[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. It will be time to play to get my LF4 and Surgeon, I'm excited again. The crafting recipes should be easy to complete. But wait, the understanding, what a human is, of D O isn't: "The player isn't a bot, he is a human with a limited endurance for doing monotone things again and again. The game goals should only a little hardly to reach, don't rip him off this game". The correct understanding: "Every player is equal, regardless of whether being a bot or a human. Survival of the fittest! Have superhuman endurance (=bot) , a supernatural big moneybag for F2P games or die out. By the way, bots will be banned."

    The only thing which annoys me is the payment icon. That's ok, all online game companies have their own way to earn their money.
  2. Just cough up $20 a month - save up or use it - make that a $1 a day habit :rolleyes:
  3. This does help the F2P players. The UFE's probably wont need many (if any) of the items in the assembly system since they pretty much got everything already.
  4. Not all wallets are UFE and as such they will be UFE very quickly with the crafting/assembly system especially if they can buy the stuff in the SHOP instead of having to collect it from killing NPC's.
  5. ]eggy[

    ]eggy[ User

    lol thay work out how much thay want off people by daily rates off 10 pound a day lol so that mean 70 pound a week ,,which means 70 pound every sunday on megga hour lol ..10 pound a day just to have a chance lool most game only cost 10 pound a month and thay make darkorbit look rubbish dont have lag dont have pay to win ,infact why is every1 still even playing this game is the Q lol
    BestGArenEUW likes this.

    *MOONGLOW* User

    this is so true I have nothing else to add
  7. Or maybe "rush" 100 pounds for the whole playing time. But IMO 100 pounds in D O...aren't so enjoyable for a long time.
  8. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Bunch of new breaking news entries, none have descriptions at the moment:

    • DoubleXpDay
    • GGWeekend1
    • GGWeekend2
    • GGWeekend3
    • GGWeekend4
    • GGMaterializerDay
    • MasqueSaleRBBooty
    • MasqueSaleCustomSet
    • MasqueSaleEvent
    • GGBonusRewards
    • BootyKeyDeal
    • ExtraEnergyDeal
    • shipExpo

    Seems like a lot of them are events that will be repeated and the breaking news will be a way to alert players that the deals / event is active. Similar to how the 50% boosters are shown on breaking news now.

    Double XP days are a new concept as far as I'm aware and the GG weekend / bonus reward stuff could be entirely new too.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2016
    BestGArenEUW likes this.
  9. This will be funny, I've never saw that.
  10. RaidenxX

    RaidenxX User

    Lots of interesting stuff for the future :)
  11. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    Looks like a few of the breaking news themes maybe a repackage to fit the new M.A.S.Q.U.E theme with a few new themes added the GG weekends could be for Kronos gate parts, i am trying to read between the lines and could be missing by a mile.
  12. These may be the Announcements being placed in the "Company Newsletter" section of the Back Page as they have recently placed some in here so we are not clicking thru the announcements like we used to (having 5 pop up boxes to close) before we actually were able to do anything.
  13. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Extra energy & boot keys mega-deals:

    "Take advantage of this awesome deal with bigger then ever discounts for Extra Energy, up to 69%"
    "Take advantage of this awesome deal with bigger then ever discounts for Booty Keys, up to 69%"

    There is 3 versions of each, Discount / Discount L / Discount XL.

    Another name added to breaking news - YurisDay - could be Russian only.

    [​IMG] - gate sale indicator

    It could be that this is a symbol that indicates when certain gates are discounted, e.g maybe only alpha, beta, gamma are discounted then the next day it could be zeta/epsilon.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2016
    BestGArenEUW likes this.
  14. :eek:, I'm not that happy.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2016
  15. Could be some interesting things coming out. I know it would be wrong for D O to say anything about these, if there was some problem and they did not get implemented, but it would be nice for them to remove the speculation of what is being seen and reported here.
    Just remember that 69% discount for E E is pretty weak when you get 60% on sale days (with Prem and Rebate) and get the Uridium for 33% of normal, meaning a spin is the equivalent of just under 14 Uridium collected from the maps so BUY the E E for 31 Uridium (as no other discounts apply to E E) and feel good about using them when you could have had the spins for the cost of 14 Uridium from MHH on a E E %off day.

    It is always better to buy Uridium on MHH or Helix Days and then buy your spins or Booty Keys when they are %off than to buy them with real cash. Since the Log disks do not get discounted that often these would be the only thing I would spend CASH to buy when they went on Special.
    BestGArenEUW likes this.
  16. Is their any news on the Easter Eggs, Achievements this year. If their's going to be any. ie iwantrainbows still works.
  17. Only information is in the FAQ that you can access from the HQ announcement of the Event.
  18. I was so happy, that I misread: I thought it's a sale for the BK for (1500*0,69=) 465 Uri, but it will be a deal for real cash...I haven't experience nice moments since Halloween and I'm waiting for them, therefore my brain is going every time when reading some (perhaps) up coming new features/events. It expect TOO much from D O...
    But I'm still hoping that the gates are worth for buying with Uri without Rebate and Premium, if they are in sale.
  19. KaffeeXxX

    KaffeeXxX User

    I don´t think its some sale indicator , maybe it could be indicator that shows which gates are giving bigger reward ? ^^
  20. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

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