[SC] Double Gate Rewards day

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by TheShadows, Apr 15, 2016.

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  1. Majima

    Majima User

    :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:not sayin thats all u wrote but u cant hve it both ways tellin people its not always rite then use it in ur defence too

    prtty sure the ppl who couldnt use the gg gen got fixed tho be4 the weekend so they could play too:)

    neway i like the event now that its mostly fixed up {gg lives :( } and theres a lil time b4 it ends so another time:cool:
  2. Bring this Event back again! And Do not wait till October to bring back Tunnel of Terror! We should have many of both of these events in a Year
  3. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    Hmm, yeah this event is great, would be cool to get a heads up like say, 2 weeks in advance, when events like this are going to happen so we (us poor people with no money to spend in game :p) could gather enough spins to make gates. :D
  4. Used to be we got a week notice in the forums of an upcoming Event so we could plan for it. Now we are lucky to get a couple hours notice of the release coming.

    But wanting 2 weeks is just dreaming on your part, no offense intended, BUT D O seems to have too many issues getting the Events to run smoothly taking all the time they want and only giving a little notice, just think how bad it would be if they gave us a 2 week notice of the Event happening, heck they might even miss the launch because they thought it was on auto-pilot or something. LOL
    TheShadows likes this.
  5. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    Lmao, true, true. Gotta save constantly ;)
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