[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. The New Blueprint boxes are for new Recipes to Assemble. Should have more information tomorrow in O A as the event was scheduled to start then.
  2. jackknife

    jackknife User

    yep there is nothing in the new assembly that benefits me except 3x, but i will still keep my ingredients maybe next time ?

    my edit ¹²ĆŁΞÄŊΞŖ™[R†M] you are right :p and also the centaur design, which i may get
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2016
  3. ummmm, lance drone formation is obtainable? if you were saving your booty to wait for rewards changes from booty like me, you can get most of your components out of the booty boxes. and if you are short on any of the pieces near the end of the event then buy the rest of the pieces with the uri you have made through out the event.
    D-Cruiser and jackknife like this.
  4. ramnik

    ramnik User

    lance in on assembly forever so ye :p
  5. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Hitac Assault breaking news:

    Greetings, pilots!

    According to deep-space scouts picking up Hitac transmissions, another assault on human space is planned on Monday, the 15th of August 2016, 0:00h LST.

    To rally as many space pilots as possible, the Companies have put a bounty on those Hitac body parts that are responsible for higher intelligence. Space pilots participating in the counter-attack will receive valuable rewards and the chance to participate in the Hitac Lottery.

    This time, the rewards include:

    • 6x Aegis Elite designs: Poison, Sandstorm, Lava, Ocean, Blaze and Legend
    • New recipes for CBS modules, ship, drone and P.E.T. designs
    • The Cubi Portal – a rare item to spawn your very own Cubicon
    • New missions and special rewards for Alpha, Beta and Gamma Galaxy Gates
    • Exclusive UBA Season set rewards
    • Improved Hitac reward pool
    • Aurus and boosters as direct payout for Hitac capsules
    The event ends on Sunday, the 28th of August 2016 at 23:59h LST.

    Lottery prizes:

    Win great prizes with the Capsule Converter!

    When you redeem your capsules for lottery tickets with the Capsule Converter, you'll have the chance to win astronomically cool prizes! Each of the following can be won on each separate server:

    • 1 x 1 million Uridium
    • 30 x 100,000 Uridium
    • 1 x 30 Fully-upgraded LF4 Lasers
    • 2 x 10 Fully-upgraded LF-4 Lasers
    • 5 x 5 Fully-upgraded LF-4 Lasers
    • 1 x 30 Fully-upgraded SG3N-B02 Shield Generators
    • 2 x 10 Fully-upgraded SG3N-B02 Shield Generators
    • 5 x 5 Fully-upgraded SG3N-B02 Shield Generators
    • 5 x 50,000 rounds of UCB-100 Laser Ammo
    • 5 x 400,000 rounds of UCB-100 Laser Ammo
    • 20 x 1 Month Premium Membership
    • 30 x 1 Full Lava A-Elite Set

    As always with this sort of thing, the dates can change.
    Bismut and BestGArenEUW like this.
  6. rip, shame i am going on holiday on the 12th -.-
  7. XeonXS

    XeonXS User

    Damn I'm leaving to go on holiday on the 15th...
  8. Wow how long holidays do you people have... my ends in 3 days...
  9. Holidays are often known as Vacations also depending on what part of the globe you are from. Like the English say they are going on holiday instead of like the USA says were are taking a vacation.
    Watt-Overlord likes this.
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Couple things to add.

    Ocean pet in crafting now costs:
    - 2 Hybrid Processor
    - 3 Nano Case
    - 3 Aurus

    Poison Aegis drones:
    - 1 Hybrid Processor
    - 2 Nano condensers

    Both of these could have not been listed / listed wrongly in the original post due to my own error, not too sure since I didn't save a copy of the older document.

    Blueprint boxes available during the upcoming Hitac Assault event:
    - Poison Aegis
    - Poison Aegis Drone
    - Poison Aegis P.E.T
    - Legendary Aegis

    The lack of an Ocean blueprint box probably means its available from the start.

    Wouldn't surprise me if the various Poison blueprint boxes are from a type of NPC again like how it was for the Poison Pusat / Spectrum. The Legendary Aegis seems likely to be found in Alpha, Beta or Gamma though - so worth stacking up those gates in particular ready for the event.

    Last edited: Aug 10, 2016
    Đesαnn and ~Monster~ like this.
  11. crazytoon

    crazytoon User

    Thanks Okapi again :) . Already getting gates ready
  12. This new designs sure look cool but they are just passive visuals for those who got time to waste and for those who are in dead servers. I strongly suggest to bring some sort of abilities to these new designs, while new players just do what they need to do. #listen to us
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2016
  13. We have 2 new ships coming to game that have abilities. Now wouldn't it be a good idea if more eye candy meant less pay to win upgrades that put the deep pockets tremendously over the average gamer and then some balance actually appears? Great games that continue to keep millions of players do so with eye candy. It pays the bills for producing content and its not as hard/expensive to acquire better PVP gear when it is no longer the only way for the company to make money.
    theOtherKey likes this.
  14. МŐŃĶ24

    МŐŃĶ24 User

    lol its monk 24 from gb1 i play 30 days in a month i think im not a noob anymore & im waiting for sept its not enafe atm to play dark orbit there need to do sum think the Skylab to make mor Sept
  15. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Some more cosmetic designs, following the theme of the Aegis but for the Pusat and Spectrum again this time. No indication on when these designs will be available in the game.

    Legendary Spectrum

    Blaze Spectrum

    Ocean Spectrum

    Legendary Pusat

    Blaze Pusat

    Ocean Pusat

    Drone variations
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    P.E.T variations - could just be a unfinished placeholder

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  16. ramnik

    ramnik User

    Blaze pusat looks nice lol, and the drones to go with it, might get it xD
  17. Hello @DarkOrbit

    i play this game to shot/kill other players, do some missions or galaxy gates but i dont want to have any new designs which i already have!!!! If the golden Spectrum has another bonus like the normal one then okey!!! But i have the Spectrum and i dont need a golden one or green, i want to kill other players!

    Do anything to fill the maps and stop to overfill this game with any designs!!!

    The game is kinda boring and you think if you bring out new designs that the maps will be more active??? You make the opposite!!!!
  18. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I doubt anyone on the team thinks cosmetics for ships are done as a solution to increase player activity.

    The cosmetics primarily exist as a way to make revenue for the game whilst not adding in additional power at all - a problem which created the likes of booty boxes and items which were behind a wall of chance and uncertainty which drove away many players. Cosmetics will continue to be released and people will continue to work towards getting them or just straight up buying them as they have done in the Project Nano event.

    Artists work on ship designs / the cosmetics. Developers and designers are going to be the people who work on things like cross-server maps or events etc. The two are not connected.
  19. cosmetics aint gonna bring players back, I think the point is people are sick and tired of paying for useless item that are worse than the original designs,
    if these new items cant increase players then how is do ment to make a revenue because all of this rubbish is just pushing more and more players away.

    fat chance this will be another wallet warrior payment scheme, remember do doesn't give away stuff, they think of all the fe and ufe players that are playing into the not the normal players.
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 10, 2016
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