[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Veki

    Veki User

    The drop rates now are 1/3 or 1/4 of what they were during the Assembly event.
    I really hope BP will increase drop rate.
    And, maybe we can get for materials to be visible to all players in group.
    Now, only the player that shot first will see the material. And that really hampers down any team play. :(
  2. DosEquis

    DosEquis User

    Okapi32, if you have PP's on Detonation 1 and 2, does Lance stack on top of that?
  3. yes, it does. i cant wait to get it. some of my friends have it.
  4. ive got lance, should i reset bio? put in det 1 and 2 ? how much damage does mines do with lance and det 1 and 2? snyone know?
  5. Its not damage based. Its based by how many hitpoints the affected ship can have and a percentage from the mines upgrade.
  6. so it has a bigger radius? like it hits more than 1 ship?
  7. ok, i will give this a try. dd mine 20%. with lance and det 1&2. then you have 40%. with other booster and type of ship. some peoples dmg mines will be around 40-50%. yes thats the base dmg. straight to the hull
  8. thanks jonny :)
  9. Umm what server do you have that on again? I don't want to fly in the wrong area. :eek::eek::eek:
  10. I don't know what Big_Country has set up on his VRU ship but his mines hit with so much Dmg that 2 mines will kill a Goliath without double boost or more than Fats and Bubble shield for Bio.
  11. usa east1 its good for mining around cbs but havent used it much whilst the cbs been all glitched out, dropped a few whilst being chased though lol :p
  12. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Project nano breaking news image:


    In the picture is most likely the Lava variations of the the Pusat and Spectrum.

    Current breaking news text for anyone who missed it:

  13. Curious as to why they don't fix the crap that's broken before they add more into the toilet.

    This is why I quit long ago. PS3 support treats me better than DO support. I'd never recommend this game to anyone.
  14. Actually, you're wrong, Their wings are black, same as the Sandstorm designs. And look at the orange front part and yellow back part of the spectrum, Lava spectrum is with blue back part and blue front ;) http://prntscr.com/bofa80 (my browser crashes when i try to put the images here, so i took a screenshot instead)
    1.000.000 urid are ready and still waiting for Sandstorm Spectrum/Pusat and Green Mimesis :D
    By the way, Im in love with daaa speeectrum <3 (still wating for the video with these designs in 3D!)
  15. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    To be honest none of us actually know which design is which at the moment. I put them in that order just because I thought those names suited the designs best. There are no game files available yet to actually know which design is which.

    However the breaking news text talks exclusively about the Lava designs so I then have assumed that it is the Lava designs in the image.
    -BLACK_SKORPION_BG- likes this.
  16. Once again, more interesting stuff to wait for :) Btw, did anyone noticed something "special" about Project nano announcement?

    So, does this finally mean that we are going to see these 2 new ships, mimesis and tartarus during Project Nano event? Well I hope so, because I have waited for them over 2 months :/
  17. Imo don't bring new ships quite yet. First fix the current emerging problems.
  18. still no compo for the previous problems....They need to sort that
  19. 1 week double gg rewards, i've made 1,4m RP and 5 bill top user points + 2m x4
  20. What?

    I lost out on around 1k gg spins & 40k urid, i could not play last week.

    I lost out on a weeks prem & doubler because of this.
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