[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. oh ok :)
  2. The issues that I see are;
    • Players (Legitimate) are trying to advance in a game without spending a ton of CASH to do so have to GRIND NPC's (like Cubes) and box like heck. Problem is the detection program does not look at the fact that we are killing NPC's anymore when boxing. Those players are now subject to having account terminated without cause.
    • The OLD hacks (autolockers, GOD, Stealth, etc) some were not 3rd party programs and were sold by BigPoint. As such they are not CHEATS and can not be deleted as they are not third party programming, I was shown the website when I started (2010) and could not believe my eyes, but found it to be true as when reported with VIDEO nothing was done to the player.
    • With all the Galaxy Gate Farmers (collecting Pally, Buying Uridium for discounted EE spins, buying cheap EE) and the limited numbers of players in the maps more people are collecting Bonus Boxes, not to mention the Special Event Bonus Boxes happening 2 weeks a month (every month) are allowing more people to be sucked into the vacuum that is the Botter Detection System, causing more LEGITIMATE players to be suspect of cheating.
    • Pushing is becoming an issue as there are so few players in maps so enemy kill the same player over and over (just because they have no choice) thus forcing another player to quit and another to be suspect of cheating.
    Fixes for the problem;
    • As suggested create a Download program for connection to D O, removing any capability of ADDING external programs to the system
    • Revamp the BDS to register if doing other than just collecting boxes for hours on end. If killing NPC's then they are not a BOT
    • Limit time spent in Battle Maps without NPC's by having Deadly BattleRays and Interceptors spawn more often and make Interceptor Protectors cause more damage if not attacked, thus forcing players to kill NPC's while boxing in 4-x maps, cloaked ships are not immune to Interceptors in these maps (but to be fair to cloaked player Interceptor is cloaked when engaging a cloaker, only seen by the cloaked ship)
    • Create a protection system for players to prevent the constant bombardment of kills because they are the only enemy in a map, they have Missions they need to complete also.
    • When banning a LOW level account found by BDS make sure they are actually using a cheat and not just trying to get their ship better equipped (when I started I boxed 3/4 of the time I played, getting ammo, Uridium, and FE equipment) {YES I was called a botter in chat and rebutted that claim by answering or attacking after being attacked, not running to portal} [when I finally advanced enough, level 12, boxed in x-8 and killed StreuneR's to prevent being called a botter].
    • DarkOrbit Re-Vamped should not allow any OLD programming to be introduced (getting rid of legal cheats purchased) be widely advertised via Newsletters to ALL email addresses in system (all accounts informed of changes) allowing for players to return to game that can not be cheated further (if banned accounts {proven cheaters with no disputes} they have to start over) if disputed when originally banned review information and see if it matches what the player says and allow them back with the ship they had.
    • Allow accounts to play other servers if < optimum number of players are active on server (not having to create new accounts) and make choice to make a permanent change to this server like changing companies now (e.g. I play GA3, which is dead, I switch to USA East 2 to see what it is like, there is < 1000 active players, so I am allowed to play on that server for a few days, I get a pop up window after a week of playing USA E 2 asking me if I want to make this permanent or return to my original server, I have to choose an option to continue, thus allowing people to find more populated servers to play while still maintaining their account on the original server until happy, IF server has over the threshold of active players they can not do more than visit for a day)
    Sorry this was so long but this is an ongoing problem that does need to be addressed if D O is to rebound to being an attractive game to be played in the future. We need NEW blood to stay longer than a week before they quit and D O needs its infusion of CASH to keep it going. Without drastic changes I see this game crawling along for too long to sustain its play-ability.


    nice thread:)^^
  4. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Right, I need to clear up a bit here because some of what you are posting here as facts is simply not true.

    First, Bigpoint does not nor have they sold cheat programs to further the cheating agenda in the game. To start this makes absolutely no sense whatsoever as they are trying to fight and eliminate it, not further the cause! Just because a website says it is supported by Bigpoint or otherwise does not make it true, and quite frankly, it is quite easy to put false information on the internet and watch the story spin.

    To that end, there are no "legal cheats" nor were there. If you're using a program to do whatever to the game, expect to be banned at any point in time.

