[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. So basically this game went from "Pay to play" to "pay more to play more".... sucks
    77Transam and chixonator like this.
  2. ODoyle

    ODoyle User

    Double EP / Hon event

    Hello Space Pilots!

    Today for every purchase from Bigpoint Payment equalling 15,000 Uridium, you will enjoy 24 hours of double XP and Honor! The Small

    srsly more honor shit ? its already crazy with the 50 % boosters...

    and *** is up with the GG events, they get lf4s for nothing basically now... only good thing would be to earn the surgeon.. but after this useless anyway. i hope you can dienchant lf4 for x4 or something..
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It is literally bonus rewards on top of the original GG reward, how are you going to be paying more? You are still building the GG for the exact same cost as normal but you have a chance to get even more rewards than normal.

    Where are you paying more in that?
  4. Seems like they could get me to play more than a few minutes per day again with this, sounds pretty exciting, I just hope it doesn't get messed up as usual
  5. On these day, I prophesy, BP is going to earn thousands of $/€ with rebate...Good job:cool:
  6. Im saying about double EP and honor. If u are going for rank basically now you are just unstoppable and if u dont buy that you lose too much to guys that bought it so basically it makes it expensive enough. 25 euros every time it comes out its so much dude.... ranking system gonna change so fast with that...
  7. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    As someone who has done rank chasing and has a high rank themselves, I would never consider a badge that does not make my account stronger to be a pay to win aspect of the game. It is just something to show off.

    If a high rank gave a damage or shield bonus then that would be pay to win, but that is not the case.
  8. Ep and honor are "useless", they are not "battle" stats.
    DeviliciousCake likes this.
  9. apetown.

    apetown. User

    Definetly looking forward to see lf4s and skilldesigns from gg spins :)
  10. Just get prem. and you will be fine. Enjoy the rest of it sucks o_O
  11. ..................KOOL.........................
  12. Any ideas when will start the events?
  13. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    More stuff

    Double GG reward days

    Greetings, pilots!

    All pilots report to the Galaxy Gate builder immediately! Today, all pilots will receive double the standard rewards for completing and surviving a Gate. That means double the usual XP, Honor, Uridium, ammunition, Booty keys, Logfiles, etc., etc.

    Masque Sale Event

    Greetings, pilots!

    Free from being the contractually exclusive technology partner for SecuriTek, M.A.S.Q.U.E. surprised leading journalists this week with invitations to their first intergalactic “SpaceTech Summit” to discuss their future plans. During their keynote, M.A.S.Q.U.E. salesperson Rupert van Koeken revealed that during their huge public launch event, pilots will be able to participate in a variety of activities and profit from special sales encompassing the whole range of M.A.S.Q.U.E.’s specialty products:

    • Enjoy exclusive M.A.S.Q.U.E. missions every day of the event
    • Join the M.A.S.Q.U.E. Bonus Box scavenger hunt
    • Get Red and Blue Booty Keys at special prices
    • Collect the Yamato and Defcom ships within the Kuiper Gate
    The event will start on the 11th of April, 2016, at midnight, and will conclude on the 24th of April, 2016, at 23:59 LST. For more information about exact schedules, dates, and more, check out the official FAQ on our forums.

    New EE sale

    Today is Mega-Discount Day!

    Head over to the in-game shop to get your mega deal. Save up to 69% on GG Materializer spins (as compared to the original price)!

    On offer now:

    • Extra Energy Mega Discount: 900 EE (63% discount)
    • Extra Energy Mega Discount L: 3,000 EE (66% off)
    • Extra Energy Mega Discount XL: 5,300 EE (save 69%)

    New Bootykey sale

    Today is Mega-Discount Day!

    Head over to the in-game shop to get your mega deal. Save up to 69% on Booty Keys (as compared to the original price)!

    On offer now:

    • Booty Key Mega Discount: 60 Keys (63% off)
    • Booty Key Mega Discount L: 185 Keys (save 66%)
    • Booty Key Mega Discount XL: 350 Keys (69% discount)

    New ship packs

    Greetings, pilots!

    For new pilots and veterans alike the DarkOrbit Starter Packs offer a ton of goodness! Ships (e.g. Goliath ,Vengeance and Leonov), weapons (e.g. a set of LF-3s, rocket launchers, etc.), generators and equipment (CPUs, repair bots, etc.) are part and parcel of every pilot’s basic gear. Now these packs also contain 300 Extra Energy and more than 130 Log Files! Whether you are new to the game or a wishing to extend your collection of ships, these packages offer everything your heart desires.
  14. Hey Okapi,

    I appreciate the heads-up on what is coming out. Normal question: Any idea about roughly when this will be coming out in game?

  15. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    You're welcome :)

    No idea when they will arrive though, sorry.
  16. Thanks Okapi, keep up the hard work, am sure it takes time away from actually flying your own ship. :)
    jackknife likes this.
  17. I guess I am the only one who read;

    "The event will start on the 11th of April, 2016, at midnight, and will conclude on the 24th of April, 2016, at 23:59 LST. For more information about exact schedules, dates, and more, check out the official FAQ on our forums."
  18. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    There were also 4 other events in the post, its safe to assume they were asking about those which has no dates attached to them.

    No need to be so condescending to people asking a fair question.
    • Enjoy exclusive M.A.S.Q.U.E. missions every day of the event
    • Join the M.A.S.Q.U.E. Bonus Box scavenger hunt
    thats the only thing interesting about whats coming in april 11th
  19. This is not set in stone yet.
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