[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. iNSANE(BG)

    iNSANE(BG) User

    just a random quote

    wanna ask for designs from portals:
    on the 1,2,3 weekends we're able to find centaur, the 3 designs from 7% and surgeon, BUT: if i'm MMO for example is it possible to get EIC or VRU company design or only the company you are, because if i'm VRU and get the MMO design this is not so cool tho :p

    is the day of double reward on gates valid for hercules and kuiper rewards also?
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I don't know, all the info I have about it is what I posted. If I were to guess all companies could have a chance of getting all the influence designs since they all have the ability to buy them in the shop when they are on sale.

    Again I'm not too sure, the breaking news text says 'standard' rewards - I don't know if that includes the bonus uri from kuiper or hercules from kappa etc.
  3. SauronL

    SauronL User

    If they will introduce 100% Honor/ EP for $ i think its time to quit game for me
    chixonator likes this.
  4. Why? I dont really understand why people get mad of some cosmetic things. You might get more honor/ep but you are not any better in battle so why do you care?
    apetown. likes this.
  5. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Seems like with the reworking of ship customization and skill designs into their own ships there will be the option in the new hanger to import configs from one hanger to another.

    <item name="label_button_import">

    <item name="popup_import_config_title">
    <item name="popup_import_config_description">

    So what I think the scenario would be is that lets say you are in a Spectrum and have used your ability so want to swap to another design that is in another hanger, you can just import the configs you have in your Spectrum hanger and place them in the Venom hanger, for example.
  6. Could this be part of the "Favorite Hangar" that you had seen previously?
  7. Hi :)

    I'v made a reconstitution of the crafting window for people who haven't seen the Q&A on Twitch.


    Some purchase case have also been changed:


    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    (maybe, "plasmide" could be the definitive name of this ore)


    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2016
    BestGArenEUW and AkAKuzuki like this.
  8. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yuri's day event breaking news image:

    Bootykey / EE sale icons

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2016
  9. Again thanks to Okapi for his tireless work providing previews of upcoming stuff.

    For the noobs watching these sales... please remember that these sales are off the normal retail price and are typically designed for the math challenged. With very few exceptions, a combination of Mega Happy Hour and premium and the rebate booster will make your every day cost on GG and Booty less than the cash price of these flash sales. Run the math, get uridium on Sunday, save money.
  10. This is even better when they decide to % off the items in the G G M (E E) and SHOP, when D O gives 30% off the G G M you get 30% with premium and rebate and using Uridium bought during MHH you use the equivalent of 14 Uridium per spin (even though it is costing 40) 86% discount. The only "flash sale" that makes sense to me is the Log Disks as these are seldom sold at a % off sale but saving 1% for spending CASH when D O wants you to is not much of an incentive to open the wallet. Since the only items that are not available in SHOP and only available via these "Flash Sales", is Red and Blue Ultra Booty Keys, would be the only thing to open the wallet for (assuming you believe they are advantageous to being purchased).
  11. Don't buy log disks or booty keys. Spend the money on GG spins. You get ammo and log disks from the spins. You get log disks and booty keys and possibly LF-4s (which is the only reason to get booty keys since you can now bid on modules and designs), Hercs and Havocs from the gate. I bought all the log disks the day after they came out and now I have about 40,000 extra useless log disks. Same with the ammo savings packs. When I first started, I bought a bunch of them. If I had put the same money on GG spins, I would have come out with way more ammo -- and better ammo since the spins can give x4. The flash sales on some items can be a good deal... picking up cloak chips or boosters or that one drone design you don't have... or other consumables like pet fuel. The GG flash sales are a good deal. None of the savings packs that you pay cash for are worth it if you do the math against buying the same stuff with uridium bought at MHH and using rebates.

    But this is off-topic. Apologies to Okapi.
  12. More guessing: Do you think the GG Materializer day will be implanted before Double GG reward days?
    If this guessing is true, you can use all your EE spins for clicking the Lf4 in the Materializer day, then complete the gates in the GG reward day.
  13. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    On the bright side, now you could make a ton of tech items :D:p
  14. Only do this, if you are patiently enough for completing many Zetas. If you are a little impatient, happy without Havoc and only need LF4, Booty Keys are the best.
    Using Paysafecards gives you 3% more Uri, banking Uri is still the best way. That's sad, because a players trust the advertisement of the games and maybe think, that banking items directly as good as banking Uri....
  15. ponix6000

    ponix6000 User

    u need to complete te gate to have a chance or u need to spin for it?
  16. You only need to spin for the GG Materializer day.
  17. It's midnight 11.04, so where is the event?
  18. This thread only posts what is on the TEST servers and has nothing to do with the actual servers. Okapi32 says this all the time and has no idea when things are going to appear in the game for us. I would have assumed as you did, since they put a date into it, that it would possibly appear now. But as it may have had more bugs in it than expected may have been delayed, WHY they do not want to have this thread in place but do tolerate it as it keeps some interest in the game. Also is why, as Okapi32 has stated, he has access to some Test Servers but not ALL Test Servers.

    Just be patient and if you want to know when something is actually happening watch the Head Quarters area and the Calendar for the OFFICIAL notices of events.
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It was never confirmed by anyone, reminder that this thread is unofficial, dates can change and stuff can not be released.
    VRU-[ÆFIÆ] and ~V6~ like this.
  20. Yep, you are right. I forgot about that.
    Okapi32 likes this.
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