    I'm not sure where you get your information, but the fine details as to what the bots do or do not detect exactly have not been published by BigPoint or DarkOrbit. I have boxed & killed NPCs together for years and not lost my account, and I quite imagine I am not alone in this. So to say that doing this is going to be picked up as box botting does not make sense, and I'd be willing to say it is untrue by itself. At the end of the day, I do not use programs or anything of the sort, and so I can box and NPC at will. However there has been NPC botting in the history of the game (see lordakia and streuner rank points being removed from the counter) so it is not as simple as saying 'someone boxes and NPCs, so they cannot be a botter.'

    & As far as accounts moving to other servers etc, at this point it's not possible to do so and it's really not relevant to this thread as server population is something else really. If you want more on that I would strongly encourage people to check out the twitch Q&A from earlier today as they touched on server merges.

    No one in saying the situation with cheats is perfect, but I cannot stress this enough: don't believe everything you hear.

    theOtherKey and badwon[spt] like this.
  5. i agree with this 100% these people making the bots know sooner or later DO will catch on and players will get banned because of the bot so your already cheating so why not false advertise that DO supports your site get the flux of stupid people to buy your bot. Then rename yourself or come up with some kind of excuse why the bot failed and rinse and repeat. The years of bots out of control sent a lot of players packing not wanting to be a part of a game so corrupt any business would see this and never self destruct in this manner. Going back to this time too remember DO was booming so the "that was their plan all along" comments are null and void before its even posted why would anyone take a booming business and kill it on purpose with such a small time idea. The few bucks that could of made if DO sold bots would be nothing compared to the income they lost cause of the bot outbreak and people leaving.

    easy answer to why a video gets ignored is there are some very talented in editing video out there enough said on that

    The bot sites are not hard to find ive reported the one i found to DO.the things these bots will do is explained there cause its like a store these guys are not making them for free you got to buy most of them. That being said these bots are more intelligent then most give them credit for as most have code built in to randomize there program spend 20 mins boxing then jump map kill 50 npcs then box again not exactly that but you get the drift all the while if an enemy shows up the bot will run to port and jump ohhh and will even log back in if disconnected. So with bots like this do you really think DOs detection program counts on counting clicks to see if its repetitive or keeping track on how long you play or if you just box as most don't burn cloaks to shoot an npc while they just boxing. Sorry to say this but these people that say ive been banned for botting and never botted might just be lying to you and really noobs getting banned not convincing how many are going to take the chance on their main when they can play their main safely and have a UFE ship in the making with little to no effort so like Solid_Eye said don't believe everything you hear...
  6. i am aware u can zoom out your screen, i play on 4k screen so have beastly range. some auto lockers are obvious beyond shadow of a doubt. when someone is switching between ships quicker than u can click them u know somethings not legit. also xooming out even on my 4k screen doesnot give me the range to ping u escaped attack 30 times on enemy screen before my attack is launched. i dont think everyones a cheat, however there are a lot of obvious cheats about, and self admitted via ts etc but that does not count as evidence in game.

    everyone knows these tools are out. im sure almost every player knows someone who uses them.
  7. bigsteve78

    bigsteve78 User

    I have noticed lately a new cheat. the pet damage hack. Today a pet was nailing my ship for 57k per volley. hmmm. also some guy was running from me in 1-6 and his pet was rsbing me and in rapid fire hit me for 600k in about 20 seconds over 12-14 volleys.

    For those who blame lag, No it wasn't lag. it wasn't delay it was simply the pet hitting 50k+.
  8. apetown.

    apetown. User

    Sorry to say but its nothing new, few people used the pet dmg hack in jpa back in the past.
  9. im2eood

    im2eood User

    50 k per hit from pet ??? OMG - soon i stop the game again ...
  10. How in hell do you get 40 million points in less than 6 months.. I quit...
  11. apetown.

    apetown. User

    Be more specific pease.. rankpoints? xp-points? top-user points? honorpoints?

