[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Anyone know for the Red Mimesis ship you must have 10 RED enigma drones and RED mirage pet for the special animation or can it be any colour and still get animation?
  2. crazytoon

    crazytoon User

    wow Mimesis is available ? when where how did i missed it ;(((
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    A new collectable resource for the assembly system called Aurus:

    "Raw material for creating items in the Assembly. Pirates value Aurus highly and hoard it on a grand scale. It can be collected from the remains of Barracuda, Saboteur, Battleray, Annihilator and Interceptor."

    A bunch of crafting blueprint recipe names:
    • High Frequency Cable
    • Nano Case
    • Prismatic Socket
    • Nano Condenser
    • Hybrid Processor
    • Micro-transistors
    • Lottery Capsule
    Lottery Capsule seems to be related to the Hitac event ... which brings us to our next point.

    Hitac Assault Keys(? - all a bit confusing atm)

    Listed under the title of Hitac Assult Keys are lots of new designs for the Aegis Elite with pets and drones to go with it. There are Poison / Sandstorm / Lava / Ocean / Blaze / Legend variants of the Aegis Elite then a style of pet and drone to go with each.
    Note: The legend seems to only apply to the ship itself and does not have pet and drone versions.

    In addition there is a new ammo called Cubi Portal - acts the same as the icy portal, use it and a cube will spawn.

    New quests - the descriptions pretty much confirm a Hitac event is planned and give some hints as to how the Aegis designs / skins can be obtained.

    Copyright Infringement
    I've heard you've had quite some dealings with M.A.S.Q.U.E. lately. That's good! Thanks to them, we were able to obtain blueprints for Hitac capsules. Unfortunately, the aliens are now fuming with rage, and have been attacking us like a swarm of wasps! If you destroy them, you can keep any ship design blueprints you find in their wrecks!

    Pesky Vermin
    Well, there's something we haven't seen before. It seems a mothership trails behind the Hitac minions. You're right, I shouldn't be surprised, but still… it's annoying! Join your comrades and deport that ugly thing from our sector. You won't regret it! They may be serious, but so are we!

    Capsule Production
    Now all that excitement is over, we can finally return to producing capsules in the Assembly at full speed! Fire up the furnace, set the assembly lines in motion, get the workers running double-time, and prove that we are the best! I'll reward you with this antique capsule if you are able to successfully craft one!

    Now, won't you take a look at that! The Hitac left us more than just ship designs and trouble - this hints to a legendary ship design! Supposedly, it can be found in one of the Galaxy Gates. I'll upload the data to your ship's computer now. For an elite pilot like yourself, this is the perfect job! Scour the Gates and find this legend! Good luck!
    AkAKuzuki, XeonXS and BestGArenEUW like this.
  4. Finally there will be a good reason for killing pirates.
    XeonXS likes this.
  5. Seems interesting, cant wait to see what would the Legend aegis look like :p
    Btw, still waiting for video of poison / lava / sandstorm spectrum and pusat. Or you will add them all with new aegises in one video?
    AND! How much more time we have to wait for the mimesis and tartarus.. are they planned for the Project Nano event?
  6. Hitac Assualt keys - maybe a new hitac booty box o_O

    Cubi Portal - perfect for solo crazy cubi ;)
  7. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Their files don't exist yet.

    No idea.
  8. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Pusat Lava

    - 10 High-Frequency Cables
    - 5 Prismatic Socket
    - 2 Hybrid Processor

    Pusat Poison

    - 10 High-Frequency Cables
    - 5 Prismatic Socket
    - 2 Hybrid Processor

    Pusat Sandstorm

    Spectrum Lava

    - 10 High-Frequency Cables
    - 5 Prismatic Socket
    - 2 Hybrid Processor

    Spectrum Poison

    - 10 High-Frequency Cables
    - 5 Prismatic Socket
    - 2 Hybrid Processor

    Spectrum Sandstorm
    3D video preview - no sound and the drones were not complete.

    Aurus resource:

    Blueprint bonus box:

    Nano Condenser
    • 20,000 U. (Purchase in shop)
    • 50 Scrap (Crafting)
    • 10 Prismatium (Crafting)

    Nano Case
    • 5,000 U. (Purchase in shop)
    • 10 Plasmide (Crafting)
    • 25 Scrap (Crafting)

    High Frequency Cable
    • 5,000 U. (Purchase in shop)
    • 50 Mucosum (Crafting)
    • 10 Plasmide (Crafting)

    Prismatic Socket
    • 20,000 U. (Purchase in shop)
    • 80 Mucosum (Crafting)
    • 10 Prismatium (Crafting)

    Hybrid Processor
    • 40,000 U. (Purchase in shop)
    • 240 Mucosum (Crafting)
    • 330 Scrap (Crafting)

    • Couldn't find a price
    • 40 Mucosum (Crafting)
    • 25 Plasmide (Crafting)
    • 25 Scrap (Crafting)
    • 5 Aurus
    Just because these items have been given a price in the shop does not mean they are guaranteed to go on sale.

