[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. EMP mines, ACM's and DD's, gets them uncloaked and loads of mines dropped for damage to them when I'm boxing gets rid of a lot of company botters out of the map I am in when they pop to the mines with NPC's lending a helping hand to stop them repairing and warring some clans in same company to smartbomb them for pops and rewards :rolleyes: It's even better when you know their "flight plan" around a map (some do seem to fly the exact same route over and over) as it is an easy mining operation and those that pop and keep coming back, easy to mine route they take between ports to get back to the map they were botting in :p And I get loads of uri and gate energy while I'm at it :D
  2. Why aren't darkorbit doing anything about the players [REMOVED] or any forms of botting in the VRU (mainly), MMO, EIC companies such as the b-maps, 4-1, 4-2, or 4-3, or x-2 maps? It is very frustrating while some pay their income into this game while others bot their way to the top and seriously still can't fight (lol). I know some suggests we should quit this game...

    -------Botter across ALL servers-------
    EDIT: Botting applies to all servers, GA1 is being a popular server.

    Another thing, some said the reason they don't remove all is because if darkorbit remove users the game would die. Is this true? Spark a little conversation along this topic so others would notice...

    Whether this conversation is bad or good for the game, it's up to us.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2016
  3. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    No, it's not true. There are pilots who know how to play the game fairly and do so, and those who would rather not risk their account being terminated in any case. When the bans come the cheaters get taken out of the maps for the time, so it might be a bit more quiet initially but some people come back after these bans, and many people have more than one account anyway.



    so if they get banned one account carnt the dev team bann ip address or is it too technical ime no it geek
  5. Can we remove [removed]?

    Please do not post the names of programs themselves, it only serves to advertise it and is against the rules-SE
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 10, 2016
  6. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    IP bans aren't necessarily as 'end all be all' as we might like to think :/ It stops some, but not all
    If detected they would be terminated sure. Whether or not it detects it just now is a bit above me, but if not I'd say it's a matter of time just as it was before. Sometimes it just takes time to make sure something can be accurately detected, then to ensure it keeps accurate detection. The cheat programs have updates just the same as anything else really so DO has to continue watching for that just as well.

  7. How is it that one single clan with 2 players that I have seen ( and I play a lot) can have 18 Clan Battle Stations on 1 server? I'll tell you how because the shields never come down. He builds this CBS and we sit and wait to blow it up when the shields get to 0:00 he base goes to 30+ hours. How this does not throw any red flags to BP is beyond me. I mean it is just ridiculous, anyone with a brain that logs in to USA East 2 server can see that there is something wrong, yet here we are a week later and nothing has been done about it. I mean really, 18 clan battle stations from a clan with 2 active members, and they all have 20+ hours on them at all times but Big Point is not seeing it?
    -oversoulpaul- and OILDAILY like this.
  8. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    It's a bug rather than a cheat per se to my understanding - although one could argue still an exploitation of a bug I'll leave that to the devs.

    Primarily the bug needs to be fixed to resolve this, then they can go from there



    forget all that. wot about cleaning up the guinea pig server gb1 its taking the micky scan for lockers listen to people in chat also look at there videos and bring the plod back. then decide then ban them gb1 might get busy again there is an old saying word of mouth might bring legit people back means population in map
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  10. I think DO is losted,so many bugs and so many programusers again and botusers start again on pvp !!!
    Last year removed programusers are back on GE2 (AND AGAIN WITH PROGRAM OR BUG)
    with multiple infection hit over 160k x4 (is better than program),this is alredy too long and speed drop in tartarus still not fixed from begining,design tartar cost so much and is only paint job for 150k uri,funny...
  11. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    "Bringing the plod back" doesn't mean cheats get banned. >We< do not decide who cheats and who doesn't. DO has a system in place for that. If we're in the maps with the plod ships then we're there (which isn't a bad thing!) but we aren't the clean up crew for all that may be going on.

    They're already scanning for anyone using an illegal program - those numbers posted each week aren't just limited to say box bots or such. I won't say it's catching everything, but whatever it isn't catching now is only a matter of time.

  12. My point is that its plain as day, they don't need "things in place" to catch it, log in when a base is built and an hour later it has 30 hours of shield built up. It isn't rocket science. So the 18 bases are allowed to stand and then players that play fair can not use their upgraded battle station modules for boost and what not. So this weekend when it is double rewards and he has 18 bases all with honor and experience modules on them, how is a legitimate player supposed to gain any ground in rankings, It isn't any wonder players are leaving the game and looking for other games to play. BigPoint is the only place I have ever played or spent money that did not make concerns about players not following the rules a priority. If it was a priority the bases would already be gone all they have to do is look at the clan battle station log book.
    Gman5301 likes this.
  13. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Problem being that say they nuke the bases in the meantime while they bugs get sorted out - someone else is, unfortunately, more than likely to come up and knowingly or not end up in the same position.

    Is it a problem, yes. But right now we're stuck a bit waiting.

  14. Oh i thought exploitation of bugs was a bannable offense? If someone else is willing to get banned for exploiting the bug let them.
  15. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Exploitation is bannable, however at the moment as I said before: the bug still exists. So removing one does not mean someone else is not going to take their place so long as the bug itself is present and unfixed.

    If anyone is going to be banned for exploiting current bugs then we will probably have more information then. At the moment there isn't much more we can advise until it's at least resolved.

  16. Thank you Solid_Eye, I do not see the logic in letting one person cheat at the expense of everyone else in the server because if he is punished someone else might cheat but at least you responded.
  17. crazytoon

    crazytoon User

    Okay I agree with Solid Eye. I will give you example : i like cubing , i was not aware of any bug, i use diamond formation. Now i found out its bugged. There is no way i am doing anything. I am too scared to use Diamond formation. Next thing i know i get banned for it. Point is i always use diamond every time i am doing npc long before this bug came along. As far as i know most of players use diamond formation during cubes.So we dont know who is using bug and who is not. I see chat filled with players accusing each other for using any kind of formation. Now that real problem we just dont know if some purposely bugged their formation or accidentally. Honestly i always worry about it. Thanks Solid Eye for your support
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  18. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    You're both welcome :) The whole whole happens to come across a bug incidentally vs actually exploiting can be it's own cause for concern at times, at least where potential penalization would come into play.
    Regardless, hoping they won't be bugs for too much longer, but we'll see

  19. Kyro

    Kyro User

    Hm, this seems like a place that might get an answer to a question I have: People obviously know depending on server that people do certain things to get high score on UBA, my question is will people anytime in the future without warning* get banned/penalised for doing what you do that gives you more score? (don't mean pushing)

    *As in don't give clear warnings on forums/discord that if you keep doing this you will get banned/penalised. At moment from what I can see there is nothing about it on the forum.

    Or do I need to be more specific with what I mean with a support email to find out the answer to this? Cause at the moment the only way to win UBA that has people doing certain things is to do those certain things yourself, people don't seem to be getting banned/penalised either at moment hence why feel its the only way to win.
  20. crazytoon

    crazytoon User

    Kyro I asked support and few MOds about this issue and there answer will surprise you. If some player is using 1 empty confg and gaining lot points coz it is not against T&C. So i guess they are getting free pass to do so.
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