[ML] Official: VIDEO THREAD Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Nov 23, 2013.

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  1. eT3RnitY

    eT3RnitY User

    I will go off topic and I am really sorry about that.

    But, I wanted to say good job to @Bismut for these videos. Absolutely love them, I see that you are only starting right now. It seems that I will stick with your channel for a while, curious about your future work. :)

    PS. That resolution, I am jealous.. :eek:
    Bismut likes this.
  2. Bismut

    Bismut User

    Thanks you man, if people like my videos I will try to post every day :)
  3. gamepark

    gamepark User

  4. Bismut

    Bismut User

  5. eT3RnitY

    eT3RnitY User

    Awesome video!

    Change the video name to: "Killing machine [with friends]" :D
    Well done, you are really strong. What server do you play on?
  6. Bismut

    Bismut User

    Ok, thanks for name :D
    Global europe 6
    I had some problems with the video editing and have little lag
  7. eT3RnitY

    eT3RnitY User

    Damn, I am on Global Europe 7. Close :p
  8. CH!LL

    CH!LL User

    Some clips from 2015 UBA.
  9. Bismut

    Bismut User

    First time when i use sony vegas ... next video will be with 1 vs 1 or spaceball :)
  10. *fabio*

    *fabio* User

    Here I come with a new video! This time it is a bit different, I'm trying to edit in a more interesting way... take a look at it!
  11. eT3RnitY

    eT3RnitY User

    Peace of an advice from someone who loves to watch DO videos: you have done too much edits, video blinks a lot and it is really hard to watch. Usually, when I see such a video, I just skip it. I love low to none video edits, just pure DO game play. :)

    Voted up the video, one more awesome upload! :)
  12. Bismut

    Bismut User

    as I promised, new video with 1 vs 1 is out :D
  13. Bismut

    Bismut User

    Last edited by moderator: Jul 19, 2016
  14. REKT
  15. Akeno13

    Akeno13 User

  16. gamepark

    gamepark User

  17. Bismut

    Bismut User

  18. Bismut

    Bismut User

  19. gamepark

    gamepark User

  20. *fabio*

    *fabio* User

    New video!
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