[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. relax

    relax User

    Yea, actually yea.
  2. I was asked an interesting question by some members about 5 months ago and this is what I came up with.
    P.E.T radar formula
    pally field is 203 units long

    lvl 3 resource collector has range of 3,000
    but collects a 20 unit radious around the players ship.
    12%x12 = 144%
    3,000 +144% = 7320 range.
    7,320 range divided by 20 Units = 366 units

    This was to see how far a pet can collect from the player but if altered it may answer other questions.
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    That is quite confusing, I need to clarify a few things, sorry if these seems like stupid questions ^^.

    When you say the pally field is 203 units long do you mean >203 pp as it is displayed on the minimap for the distance to travel from end to end? (If we call them PP.units for now to simplify things)

    Then when you say the resource collector works in a 20 unit range (again assuming this is the now so-called PP.units) is that lv3 with the 12 protocols as calculated as being 7320 range?

    Assuming that is what you meant then the 366 represents the ranger per 1 PP.unit?

    Okay so I tested it myself because I needed to visualize it.

    For my test I used a lv3 auto-looter which has 2,500 range. No protocols.

    To get the maximum range of lv3 autolooter I diagonal from top to bottom in 2-2 for about 5 minutes recording as I went to get the maximum distance at which my pet would change direction to go and pick up a box.

    The image was edited in photoshop so that the location of the box which the pet picked up was put into the same frame as the location of my ship the moment my pet detected the box. So there is no lag in time between the pet seeing the box and between it picking it up, in which it could have moved beyond the 2,500 range.

    These was the result:

    From this and the radius length of the 2,500 range circle I was able to create a circle that represented just 50 range:


    Which is far too small to be of any use as an ability.

    For comparison here is a 50 'unit' circle:


    Which is huge, almost half of 2-2 can be covered by this.

    The tiny scale of the 50 range circle leads my to believe that in this case the ability description is referring to 50 units as we see on the minimap in the image above.
    If this is the case then I would imagine the ability cannot be used in combat or else that would be a guaranteed escape every time. Or maybe it is an ability on a very long cooldown.

    Will have to wait and see when you get more information or if the ability descriptions change alter on ^^
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
  4. Kinda like ultimate cloak, where you can use it unless not being fired on for 20 seconds and obviously cant spam it to be un-killable.But nice work there.

    Also, 203 units is how long the field of palladium is spawning on the mini map from where the pally starts to spawn near mines to where they spawn on right side. And 366 units is how far from me the pet can collect. Apologies for not including that "units" is the measurement on the mini map.
  5. Ofc, this post is very old and this thread are called UNofficial darkorbit revealed, but:
    Are the special log in bonus still in the works?
  6. Btw any idea about lasers/generators on those new ships ?
  7. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I have no idea.

    It really is just a case of if I see anything new appear on a test server then I post it, so if I see anything that gives me this information I will post it as soon as I can.

    I don't think I will be able to find this information out though. The documents and files I have access to only allow me to see text descriptions, for instance the descriptions of the abilities I posted was taken from a document that is used when you use your mouse to hover over an ability in your hotbar to see what it does.
    I can't see things such as a ships stats or equipment slots unless it is written out in a text description of the ship, which it rarely ever is.

    That info will probably come from DO themselves first, wouldn't surprise me if it was shown off in a livestream at some point or a small teaser video like was done for the halloween GG.
  8. Or you might be able to see the text if they place it in the SHOP of the alpha sites you access.
  9. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I already tried for the current ships we have in the game and that info is not available, even the likes of the ships which display their stats in a grid in the shop:

    That info is coming from the BP databases so is not able to be previewed in any document.

    If the Mimesis and Tartarus had their full info displayed in a general text description then they would be the first ships to do so and when the description was created I would be able to see it and post it in this thread.

