LAG- In-Game (May 09, 2016) Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by ASTRAEA, May 9, 2016.

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  1. server: gb1
    map location: literally everywhere
    description: whenever i begin shooting an npc ill crash completely and just hear laser sounds until either i die or it dies, or on some ocassions ill freeze fully and have to reload the page only to see that ive died, i am about to buy premium again so this needs to be resolved or i wont bother.
  2. [​IMG]166228209
    Server: Global Europe 7 (Europe West)
    Map Location: All Maps
    Description: Bonus Boxes has decreased at least 20 percent. Used to collect 490 uri in PVP maps. When I update the shield generator with uri, there is no change on the ship's shield. It stays the same. Game freezes up when start shooting NPCs. Got killed several times shooting at NPCs. Please sort out this. I already stopped spending money on this game until problem solved.
  3. souleater1

    souleater1 User

    User ID: 101719777
    Server: USA E2
    Name: Souleater
    All Maps , no problem moving arount, once u engage PVP or NPCs on any Map u suddenly Lag out, to the point game freezes up entirely, this
    all started after implementation of the New Assembly! This should have shown up on Test Server!
    -hydro1-(yce) likes this.
  4. I have updated my flash player today and deleted the older version, cleaned all my caches and scanned everything, there is no change!
    I have a very fast computer and play pvp in other games no problem.
  5. Drone formations still changing when i jump also i tried to build a base to see what happened well i used lvl 16 modules now they are not showing on cbs anymore or in my inventory. Well i guess there isn't 1 thing that is working right in the game. I sure hope i get my lvl 16 modules back and don't have to wait to go through support cause i can already tell how long that's going to take.
  6. -HeJkO33-

    -HeJkO33- User

    User ID: 99956142
    Server: GE6
    Map Location: All
    Description: starts freezing when shooting NPC's. It is not that bad right after opening the game, but it gets worse over time.
  7. jcrockett

    jcrockett User

    User ID: 52227932
    Server: USA West
    Map Location: 2-6
    Description: I was cubing this morning and it was a little choppy, and suddenly it went to freezing for up to a minute. Got killed twice due to lag. Seems like as soon as it had to draw a lot of stuff on the screen it froze up, but for a while it was just choppy.
  8. Lag so bad I have to wait 30 seconds just to send transfer from Skylab or I get told I do not have enough cargo space. They should have not been in a hurry to LAUNCH the A.S. without a COMPLETE TEST on Beta Site. Even the last Open Test was a failure as we could not pick up cargo and very few found any of the New Ores at that time.

    Dev Team can you possibly explain what you were thinking when you decided to put this LIVE without a TEST of the completed SYSTEM?
  9. ponix6000

    ponix6000 User

    Usere ID: 24721426
    Server: USA west coast
    Map: everywhere
    Description:if i want shoot a npc i froze until i kilt the npc or the npc killd my
  10. ALL OF THE ABOVE..........
    It would only be considerate that someone from DO acknowledge the fact that there is definitely something wrong here that had nothing to do with our pc's and at least give an update as to how long (best guess) we are unable to play.
    USA east coast
  11. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    user ID 95190032
    west coast server
    Map Location: All
    Description: game works slow and a little jumpy until i start shoot something or get shot then *massive* lag hits. and it gets even worse

    another bug: everytime I relog ship returns to the standard drone formation one I wasn't using.
  12. -=LTD=-

    -=LTD=- User

    user ID 30383887
    USA(West) server
    Map location : All
    LP~GreenGoblin~LP likes this.
  13. ]eggy[

    ]eggy[ User

    user ID _ [​IMG]45569346
    GB1 server
    all maps gb1 server when on ship configuration 2 full speed game seems ok but as soon as i switch to config 1 ..bang masive lag spike ship gliching out .impossible to play fps from 60 to 3.and as well some time flash just crashed ..Note only when shooting npc aliens ...but even shooting aliens on speed config 2 the game seems fine ..its when i shoot aliens on config 1 full battle the game spikes massive lag fps crash from 50 to 3 ..unplayerable

    pc system - 6core 28gig highspeed gaming ram //64bit operating system windows 10...2 inline Titan graphic cards for top end gaming ADM
    Last edited: May 10, 2016
  14. Also P.E.T 10's AI Protocols are not working, I've 9 Salvage level 3 and they have no effect + lags after 3 min + drone formations changes after re-loggin or jumpin
  15. I'm just wondering... why don't you think they listen to us? Because the problem wasn't fixed a few minutes after we started posting in this thread or what?
  16. gogogo_12

    gogogo_12 User

    No probably that it's been 24 hours and still not fixed for most.
  17. But that doesn't mean they aren't working on it, and especially not that they don't listen/care about us.

    This was posted by RickDeckard:

    Hi all - this sounds like it's a separate issue from what some people are experiencing in-game (assumed to be linked to Assembly release).

    We've been having some outages that likely are the cause of the OP's problem. This is unrelated to Assembly, but we're aware of the issues as well, and have been working with our service providers to investigate and resolve the problem(s).


    So if the problem is because of their service providers, the problem is not fully on Bigpoints side and that means it can take longer to fix. Yes, it's a very annoying problem that makes the game almost unplayable, but the only thing we can do right now is wait. It wont help making tons of posts just saying bad stuff about BP and how they don't care about us etc. (Which is not true, without us there would be no game :))

    And I am sure that we get compensated for the lost time when the problems has been fully fixed.
  18. Ship Name:»Cyanide«
    User ID:65828406
    Server:USA WEST COAST (US2)
    Map Location: Everywhere , when I start to shot npc the lag is very awful !!!! please fix it as fast as possible !
  19. Well, just maybe, they should have checked with their ISP before uploading the A.S. as even though "NOT RELATED" is when the problem did happen. Maybe they needed to update their processors in the server farms to handle the additional program functions added, or maybe they needed to increase the Memory for the software to run properly. But it does not matter, the game is unplayable until they fix the issue and until they decide there is an issue we will be the ones to suffer, as we are the ones trying to "enjoy the game".
  20. As of today the event is still broken for me I can not shoot anything or pick up cargo boxes even my pet can not pick up cargo without locking up... I think you all need to stop the event and start it again when you all fix it
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