    1) You can do easily ~100k-200k rp ONE DAY if you can just smack all day long hades (100k rp everyday during 1 month would be ~3m)
    2) xp points are super easy to get especially with 50% booster
    3) top-user points are almost completely xp
    4) 40m is easily one weeks 50% honor boost

    If someone is good smacking rank it wont make him/her cheater!
  12. bd33

    bd33 User

    ASTRAEA can we have a "post video" here section of obvious botters, i see them ever day and record many

    is it possible you post a vid that only admin can see with our comments on the vid that way you get to nail more botters?
  13. ..DC..™

    ..DC..™ User

    40 million points in 6 months lol :) a lot of hours in g8s
  14. Its actually funny that they are posting the 'people banned for botting' on the forums. You have to trust a group that stated repeatedly that there were no possible ways to game the system to be honest about catching the ones that 'could not exist'.

    In the past 3 weeks I have seen the same group of players in their x-2 maps picking up eggs. They do not fly normally or fight back. They have been the exact same ones I have seen for the past 5 years running other things. I pretty much can confirm the script is doing a lot of nothing.

    Just this week I was chasing one of the multi-clan well known app-users in x-6. It was great to have everyone in my group note in TS when he was almost dead and switched configs. Upon switching his shields went full ALONG WITH HIS HP. Wow I cant do that. We continued to watch cool things happen with this particular group. How odd that we were dying while they would not? Every time I fired a slow down rocket on them I was slowed down. What CPU is that? I confirmed this 4 separate times on one player. Must be lag.

    The bonus was me hitting a player with full guns, double boosted with Aim cpu active and him posting in chat that my ship was doing no damage. They stated it in open chat.

    But I guess its just me noticing this in the game. SolidEye signed into chat and suddenly I was able to kill them. It was so odd that their fighting 'skill' dropped so deeply when an admin peeped in.

    I would love to see some mod ships in the game. We havent seen them in years. Not only did we like seeing them we knew you were trying. Put a couple dev units in the game in regular groups NOT chat admins GAME DEVs and note some of the oddities.
  15. Well if they are able to switch it on and off like that then the scrubbers are not going to be able to catch them. This particular cheat is going to take a lot of video sent to Support from many players showing the issue being seen and having it disappear when the CM comes on.
  16. Bring back the UFOs and Police ships...cloaked of course aka bushes in space ;)
  17. Actually back in the day DO devs had a sense of humor. They claimed there were no 'apps' or 'botters' and refused any and all evidence to the contrary. Then one day we were in maps and witnessed the 'unkillable streuner' and some other things that had the unmanned drones circling and circling. It was hilarious. But they still said no apps.

    We had a guy come in one night and dare the server to shoot him down. We all took him up on it and he was having a ball while 15 ships whaled on him for 20 minutes. That I will say got the ship banned.

    I have only seen items removed from players and other things but the ones that really used some dirty tricks are still laughing and will come in and mess with players. It just wiped the game out when one clan came in a few summers ago and proved that there would be no enforcement against the applications. They sold their ships and moved on. Funny I was told you could not sell ships in DO.

    Now look at the top 150 and see how many names have changed along with location and player. Yeah. Its honest and well regulated.
  18. Account selling has been going on forever. It is against the T&C of D O but is very hard to prove, just like account sharing. The biggest issue is if they get into chat and start talking about how it was so and so's account that is when a CM can send information to support and the account is banned. When my friends first started the OLD Dev Team was using a backdoor into the game and causing a ton of crud using all kinds of special apps and cheats and there was nothing D O was able to do about it till they changed the A I of the game and then the backdoor was closed.

    Most of the name and location changes are from Gate farmers and people getting tired of the same name (I know there are some that have a list they rotate thru frequently).
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  19. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    I have seen quite a few players who rotate there names all legit the only thing that they do not change so often is there P.E.T's name but once in a while you will see something that is suspect such as name change every 48 hours and boxing on the x-1 map cloaked with a veng on full speed and when you hit them with an EMP you find a basic space pilot who never leaves the x-1.
  20. I know a player who was changing his name every 48 hours just because he was HUNTING all the time and hoping to mess with the heads of the enemy he was attacking, but his name gave away who he was (always had something to do with "Bloatted"). But he was doing it for fun not as a cheat.

    Sounds like the veng might be trying to be smart and get his stuff from x-1 while he is not leveling up and having to fight with everyone else in the other maps, but the name change may be trying to beat the bot system, but I do not think it will work as the UID never changes.
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