LAG- In-Game (May 09, 2016) Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by ASTRAEA, May 9, 2016.

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  1. Matotulek

    Matotulek User

    Please help. My lag is comeing when shooting and cargo pick up starts. Game is wunderful until that happends.
    Server: Globale Europe
    Map Location: All

    I have a feeling that my lap cant send informacions to the server when that happends (shooting, cargo picking up).
  2. I recently had a Base pop and went to Re Build another. I put a Deflector on and it finished installing. I then put on a Laser on it and the Deflector disappeared. It also Disappeared from my Inventory!
  3. For those who don't know, try removing your jump cpu's.
  4. In all Ships in every hanger? And you do mean remove,..then replace, right?
  5. Don't understand but I can't even send from my SkyLab, my normal Transfer, without being told "Not Enough Cargo Room", unless I wait the 20 seconds to log out of the Maps. This lag issue is obviously more than a DDoS attack and instead of continuing the facade and supposedly "working on correcting the issue" try what the community has SUGGESTED, REMOVE the A.S. from the servers and see if it corrects the problems. Your continued failure to return the game to a playable state is just sending more players to different games and leaving you with even less players for your game. Wake up, Smell the Coffee, and understand you are losing your revenue as you "drink your coffee" hoping to eat that cake soon.
    NO he means to remove them completely, they seem to be attached to the section of code that is causing the LAG!
    LP~GreenGoblin~LP likes this.
  6. all I can say right now is black out! yesterday horrible lag ,today blackout nothing on the screen. thank god I did not buy anything else .
  7. Seems that they are working on the issue atm cause the "Game Server" is down
  8. White-Horseman
    Server: USA (East Coast)
    Lag on any map I'm on, Drone Formation not staying on the last Formation Used
  9. james.t.kirk70 likes this.
  10. User: 166516133
    Server : Usa West
    Ship Name : Somesh.TheSaviour

    Start button wont work, and if it did the game wont load, and even by chance then after going to 1-4 the lag is unreal.
    Last edited: May 11, 2016
  11. west-star

    west-star User

    and i got still no chat on usa west :(
  12. I just discovered that if you take the advanced jump cpu off, you don't lag anymore if you shoot something. But bigpoint still needs to fix the game because I shouldn't have to do that
  13. 77Transam

    77Transam User

    US East 4
    Another thing I am noticing, when I launch the game I have to change my drone config back to what I keep it on. It keeps going to the config that is free to to everyone.
  14. [​IMG]52869592 - GB1

    No chat

    Have to change configs every relog, which is quite frankly annoying.

    My ship keeping tripping out, I dunno how to explain it; when I'm killing npc's it'll start moving in random directions (few pixels) - Every single map.
  15. Still constant lag on all the lower maps, cargo transfer bugged 30 second wait till you can send cargo after selling or the cargo bay full message appears. If you trip a slow mine your ship lags out and freezes and cannot move, X-1 maps there are no uri, EE, jackpot Euro drops from BB's only the normal ammo and credits ( I am within the level limit for X-1 collection) X2,3 and 4 maps BB drops are normal . I have no jump CPU's on board. All these issues started at the launch of the A S event.
  16. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hi all^ ^

    The lag issues we've seen over the last few days should be phasing their way out by now as they did find the issue and applied a fix. It may be worth clearing cache now that it's in place if you're still having issues, help clear out the old data from before the fix at leasto_O

    On another note with connectivity issues, they believe they've got some movement here as well with the DDoS issue. If you're having issues staying connected, logging in, loading spacemap, that sort of thing, try restarting your router. This may take hold through the next 24 hours so any issues within that time window it may be worth giving that a try to see if it helps too.

    Hopefully we're on the way to a bit smoother space-sailing now :)

    Also, a very big thank you from the team for everyone's help with this!

  17. eT3RnitY

    eT3RnitY User


    After the hotfix today, I loose the connection to the server all the time. I will provide you with some tracert logs, where my IP addresses* will be hidden. If the support needs those details, let me know, I can share full reports with them (including my IP addresses, nothing else is hidden from the log).

    Log 1:


    Tracing route to []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 <1 ms 2 ms <1 ms
    2 6 ms 7 ms 5 ms [modem IP*]
    3 8 ms 8 ms 11 ms [ISP router IP*]
    4 200 ms 39 ms 152 ms
    5 * * * Request timed out.
    6 * * * Request timed out.
    7 47 ms 47 ms 56 ms []
    8 50 ms 47 ms 54 ms []
    9 47 ms 55 ms 56 ms [195.
    10 48 ms 47 ms 48 ms
    11 47 ms 46 ms 45 ms []
    12 50 ms 49 ms 51 ms []
    13 * * * Request timed out.
    14 * * * Request timed out.
    15 * * * Request timed out.
    16 * * 56 ms [178.132.24

    Trace complete.

    Log 2:


    Tracing route to []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 4 ms <1 ms <1 ms
    2 8 ms 9 ms 6 ms [modem IP*]
    3 7 ms 7 ms 8 ms [ISP router IP*]
    4 36 ms 37 ms 36 ms
    5 * * * Request timed out.
    6 * * * Request timed out.
    7 147 ms 145 ms 158 ms []

    8 146 ms 149 ms 185 ms [
    9 80 ms 72 ms 72 ms [134.222.112.
    10 85 ms 92 ms 95 ms [212.123.127.
    11 82 ms 79 ms 76 ms
    12 88 ms 86 ms 84 ms [178.132.24

    Trace complete.

    If needed, I can do more logs. Please, forward this issue fast to the developers team, as the game is not playable at all. Can't keep the connection up for even 5 seconds. Barely can open back page, or the forum.

    Cleared all the Flash player and browser cache, modem & WiFi router restarted multiple times.

    Last edited: May 11, 2016
  18. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    ths did work
  19. im2eood

    im2eood User

    eT3RnitY - remove your AJP-01 form your ship and no more lag
    edit - from all hangars

  20. eT3RnitY

    eT3RnitY User

    Don't have it equipped :)
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