[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. They will be in SHOP (under designs) on the 1st of May since you missed them Yesterday. They are the PeaceMaker, Sovereign, and Vanquisher all selling for 150K uridium each. They did sell for Payment as a package several times in the last year (I bought them when they were called Espionage Package August 7th 2015).
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
    HeyItsMe!! likes this.
  2. ...KIDZ...

    ...KIDZ... User

    its 7% not 6%

    august 2016 hasn't happened yet...
  3. sorry hit the 6 instead of 5 I corrected it.
  4. Get 11,000 uri for 30 days and you got your 330,00 uri or buy in shop - whichever will be available.
  5. Silviu

    Silviu User

    Surgeon if offered as a gift to an uridium purchase ;)
  6. Anyone has idea when will start Materializer day?
    I heard that yesterday it would started, but there were some problems and I'm waiting for Official Information.
  7. Everything you see until official announcement from the team is posted, comes from player estimation.
  8. bd33

    bd33 User

    wiki says 6%....
  9. That information about Materializer day came from Bulgarian moderator, he said that in the chat. So it's almost official info.

  10. no its not chat mods don't get any info at all they just mods and ban they don't get info reason they can never tell u anything when u ask
  11. We were supposed to see;

    • Extra Energy Discount
    o 23, 24 April and 01 May

    and other than the Purchase gift there was no discount days this weekend, this may be what the mod was referring to that there was an issue with it going off and they were looking at resetting it to happen again sooner, again this is only an assumption on my part but does make sense, but if it was a EE Purchase Package we should have seen them in shop as these happen regularly and if they were counting the Uridium Deal they would have had the EE for any Uridium package purchased.

    As they are mods they can get information from the forum mods IF they happen to talk to each other so they could answer some questions they just prefer to not get into he- said she- said situations.

  12. i meant as in info that is not posted in the forums so as no info is posted anywhere about a date then that mod is talking wet lol
  13. as solid eye said above lmao they were available last week........ @HeyItsMe!!
  14. HeyItsMe!!

    HeyItsMe!! User

    LOL, a llitle late i think but i already bought the designs i wanted, thanks
  15. ponix6000

    ponix6000 User

    don't see anything on global europe

    Hop into your fighters and through the ‪#‎GalaxyGate‬, it's time for a Special Reward Weekend from Friday 0:01 LST to Sunday 23:59h!
    Design Packs for P.E.T.s and Drones, ‪#‎Goliath‬ specials - finish one of four selected gates and earn yourself a nice topping to your rewards. Check out the news at www.darkorbit.com for more infos - good luck Pilots!
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 29, 2016
  16. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Breaking News text for ship customization:

    Greetings, pilots!

    Starting _________, DarkOrbit offers you a new exciting range of customization options for your ship collection. Your benefits

    • Streamlined ship handling
    • Better overview of your ship collection
    • Clearer separation between ships, stats and designs
    • Fast access to ships and equipment
    • More design variety
    You can enjoy the updated Ship Management system right now!

    Tartarus Ship Abilities

    Rapid Fire:
    The rocket launcher reloads the max rockets amount immediately. After using the rocket launcher the cooldown will last 1 second instead 3 till it can be used again..

    Speed boost:

    This ability has an switch function. So one you activate or deactivate it it stays in that status till manually changed again. The switching has 10 seconds cooldown. When used, the base speed of the ship will change to 300. The damage of any laser equipped on the drones will be reduced a 5%

    Mimesis Ship Abilities

    When activated and for the duration of the effect, after 1 second delay player ship model is transformed into the model of the selected NPC/player ship

    This skill can be toggled on and off. Player shield starts to deplete. Enemies get 80% chance to miss player's ship. Player gets +25% laser damage. Player gets +25% speed

    Phase Out:
    Player ship is teleported for 50 units in the random direction

    -- Please Note: These are likely still in testing phase. The descriptions given here are not necessarily final. Similar to the 'new' drone formations last year, things can change. --

    As far as I know when it comes to range distances in this case, 50 units is the equivalent about 100 pixels, this is based off the minimap view range being 1,600 and that always seemed like roughly 3,200~ pixels, about 50% bigger than a 1920x1080 screen. So the phase out blink ability is not a huge range where you will lose an enemy instantly by using it and getting lucky.

    Although this comparison between units and pixels is only relevant to the 2D mode since in 3D the ship models scale up based on the users screen resolution. Whereas on the 2D mode it is the view area on the map that get bigger, so a pixel remains the same distance relative to the ship on all resolutions.

    If it is 50 units as determined by the minimap then the blink of phase out is actually very big, roughly 1/4 the length of the x-1 maps.

    However I very much doubt this because for things such as the pet autolooter, their range is described as being well into the hundreds (lv1 is 700 range) and the pet definitely cannot reach from one end of the map to the other with a lv1 gear.

    If anyone else could add some insight into this then it would be helpful ^^

    50 range vs 50 units visualized >>here<<
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
  17. My ideas for the names of the abilities:
    Ultra Rapid Fire instead of
    Flash instead of

    This sounds so amazing! Hopefully the cooldown is low, thereby "low" players can do enough damage during the ufe road.
  18. relax

    relax User

    Leave that game LoL aside :D:D. Otherwise, this new ships could be total game changers if they got the right amount of lasers/generators... I'm starting to get scared of new things.
    p.s.: hope u get over maining Garen :D
  19. Even though I am just a touch away from UFE, I am looking forward to the tartarus as a ship with that ability can help me save my seprom lasers for NPC'ing...I like hoarding my seprom heheh. Hopefully they don't take away from it through out it's testing! :p
    relax likes this.
  20. I was just gonna say, did he mean URF and flash from LoL?? xD
    BestGArenEUW likes this.
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