[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. KaffeeXxX

    KaffeeXxX User

    Oh well , nvm at least i had some guess lel :D.
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    To be fair one of the new events does seem to be to so with gates giving bigger rewards than normal, "GGBonusRewards", but at the moment all we have to go off with what the symbol will be used for is the name.

    Most of this thread is us guessing what something is based on a few clues that can be found, so its not exactly a bad thing :p
  3. More guessing: What does "sale" mean? Will you have a higher chance for gate parts?
  4. It is all guess work, but I would say either discounted spins or they are going to place an actual price for the gate in the system. They know what a gate averages to be built and could set a specific price to it giving you all the other goodies as if you spun the gate (100 gate averages 1200 spins so 60K Uri for 50% discount) in actuality or just the gate parts at about twice the parts price (100 gate would cost 20K Urid no extras), but again this is ASSumptions here and not any OFFICIAL information.
    BestGArenEUW and 77Transam like this.
  5. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    I was thinking on the same lines but the way DO as set there marketing gate sales will most likely real cash only, again this is just a guess.
  6. Yes, I can see that but it will probably be close the the price for buying the Uridium specified and might even give BOTH options to us ($25 for complete, and $10 for Gate Only) and of course they would have different prices for each gate and might even have sales on the sales so you never know exactly how much you will have to have to buy them till they put it on sale. But as we have seen NEW items take up to 12 months to be implemented.
  7. D-Cruiser

    D-Cruiser User

  8. 77Transam

    77Transam User

    I am really looking forward to the coming out. On that note... Do we have any idea when that might be?
  9. ponix6000

    ponix6000 User

    when will the indepdance desinge into the shop?
  10. It is a special design for the US servers and usually seen around the 4th of July.
  11. ponix6000

    ponix6000 User

    oke thx
  12. ODoyle

    ODoyle User

    anything new so far ? the easter were boring as hell.. also its the same situation now. all time cubes... not worth to grind a rank like colonel for over 3 Mio Rp. i feel pretty lost already... dont know, maybe its the best time to go inactive ? (just playing on gg rabat days )
  13. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I try to post anything new the day it shows up on a test server, hasn't been anything particularly new for about a week since the names of a lot of new events / updates appeared - here and here.

    The next things to look out for would be crafting, reworking of ship customization and then all the various new events linked in the bit above. Although we don't know any dates for when they can arrive at the moment.

    Guessing from you post you are UFE? Normally when I'm in your situation I just take it easy, log on to see whats happening in chat but have a break from playing a lot for a couple weeks or so. Normally come back with motivation to carry on with gates, organize hunting with clan etc.
    Or maybe you will come back with motivation to try and get 10mil uri from gates / cubes, who knows x)
  14. 77Transam

    77Transam User

    When will the features in the Skylab (building items with blueprints) hit the servers?
  15. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Lots of stuff to post, sounds very interesting too:

    GG Materializer day

    Greetings, pilots!

    When you spin the wheel to build your Galaxy Gate, today you’ll also have a chance to receive something special:

    We have tweaked the drop packages a bit, so in addition to the popular possibilities to win ammo, repair vouchers, etc., today, with every spin you could win:

    • LF-4
    • Random booster for 10 hours
    • Random Goliath skill design

    GG weekends - potential bonus rewards from several GG. The bonuses swap depending on which version is being done, please exapnd the quote to see.

    Double EP / Hon event

    Hello Space Pilots!

    Today for every purchase from Bigpoint Payment equalling 15,000 Uridium, you will enjoy 24 hours of double XP and Honor! The Small Print:

    • You are not limited to purchasing Uridium: other packages (e.g. subscriptions, starter packages, etc.) are valid for this offer, too.
    • You can earn a maximum of 5 days’ worth of XP/Honor bonuses from today’s purchases.
    • Single purchases worth multiple 15k-Uridium-package-equivalents (e.g. the Daredevil Starter pack or 6 months of Premium), will extend the bonus up to a maximum of 5 days (Daredevil: 3 days; 6 months Premium: 5 days).
    • Bonus does not apply to multiple purchases below the 15k Uridium equivalent mark that are made at different times!

    Yuri's Day

    On the 12th of April 1961, Yuri Gagarin was the first human in the history of mankind to leave the boundaries of Earth’s gravity and fly into space. Thirty years later the first Space Shuttle took flight and ever since many missions were launched on this day, exploring space and pushing further and further into the great unknown.

    This day is celebrated worldwide by a global community of people committed to shaping the future of space exploration.

    We too want to join in and so today from midnight to midnight, this on-day event will celebrated on all servers with

    • Fireworks
    • Drones take no damage
    • Bonus boxes on 1-1 to 3-8, 4-x and 5-x included
    • Plus more

    There is a Masque booty box that comes as part of an event, no descriptions about it yet. There is also a few packages for a ship expo event this year, the packages are called Defcom, Yamato, Basic1, Basic2 then there final two are called 'Mimesi' and 'Tartarus' - again now descriptions at the moment.
  16. Sounds so exciting! I can't wait! :)
  17. RaiZZeN

    RaiZZeN User

    Hey, so about he Materializer gg day, is that event online? i used over 500 spins and still nothing...or do i have to spin more?(or am i just too unlucky?)

    hey watt:p they added boosters and premium(till 14)...
    why you have at signature a picture of you shooting Manticore from the clan?
  18. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    No its not active at the moment, this is just a text preview.

    There will be a breaking news segment on the backpage when it is active, similar to how the 50% ep/hon boosters are displayed in the breaking news segments when they can be purchased.
    RaiZZeN likes this.
  19. LMAO XD

    Maybe i will add you there as well :D
    chixonator likes this.
  20. "Package Contents You have a chance to win one of the following rewards from the corresponding package.
    • LF-4: One LF-4 or 10,000 UCB-100"
    • There's not a guaranteed LF4, only a CHANCE??? Why they called it "one LF4" , if I can get UCB? I hope I misread....
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2016
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