[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Nice RANT but one thing to remember an EVENT is something that lasts longer than a weekend and is not recurring activity. If you look at the things YOU call Events you are including things like Invasion, TDM, Sector Control, Spaceball, and Capture The Beacon which are nothing except flipping a switch to activate the already designed Program. We have had 4 Events since April (Visual Upgrade, Assembly, Customization/Hangar/Ship Expo, and Football) but they added recurring Galaxy Gate Activities giving extra rewards to the Gate Farmers, these I do not count as Events. Yes we have bugs in the game that have not been addressed and will not be (what is new about this), we have never had an Upgrade/Update without bugs and we have never had all of the problems fixed that were created going all the way back to when I first started and the change of the AI of the NPC's back in 2011 (they became more aggressive and harder to circle) or addition of the Pirates to our maps and subsequent addition of the Pirate Maps.
  2. ~Monster~

    ~Monster~ User

    Are these the same thing?
  3. Pirate quests should be finished here then...both PvE and PvP :eek:

    The AI of the NPCs got harder, yes, but we got a range indicator as to the rockets and lasers range depending on the weapon(s) being used.

    More pretty ships...wonder about the advantages/bonuses of mentioned three ship(s) designs.
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yes, typing error by me. Changed it now, thanks for the heads up :)
  5. Okapi32 Lets say you dont have a Spectrum or a Psaut and you craft a Lava or Poison design. Will you be able to use or will you need to get the ship first.
  6. Cuz its only cosmetics,you will need the original spectrum and pusat first.
  7. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Future Aegis Elite designs - don't think these are part of project nano.

    Supposedly acquired from galaxy gates. However it does have a crafting value but the blueprint is set to 'only visible once owned'. So it's possible the blueprint is acquired from GG then you need the resources to build it.

    - 2 Micro Transistors
    - 7 Hybrid Processor
    - 7 Nano condensers

    Shop price is set at 120,000 U. - this doesn't actually mean it will be on sale though.
    Seems unavailable in crafting.


    Shop price is set at 120,000 U. - this doesn't actually mean it will be on sale though.

    - 3 Hybrid Processor
    - 3 Aurus

    Shop price is set at 300,000 U. - this doesn't actually mean it will be on sale though.
    Does not appear to be available in crafting.

    Shop price is set at 120,000 U. - this doesn't actually mean it will be on sale though.

    - 3 Hybrid Processor


    Shop price is set at 200,000 U. - this doesn't actually mean it will be on sale though.
    Does not appear to be available in crafting.

    Pet versions blaze / lava / ocean / poison / sandstorm - there is no legend pet:

    Ocean pet:
    - 3 Hybrid Processor
    - 3 Aurus

    Poison Pet:
    - 2 Hybrid Processor
    - 3 Nano cases

    No pets appear to have a price set for the shop.

    There are drone variations as well.

    Ocean drone:
    - 1 Hybrid Processor
    - 2 Nano Condensers
    - 2 Aurus
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2016
  8. west-star

    west-star User

    so sad , that do only cn play with colours now
  9. Yeah...in League of L*egends players can change some colours of their character...for free at your own risk.

    It's a little brazen that they demande so much Uri for the designs.
  10. Funny they would make the Lava Pusat and Spectrum designs available via Assembly but not the Aegis.
  11. After seeing all this I'd rather poof every NPC/PvE all day night just to prove DO o_O it can be done - just don't confuse me/players of being a :rolleyes: This will be fun...call the player(s) a chameleon ;)
  12. this game is getting worse and worse with all these exclusive pay to play items ridiculous
  13. You can play without the items, so you needn't to pay.

    They should add good in-game item, which are NOT better than the current ones. Colours are a little boring, sorry for my bad artistic taste.
  14. Well,the Sandstorm,Ocean,and Legend looks very cool in my opinion,shame i only play with goli.:cool:
    I hope bp one day will make designs for Surgeon goli aswell.:D
  15. The Lava pusat is amazing
    The Lava aegis also looks really cool!
    But why the Lava Spectrum had to be grey not black and white like the pusat and aegis... it would be amazing if the Lava spectrum was also Black and White...
    (+ fixed drop rates on resources :oops:)
    $ΣηęяĝỴ$(HUN) likes this.
  16. Write it more often (NOT kappa, it shouldn't sound sarcastically). Perhaps they will listen to us.
  17. if th

    Why dose the pet look like the robot off flubber lol
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2016
  18. BOGIE1

    BOGIE1 User

    Yeah....I got some of the new items already in last week's Green Booty Boxes.....I new in a sec they were for an upcoming event...
    Need more info on not only the names of the new items, but also what they are used for in relation to the upcoming event. As they always say...."you'll find out sooner or later".....lol
  19. Be happy this, the new items are still better than the useless Xenomit and the little amount of ammo.

    Why should I buy
    if I'm EIC?
    LeaveMeAloneNOW!! likes this.
  20. Hope this new event will make servers more active i just got back from hunt i go on all maps find 3 players and all noobs :(
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