    Edit: There's lots of stuff - like too much for me to write up or post pictures of. I've decided I will put it out in a video instead, should be uploaded overnight so sorry for the delay.
    In the past there hasn't been access to as much as this before but now we can see crafting costs, uridium costs etc.

    Edit 2: video idea out the window, was going to take 28 hours to upload with my 1980s internet speeds.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2016
    AkAKuzuki likes this.
  9. Peo0pl3GA5

    Peo0pl3GA5 User

    will it be just design
    ot it will also effect ship stats?
    thank you
  10. is there anything or any updates for the credit payers, all this seems to be aimed at those who pay.
  11. - 10 High-Frequency Cables: 500 mucosum 100 Plasmide
    - 5 Prismatic Socket: 400 Mucosum 50 Plasmide
    - 2 Hyper Processor: 480 Mucosum 660 Scrap
    1380 mucosum 150 plasmide and 660 scrap for one of the designs.
    230.000 uridium if you buy all the Cables/Sockets/Processors for one of the designs

    Well im almost there: http://prnt.sc/bvg32o :D
    Here i come lava spectrum! :p

    If they fix the drop rates of the resources way more poeple will go to try to get one or even more of those designs. Not everyone have time for 300 uber sibelons for 150 plasmide / over 3000 sibelonits for 1380 mucosum / over 1500 boss saimons for 660 scrap.....
    Watt-Overlord likes this.
  12. ~Monster~

    ~Monster~ User

    Actually, your math is a bit wrong.

    It is prismatium, not plasmide for prismatic socket.
    Prismatium is 1.5k more each, so price just went even higher :p
  13. Even the 8 UberSibelons were cancer in the tunnel of Terror...but 300...
    yellowsubmarine and XeonXS like this.
  14. This is a collection game - as mentioned on DO Homepage. Yes, millions (1,000,000(s)) of NPCs will poof for your glory. Assemble all and poof 'em all - then craft...enjoy the artwork.
  15. Wow I can't believe this how everyone is getting excited about another event. Doesn't anybody else get this? Instead of showing interest on a new event how about we all stick together and make them fix this game first. I mean come on you players are already to spend your time and money on a new event and totally forget about all the bugs in the game still. Lets move on to another event and get more bugs so all we can hear form DO is were still working on all the bugs, I'm starting to believe this is DO's way out of returning any of the lost modules or fixing the pvp quests their just hoping they can wash all this away. I think it's funny that they have come out with at least 6 event's since the loss of cbs modules but they say their working on the problem when all i see them working on is another event, another way to get us to spend more money. Then eventually players are gonna say i put too much money in to give up just cause i am missing some equipment from my hanger when i can just replace it and suck it up. If we all went to a store and purchased something from the store and it got lost in the shipping would we all just say ok this is fine i will just buy another one which is what most players have done already, I see players upgrading more cbs modules so it will be worth it again to build an upgraded cbs when we should have had these returned to us immediately after we lost them. That should have been DO's first fix we did not pay for quests so who cares if they fix the pvp quests just make a new one but we should care when we use our own money to purchase or upgrade something and it gets lost from a bug and for months now all we get from DO is were working on it and as soon as we hear something we will pass it on ( that saying right has been heard by everyone from DO) Do they think this is acceptable after months of waiting an numerous event's not to mention the money everyone spent upgrading modules again. And they wonder why a lot of the older players are leaving the game and not coming back ( but maybe that's what they are trying to do the players that are full elite don't play as often or spend money as often anymore so they don't care about them as much as new players that are always crying about protection in a pvp game). Those are my thoughts DO wish i had better ones, I would like to hear everyone else's thought's on this.
    ΞMPЯΞSS likes this.
  16. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Date for Project Nano event has been set to Monday, 25th of July 2016, midnight LST until Sunday, 7th of August 2016. As normal this could change.

    Last edited: Jul 21, 2016
  17. oh, yes... i didn't notice it says prismatium, not plasmide :D
    The price i said, 230k, is from buying the items processors/sockets/cables, not the price if you buy the resources for the items. ;)
  18. crazytoon

    crazytoon User

    Just received following in booty box
    You received 2 High-Frequency Cables.
    You received 2 Nano Cases.
    Have they started already without declaring it
  19. I hope that was planned by the devs.
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