[TI] Not able to connect..

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Paul69, Apr 27, 2016.

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  1. Paul69

    Paul69 User

    Hi.. I cannot connect to game..
    I get as far as 'Connection information' window where it says @Establishing connection'.. 'Please wait'...

    That is it.. will not actually connect to game..
    Is there work on servers causing this as nothing posted about possible disruption.

    US4 server
  2. el-mamgao

    el-mamgao User

    I have the same problem, I get far into the load up then it gets stuck on 'Establishing connect'

    US2 Server
  3. in US3 i have same problem... Establishing connect .... and nothing happened i cant log in the game ...
  4. Paul69

    Paul69 User

    Still the same.. so does not look like a RESTART of server.... what is going on... Dark Orbit NOT Reloaded : p
  5. PLL maybe we can all use the same threads to make comment... there are 3-4 already started...
  6. Oh are you sure you don't want to wait til DO gets you to try everything on your computer to fix it before they realize again it's them not us. Last time i told them this i spent 1 hour doing what they asked before they finally listened to me and realized it was them with the problem. I mean it's pretty bad when they can't even tell there is a problem they have to wait till everyone tells them before they even check. Try to enjoy the game, i mean when you get to finally play that is.
  7. Paul69

    Paul69 User

    It's been 1/2 an hour since I first posted.. so nearly an hour since I first tried to log in... must be something serious. Just a message to let us know what's going on or a reply from admin would be nice ;)
  8. White_Pepper

    White_Pepper Guest


    I have informed support of the connection issues on the servers, just waiting for them to get back to me.

    I will keep you informed when I get more information.

    Sorry for the inconvience.

    Paul69 and theOtherKey like this.
  9. Paul69

    Paul69 User

    Thankyou & finger crossed it will be sorted... soon. :rolleyes:
  10. Thankyou White_Pepper please close the other 5 threads and refer them here... then at least we know we are all on the same page...
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