    As it happens neither ship actually exist on test1 or test2 yet, only their ability descriptions, when the ships themselves are on either test server I will be able to post full images of them instead of just the top-down view we have now.
  10. ponix6000

    ponix6000 User

    • Surgeon and Faction Goliath Designs
    o 22 April and 01 May wil it be in shop or payment?
    becouse 22 april were during a weekend en 1 may end of the event
  11. We can only wait to see, but I am going to assume it is going to be attached to the Uridium purchase again, like last weekend.
  12. bd33

    bd33 User

    unfortunately Okapi32 the damage is done in this game none of the above is going to stop the imbalance in the game and the imbalance in pvp and bulling (with discretion) also the on going third party programs its killing the game, and the on going trying to improve the game thats killing it more by no addressing the above real issues
    Gman5301 likes this.
  13. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I see ... sorry, I wasn't aware that I had personally claimed new ship abilities were going to make getting UFE easier (which has become much easier over the last year), fix bullying(?) or that the new ships were designed to detect cheaters, which the likes of botters and autolocks have also been reduced massively a couple of years ago - unless your the type of player who claims to be beaten by cheats often almost every time you die.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2016
  14. bd33

    bd33 User

    while DO tries to "improve new creative ideas" the issue of "yes" botters and autolocks. been reduced massively? ummm lol i guess there still not getting the smart ones "another topic". nope im the player that see's the botter records the botter and sends to support only to see the same thing 2-3 weeks later and wonders why i bother
    as for "claims to be beaten by cheats often every time you die" lol i hardly die because ive learnt who and when not to pvp its pretty simple

    dont get me wrong im for change but the changes i see aren't going to stop the continued decline in players
    auggiethedog and Gman5301 like this.
  15. Hello i just want to ask for this new thing special rewards from gates is it just for this event or it is going to stay.
  16. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Nobody knows for sure right now - although I will say, in my opinion I think something like this will be permanent since they are going to be the first brand new ships since Aegis / Spearhead / Citadel.
  17. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    Hopefully if they do add had new ships to the permanent pallet of ships that are available they will allow us to test them first on the test sever, I don't mean a mass frenzy of PvP but proper balanced testing to find any possible issues that could create major problems within the game.
  18. DragoWolf

    DragoWolf User

    Cant wait for new ships and the new hanger system. But I do wish there was a bit more to do in this game other then grinding NPCS and the occasional pvp. New maps or simple low cost gates?
    SauronL and HeyItsMe!! like this.
  19. Maybe have Event Gates re-appear every so often (without having to be an event, Halloween gate was a kick), some people are just tired of trying to complete Quests and being fodder for the UFE that want the easy kill as the people are focused on the Quest instead of the cloaked ready for bear UFE that has our shields down before we realize we have been attacked by another player, or wait till our shields are down before they start the attack.

    I am concerned about the final structure of the In-Game Equipment as there are more questions than answers as to what we will be seeing. Testing little portions of it with no clear direction is not helping either, finding that EVERY design (non-cosmetic) is now a ship, I have like 30 ships and trying to figure out which is equipped with what is going to be a drag and a half, not to mention having to un-equip just to change design of a Goli is going to be a major pain. But then we do have the "Favorite Hangar" that we have no idea what it is going to be or what happens to the 10 Hangars we have BOUGHT as the TEST shows the Hangars are given to us FREE.
  20. Just as a lil heads up, the Favorite Hangar, from the latest session or one before on test server, acted like the Hangars. Briefly, say you have 5 Hangar slots, you can select up to 5 Fav. Hangrs, and warp those at any time. Have 10 and can warp one of the 10 at any point, so people are not limited to 10 ships only (which in my opinion is brilliant cuz i ran out of ship slots, and want 5+ more).
    As for the equip-requip bs, they did cover this, at least saying ONE method they are looking into atm. You will be able to save configs, and with 2 clicks, swap from one Goli (say solace) and put exact same cons onto a different one (say Sentinel). Im not quite looking forward to this, but then again i could probably get used to it if it tackles other major problems, like not having a slot for another goli or my yam/defcom xD
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