[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Messing around with the Champion Goliath on test2 and seems to be that it has a 10% Honor and 5% Damage bonus - which would make sense since the Hazerfen Goliath (turkish only one) has these stats and is also listed in the champion category.
    SauronL likes this.
  2. relax

    relax User

    I am having a single question... when they'll turn the actual designs into ships... where will we have them? I mean, if I have each and every design, the 10 hangar halls won't be enough, right? For that many ships we need a lot more space.. aand, I hope BP won't mess something up so we will have to buy them again as actual ships, even if we already have the designs. Sorry if this things are there somewhere and I don't know them(btw, I haven't logged on the test server and I don't think I will, so please tell me if the thing I am asking about is already solved there.. thanks).
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    You can have a go with it on test server now if you want, would only take 10 mins for you to see.

    From what I can tell the hangers are now infinite, but we can only select 10 as our favorites and these are the 10 which can be warped into. So I guess instead of buying hanger halls in the shop, players would now buy 'favorite' hanger slots instead.
  4. What if we already have the Hangar halls? We have to buy the Favorite slots again, WTH?
  5. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    No ...
  6. Xmancode

    Xmancode User

    do you think they will add " save configuration " button ? so i can just load a previously saved config ... not to manually equip lasers,shilds ...
  7. Well from what I saw on the Test Server all of the designs (stat) are now their own ships and the only modification is to the Plain Jane ship or in the case of the Aeg, Cit, Spr the Elite can be frosted Oh Boy am I excited? The Purchased Hangar is no longer available, you get as many hangars as you have ships equipped, other ships are shown as available or Owned (currently not all ships/designs are available). It sounds like, (responses from RickDekard) they are going to assist us with some sort of auto swap when changing designs/ships as this would be very time consuming along with tedious to have to make these changes just because we wanted to fly a Diminisher instead of a Venom or a Veteran. There has also been some indication in this thread of "Favorite Hangars" which could be a 'saved' config hangar and any ship activated to it would be equipped with those specs, of course as no one has seen this it is all speculation at this point.
  8. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Some packages relating to infection stuff:

    • history_deal-parasitePack
    • history_deal-antiPoison
    • history_deal-poisonPack
    • history_deal-deluxePack

    Probably to do with being able to buy infections mines / the cure cpu packages etc.
    SauronL likes this.
  9. I don't remember, did we have this stuff in "Payment" last year? I know there was a major mess up with the Newsletter and a Parasite Tide "Gift Package" as a lot of people did not get it when they logged in. But don't remember anything in "payment" just the Shop.
  10. [​IMG]

    So was looking for other changes on the test server and found this several times.Noticed the blue booty boxes were not giving lf3s.Would be cool if folks get 10k uri instead of lf3s but maybe thats just wishful thinking.
  11. I was confused as to why they gave us the Booty Keys when doing a test for Ship Customization but could not find any of the Chests in the maps I had access to, first time to access the Test Server with this account, so only level 5 ship and too many PvP players in the maps to allow me to gain the needed experience to move up.
  12. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    The booty keys were a bonus and the idea behind it was to give a chance to win a ship and see how this worked in the hanger, the funny thing was I have tried for 2 years to get a LF4 on my normal game sever with no luck but on the test sever first three box's dropped LF4 's plus other drops gave out ships a spear and citadel plus multiple cloaks and 10k uri drops. When the test sever is up and I tend to make a list of things to do relevant to the function that is being tested and have never found a reason for PvP when testing.
    HeyItsMe!! likes this.
  13. I understand this and wish others would allow for players to not be involved in their PvP crud, but it seems every time I venture into the test server maps I get hit by some lousy enemy doing PvP.
  14. by the look of it they dont want to run the event again but still sell the gear
  15. SauronL

    SauronL User

    o.o i am lookin forward for infection stuff, i want to fill up my ammo again , hope prices stay same as year ago :)
  16. Me2... I hope i see the big boss alien of parasite tide this year. Last year i din't see it since it got popped before i could get it on sight!
    There should me more of those and wider area... Maybe at PVP could have super one?
    HeyItsMe!! likes this.
  17. I was able to see it but only the group with the Red Lock got credit for killing it and there were too many "protectors" preventing people from "leaching" from it. Too much HYPE for a single NPC, that we had to work so hard to have spawn.
  18. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Thought I would do a quick summary of today's livestream and test server for people who didn't have a chance to watch it (although you can re-watch the whole thing at https://www.twitch.tv/darkorbit/v/61758487)

    Putting it in this thread simply because not everything mentioned was concrete and decided as definite.


    Player feedback from previous test earlier (not today's) - 4 to 5 stars on the feedback form was counted as positive whilst 1 or 2 was negative.



    The key points which were raised in the beta feedback from players:


    I've been messing around on the test server last hour or so and from what I can tell Mordons can now drop Scrap, Sibeleon can now drop Plasmide and Sibelonit can now drop Mucosum.
    They seemed to be fairly common drops too - almost every Sibelonit was giving me a Mucosum drop, for example.

    It was mentioned on the stream that the UI for the Assembly feature will be improved to make it clearer to players how much of something is being created, particularity with things such as ammunition.

    There are plans to introduce a range items to the feature, some which will be more useful for newer players whilst others will be hard to obtain and be more aimed at players with a maxed out ship etc.

    It is hoped that if all the open beta testing goes well the feature can be launched into the proper servers within a several weeks.

    Ship Customization / New Hanger System

    Player feedback - same as with the Assembly charts, 4 & 5 stars is positive whilst 1 & 2 are negative.



    There were a few issues raised with 'complete' customization of ships (i.e being able to put a Amber on top of a Surgeon(, it is not as easy as it was for the drones since there are so many unique ships which do a variety of different things, whereas there are only 3 drone designs which give a stat bonus.

    - My own personal input here - With drones we can get a instant visual to see what our enemy is using, if their AIIIZIIII is red then we know they are using havoc. However if an enemy was able to put on another design on top of their Surgeon or Bastion then it becomes like a disguise. I don't know they are really in some Amber/Sapphire design or if they are in a Surgeon with that design on top, do I have to be careful of their Surgeon speed being able to get out of range / catch me up, or do I not have to worry?
    So I can understand why we are not able to get complete customization of ships.

    The UI of the customization / new hanger was also brought up and they are working with the art team to improve it.

    Areas which are looking to be improved:


    The big one here is the Load-out transfer, this would address what was by far the biggest complain people had - having to change equipment every time you wanted to swap to a different design.

    The load-out transfer system would allow players to easily move equipment from one ship to another of the same type, e.g you have a Spectrum with all your equipment on it and you could transfer it all over to your Venom with this system.

    It is still in the works and they are talking with the tech team about how exactly it is going to work, there are a couple different ways but ultimately the system will be in a future version of this feature and it will be talked about more at a later point.

    The topic of server merges was also brought up and it was stressed that any decisions or topics related to stuff like that would be discussed with the players a long time in advance. There isn't going to be any sudden changes that are a surprise. The are currently no concrete plans as when a change will exactly happen and what it will be.
    They would like to do a future stream where they use visual aids to explain the solutions they have come up with and the benefits and potential risks of each one.

    That's a pretty dumbed-down version of the live stream, I would definitely recommend you watch the whole thing if you have an hour to spend as it's probably the most informative and best presented one yet :)
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2016
    BestGArenEUW likes this.
  19. Heinekenn

    Heinekenn User

    So,which GG Weekend is 22-24 april? And how i could win the Surgeon Design from gg ? Thanks !
  20. Here are the Parasite Packages and the prices

    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
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