[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  2. 77Transam

    77Transam User

    When are the other new ships and designs going to be brought into the game?
  3. apetown.

    apetown. User

    Those football drones are so nice joke xD like rly whos gonna pay 280k U for cosmectic drone design...

    10 of them 2,8 million uri.. thats not even funny joke
  4. Peo0pl3GA5

    Peo0pl3GA5 User

    its cosmetic!
    dont have effect on stats so i dont understadn why people are soo crazy about buying them?
    i could have got all the gree nand red cosmetic drone design but i prefered ot cube nad makde lots of uri while everbody was busy doing assembly crap.

    if you think they are expenive just dont buy them.
    if it was some new drone design which have impact then yea i would be angry.
    ufe and got no cosmetic in my ship apart from havoc and hercs :)
  5. Golbinex

    Golbinex User

    Thing is, they are wasting time on making items, whose arent going to be sold anyway
  6. i dunno i like some of the champ designs enough to pay 7 bucks for it
  7. Do uba xD
  8. i dont like :(
  9. jackknife

    jackknife User

    I have no problem with Do selling cosmetics designs. And I know a few English men who just love the heck out of the game. So let them sell them as much as the market bears and make a good profit from the pixels.

    It is not a benefit. Who cares if it costs 280,000 uri a piece if it floats their boat then good on them!
    Darkomaani. likes this.
  10. Agreed. Making stuff like that does not take lots of time and all it does gives little extra income to BP so they may be able to make other things cheaper in the game. I would love it if the game would go into a direction where you pay to get some cool stuff exactly like those drones while it would become cheaper to upgrade your ship and fight in PvP.

    I would actually love it if they would make 2 golden goliaths (1 with 5% dmg, 1 with 10% shield) which would together cost 5,000,000 uridium. It would be pretty hilarious to see those things flying around leaving a trail of diamonds behind, it would be something truly unique and only few people would ever get it. I know some crazy people who actually could buy something like that.

    I hope the price experiment with these drone prices goes well. I am never going to buy them since way too expensive for me, but if there are people buying them I am 100% okay with that.
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Well after a couple weeks of no real news to report, it all seems to arrive at once.

    Something in the works called 'Project Nano'.

    New ship designs / skins:

    Three variations of the Pusat and Spectrum, these are being called the Poison / Sandstorm / Lava designs.

    In addition to the ship design there are also drone designs - but they are specific to the particular ship and its design, so the drone is called the Sandstorm "Spectrum Drone Design" or "Poison Pusat Drone Design etc". Could be these drones give the particular ship design an animation of special effect but can't say for sure right now.

    Spectrum Poison / Lava / Sandstorm:

    Pusat Poison / Lava / Sandstorm:

    Drones (i think the Pusat version is first):

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    A few new items, all linked to the crafting system:

    Hybrid Processor
    "Even the Kristallon have taken note of this small gadget's unique processing power. It's used to produce high-tech items in the Assembly."

    High Frequency Cable
    "This nano-based high-frequency cable is essential for signaling and measurement, and is used to produce high-tech items in the Assembly."

    "No micro-transistors, no modern microelectronics! These small units are everywhere, and are used to produce high-tech items in the Assembly."

    Nano Case
    "It may not look like much, but this nano case will protect your sensitive electronics, no matter what. It's also used to produce high-tech items in the Assembly."

    Nano Condensers
    "With its unmatched memory capacities, the nano condenser is a must for every space ship. It's used to produce high-tech items in the Assembly."

    Prismatic Socket
    "With this prismatic socket, slack joints and jamming are a thing of the past! It's also used to produce high-tech items in the Assembly."

    So overall seems like the crafting / assembly system is going to get another layer of depth to it with this project nano thing.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2016
  12. What are

    Items from the tech factory?
  13. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    For now we can only assume it's just flavor text for higher value items because there's no mention of new techs just yet. If any names or descriptions of new techs appear I'll be sure to post them.
  14. Interesting stuff, thanks for sharing Okapi32.
    BestGArenEUW likes this.
  15. another useless overpriced item aimed at paying players yet again, bigpoint is becoming too greedy with these updates, release some credit option out the window with these daft cosmetic over prioced item.
    77Transam likes this.
  16. :s the craft system is for free players and this update will be the same
  17. The same items can be bought with $$$ or you can red dot everything for free - you get the bonus of XP and honor with all those NPCs destroyed.
  18. The biggest problem with the A.S. is, it takes so long to get the ores collected and the recipes are gone before a true free player can collect them all. The drop rate and loss of Cargo Drops when we do receive the drops also effects the free players ability to strengthen their ship and abilities.
    77Transam likes this.
  19. those ships aint aimed at free players, the rest might be.
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