it's still in early stages of production", which is where the communication improvements would come in.
  17. NO that is not what I would want, but this latest is a prime example. I have always thought of the 5 Specialty Designs as there own and would never think of being able to change their appearance with "VANITY" skins, but to say they are their "OWN SHIPS" and "no longer classed as goliath", is saying just as I interpreted that we were going to have to place the ships in Hangars to be able to use them. This is where the information clarification would be nice to let us know what they are working on in regards to this, THE NEXT in their "VANITY" updates. I had never thought they would allow the disguising of the ships as it changes how a person decides to attack another player (some only attack ships they know are weaker to guarantee the win).

    I find it funny, we had the Beta Site Test of the "In-Game Equipment" and a few were able to log in to see it and asked so many questions that never got answered and we have heard nothing else about it since (considering the feedback thread was created the end of December) they have not even opened the Test Server again so we could actually see what they are doing (since the failure of January 19 when it was opened and closed before anyone knew it was going to be open), I even see the entire Dev Blog Feedback has forgotten the reason for it being created (January 4th started discussing server merges instead of In-Game Equipment update) but it is feedback to the Dev's so it is on topic just not the topic it was originally created for.

    So what is the status of this? Is it still in the test site you are "datamining"? We have so many things that have been "leaked" and seen nothing of, I am curious to see if they are not just adding stuff to the site to be "datamined" and following this thread to get additional ideas on what to include in the change, as we ask questions.
  18. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I don't understand what it is you actually want then. Are you just complaining for the sake of complaining? I think you do not have a full understanding of how a development process or test servers work.

    I have stated everything I post is my interpretation and that the customization feature is not actually on test1 or test2. There is just a couple lines of code to display text for when the feature is added to those servers, hense the feature is not close to completion. If something is not close to being completed then no development team will talk about it since it could change by the time it is released - which would annoy players who would feel they were lied to.

    You say that the EiC was tested and they DO never commented on any of the feedback, that is completely false. The last dev blog goes into detail about the issues that were raised and how they planned to address them. The twitch steam also said the EiC was being delayed because they wanted to add / change parts of it and didn't want to release it now and then have to go back later and change it again.

    So again I have to ask - what is your point here? You seem to just want something to complain about so will look for anything to cling onto. You are also talking about this customization feature as if its coming out next week. As I said its not even on test1 or test2, it is not coming out soon.
    You also said you wanted more communication then when I agreed with you you said "NO that is not what I would want, but this latest is a prime example." ???

    I read this forum almost every day. Almost every day I see you either trying to make life more difficult for the mods or going off on a tangent to blow things way out of proportion. You are notorious for constantly complaining and trying to make a scene out of everything.
    How can you possibly talk in such detail and expect so much from something that you do not understand how it works?

    As I said in my first reply to you, I agree more communication would be helpful. However you in particular have little understanding of how the development process seems to work. No game gives posts detailed information on anything that is early stages of production.

    To put it into perspective for you:
    The first mention of the Easter event was in the form of the Mirage and Chimera pets. Those names were posted on Febuary 12th. The event does not start until 21st of March, well over a month after the names were discovered.

    That was just a single event and the transition time between it being discovered on test servers to it coming out was almost 6 weeks. It can be expected for actual game features to take longer than this.

    The first mention of vanity drone designs being placed ontop of Havoc / Hercules was September 2015. The feature was not completed and released until February 2016.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
  19. No, I am trying to point different things out and as there was major discussion about the "Vanity" and these have been added fairly quickly after being posted here seem to be coming sooner than later. Just trying to see the clear picture.

    I do understand that this is an interpretation of what you are seeing, I also know the first "Vanity" items were seen and then released fairly soon after you saw them thus if following the Drone and PET time tables the Ship is as soon as next month, and just trying to answer your earlier questions of WHERE I got my information from.

    And as I stated the last BLOG was posted Dec 28th and yes they touched a little on the EiC during TWITCH but it was so little and would seem to go hand in hand with the Ship "Vanity" especially with the 'favorite hanger' addition you mentioned seeing. Again even the feedback thread created has dropped the EiC from its discussion, mainly, as of January 4th.

    I am sorry if asking for clarity is "complaining" I have issues with designs becoming SHIPS especially with the direction D O has shown it is taking the "Back Page" activities we have grown accustomed to doing.
  20. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    You are literally complaining for the sake of complaining in this instance regarding EiC. I do agree with your point with the server issues, hopefully we can expect an update on that once the weekend is over.

    They said on the twitch stream that EiC is delayed because they want to be a full release and not release it now then have to go back and make significant changes to it again.
    That is an explanation as to why it is not out. What else are they doing to say. "Hey guys, just and update to let you know we have no more news about the EiC"?

    This is not a vanity item.

    This is a new feature to the game. It is not a new ship or a new ship design. It is a feature in the game, requires a reworking of the hanger to apply it.

    The ability to put cosmetics drones on top of stat drones was first mentioned in September 2015 with traces of it appearing in the test clients in late November / early December, the feature was released in February 2016. Over 5 months from first mention to release. That was not a new item, that was a new system being put into the game. This is the same but on a bigger scale.

    You made some really valid points regarding communication, but you have blown the time scale of this way out of proportion.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
    Toudi likes this.
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