M.A.S.Q.U.E. SpaceTech Summit Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Solid_Eye, Apr 18, 2016.

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  1. Today I must praise D O for this easy quest (20 Lordakia and 10 BossLordakia). I love short quests with a high value of the reward in relation to the time (I "only" need around 15 min). Keep it up, D O!
  2. DragoWolf

    DragoWolf User

    Thanks DO for the new features and then latest event. The event bonus boxes are great! But I find the MASQUE booty boxes to hard to find on the map. Can we get more then 1 or 2 on a map? Also the rewards odds are less then the red/blue booty boxes. As these are event/payment booty boxes I think the odds for LF4S/havoc/hercs should be inline with the blue booty boxes.

    Can we get an update on how the new hanger and assembly features are developing?
  3. They had the Test Open yesterday and you can read the FEEDBACK from the people who went into it in the forums.
  4. I would not buy anything EVER... It's crap anyways. I once almost did that mistake, but that was once upon a time when Darkorbit was actually nice to play. I'm glad i did not do it!

    I have nothing good to say about this or previous events, except pet event, after pet killing rewards was nerfed.
    jager33 likes this.
  5. jager33

    jager33 User

    correct... there is nothing for strong player but easy kills with people trying to quest and there is nothing to gain for an average player to be honest i should have put that 60 purple key money to premium its the ONLY beneficial thing for average player..

    i can just solo bbk's and saving creds for an elite aegis so in the end im better of just boxing and doing bbk's and saving uri for upgrades and pet slots

    what average players need is emps and x2's thats all that is need to make a poorly thought of event better so average players an emp and cloak and at lest have 1/2 a chance and x2's to make game progress that much more easier

    there should not be an assembly rubbish introduced there should be "level combat restrictions"

    ie a lvl 22 player gets no reward form a lvl 18 player, a lvl 18 player gets no reward from a lvl 14 player etc etc

    a lvl 18 player killing a lvl 15 player get only 25% of the reward

    level combat restrictions allows some what better/ fairer game play. a player with 20 lf4's vs a non lf4 player only gets 25% of the reward. a player with 20lf4's vs a player with 10 lf4's gets 50% of the reward. a player with 20 lf4's vs a player with 40 lf4's and wins gets 150% of the reward etc etc

    to be honest the direction DO is going is just going to kill the game more
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  6. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    Good that Bigpoint finally removed R-310 rockets from event boxes :p:p:p
  7. What High Value of reward 20 Uridium/20 Honor/100000 EP/30000 Credits, EASY yes if you can lock the Boss Lordakia before someone else gets it. Low/slow level players still get it in the shorts.
  8. It can be done easily. I did it in a nostro at basic speed just putting around. Its amazing how they just spring out of nowhere next to you.
  9. James*DKs*

    James*DKs* User

    i bought 60 keys too, they're absolute [removed], again Darkorbit tricked fools like my self to buy [removed] . (wooo i got 7 static drone designs no good use at all) got 0 lf4 and 10 green keys, arround 2k rsb and other [removed] ammo for what ? 20 euros. NEVER AGAIN
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 25, 2016
  10. If I have said it once I have said it a thousand times, "People stop wasting money on keys." You are just paying good money on heartache. Go by you an antacid instead, or some ice cream. You will feel better.
  11. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    Slow and low level players can do this one with ease just let the NPC's on the the x2 map swarm you and just shoot into the swarm then run and rep and repeat takes about 20 mins.

    Get keys of missions never buy them use your 20 Euros for either upgrades or towards building gates or better still save your money and have a hour a day collecting box's
  12. walcas

    walcas User

    "Variety of surprise sales
    o A different sale almost every day – check the in-game shop."

    It's just for me, or there aren't sales? http://prntscr.com/auxxi7
    Or I have misunderstood what they wrote? ^^
  13. Today is keys, for those who truly want to give money away.

    Its the only way I get them, and forget I can try them since I am always laugh at people complaining in chat about the ones they bought.
  14. I wish they would stop dropping Booty Chests from NPC kills, it seems every time I kill something for the cargo I get a Chest instead. It really sucks when you waste the time for the cargo and only get a CHEST instead.

    Bought keys have always been a waste of money (unless you like lots of ammo and Xenomit).
    HeyItsMe!! and PuckerUp like this.
  15. Well I have just spent 3 hours in 3-8 killing anything RED and still have 100 of those darned StreuneRs to kill plus 20 Ubers for a measly 2000 Uridium. What is up with that? I also do not know what the Pink Booty Keys are for ALL I have received is ammo I never use (rsb-75 what). I learned a long time ago bought keys were a waste of money, free keys are a waste of time, and special keys seem to be even worse than anything else. At least they did not hit us with a MAJOR Collection quest getting Booty Chests instead of cargo boxes.

    @Fury if the post has already been posted we can not edit to add a quote and is probably why HelpMeHelpYou did the double post as he was posting a response before the other post went up.
  16. xarges

    xarges User

    I planned to spend more money if it had paid out any good with 60 event keys! But since my reward was also very low. Don't know exactly how much I got from the boxes?

    1 lf-4
    20 green keys
    drone designs with no good use more then cosmetic!
    tons of mines and ammo

    I thought to myself when I bought the keys, if I get 4-5 + lf-4 I would spend more money no problem. But since the pay out was so horrible sad and cheap I'm serious thinking of refunding. They can take and keep what ever I got and pay my money back and I never EVER again spending an other cent on this game again!
  17. 60 keys and 1 LF-4 that is pretty good try buying 120 of the Red and Blue Keys (double order each) and not get a single Zeus part or LF-4 from any of the keys, tons of ammo, Xenomit, but no Special Items as advertised.
  18. Neo7

    Neo7 User

    so..isn't surgeon suposed to be on sale? The faction designs are, but where is surgeon?
  19. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    The surgeon is part of the uri deal over the weekend if you buy 330k uri you will the surgeon, 500 EE, a Defcom, a herc design, 1 month prem. Check your back page newsletter,
  20. Neo7

    Neo7 User

    Yes, I considered that, but it clearly says, that Surgeon will be on sale on the 22nd of april and on 1st of may, so that means that it can't be it, because this is available during the whole weekend and surgeon should be only for the day
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