[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Clearly they do make revenue since they keep making them.

    When there are cosmetics in gates, people buy rebate to make the gates cheaper. When there are country flag designs sold for 2 euros people buy them because they don't think it costs them much. Some people chose to skip all the work and straight up buy full sets like what happened for the Poison Spectrum / Pusat in the last event. It's pretty obvious they make money with cosmetics.

    If someone is going to walk away from the game after a ship gets a new colour, that's never going to be the actual reason they left. Unless they have a huge fear of purple or its against their religion to see anything which is yellow, a color does not make people quit.

    It's the lack of something else which makes them quit, which in the case of darkorbit is no progression content for endgame players, lack of server activity, poor new player experience - whatever, there's a large list which everyone is aware of.

    Players get frustrated that these things are not happening and look to blame it on something and that is anything new which isn't the big update they want.

    Ultimately though as I said, the cosmetics aren't linked with any of those big issues. Players will remain frustrated so long as those big issues aren't addressed and will blame the existence of cosmetics just because they are there and something new which isn't what they want the most.

    Stopping the production of any new cosmetics won't make server merges or whatever come quicker. It will just mean DO makes less money, which in the long run means that important updates will take longer or just not happen at all.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2016
  2. ramnik

    ramnik User

    Also id think people would moan about there being nothing new being added to the game if they did this lmao so you can really make everyone happy^
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Okay so, these ships are tied into a new event called the Saimon Rebellion. No precise description of it just yet.

    In addition to the designs there are new lasers and shields listed.
    • equipment_generator_shield_fs-01
    • equipment_generator_shield_fs-02
    • equipment_generator_shield_fs-03
    • equipment_weapon_laser_sl-01
    • equipment_weapon_laser_sl-02
    • equipment_weapon_laser_sl-03

    Again these have no descriptions available as of writing up this post, pointless to speculate about them until we have more info.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016
  4. jackknife

    jackknife User

    New lasers, cool if they are between LF3 and LF4 and could be attained rather or similar to the LF3s
  5. I hope the shields will be "overpowered", so the FEs could survive on the long road to Ufe (ironically against Ufe....)
    jackknife and theOtherKey like this.
  6. Hmmm, so new names for LF1, LF2, LF3 and B01, BO2, and no wait, AO1, AO2, AO3.... LOL

    Following the themes, they will be something that makes the laser fire look different while not really being different. No telling about shields. Just my thoughts. o_O
  7. I hope no more dmg or shield power. Instead the lasers have different abilities like lf3 damage but higher shield penetration and shield would have lower shield power but they would withstand more dmg and let less through to hp.
    theOtherKey likes this.
  8. ramnik

    ramnik User

    maybe a laser that does more damage to npcs and shield that can withstand more damage from npcs, but useless against player ships lol. would be useful for everyone, :p but just a thought
    xuhu99 and BestGArenEUW like this.
  9. Why? More shield isn't OP...

    They should add some new stats like:
    • dodge
    • percentage damage reduction
    • little HP boost
    • Speed and shield hybrids
    • ...
    But they should never add critical damage :confused:
  10. As mentioned in the twitch stream they want to work on new items that are stronger but are a different way to fight like a laser that has a faster fire rate and less dmg per hit or more dmg per hit with a slower fire rate. The same idea can be applied to b02 maybe shield regeneration or evasion.

    But those 3 variations of shields and lasers could also be craft-able items for the new event.
  11. Golbinex

    Golbinex User

    Really? They want to make lasers with different rate of fire? That would take some major programming I guess, because all lasers are firing only "per tick" now. Not talking about a lot of bugs which could appear with it. BP should fix current ones first, game is in terrible state now.
    wghardy2 and badwon[spt] like this.
  12. New equipement for pvp uses. Its pointless if they don't even work on patching the servers population....

    Darkorbit got so much potential but they don't do anything for players unless it can give more money like a tons of useless design. The assembly was pretty nice but now its just a way to make more money out of this. We should be able to craft real things in the assemble not just design... nobody is getting ufe with a brand new color -.- I thought the assembly was made to help new players with their ship

    all thought its good new equipement but its not a priority in darkorbit.

    I wish everything will change for the best. This game could be enjoyable like in the old time
  13. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Five new quests relating to the Saimon Rebellion event.
    Drums in the Night
    I am contacting you with a warning: as we speak, a huge Saimon fleet is approaching human sectors. The messages will reach pirate radio stations like the UNN soon, as well as your employer. I don't have time to tell you much more - the lizards' advance party has already breached our borders, and is on the move. Hurry!

    Smells Like Freedom
    The huge numbers of Saimon currently approaching human sectors is related to their failed rebellion against their masters, the Sibelon. Now, their warriors are on the run. How do I know all of this? Ah, do not worry about it. Take care of the Saimon instead. They have a knack for cyber-tech! You should study their technology.

    Between a Rock and a Hard Place

    It seems that the battered Saimon army is retreating towards the Delta Gate. This is your chance to squeeze more profit from the weakened lizards! Oh, no, no! I don't need any kind of pay. You making as much profit as possible is reward enough for me, partner. Good hunting!

    Times of Plenty

    The Sibelon show no mercy to those who rebel against their oppressive rule. Wrecks of destroyed Saimon ships still float around in human sectors. Do you know what that means? Scrap! So much scrap! Fill your storehouses! Use every crack of space you have before someone else snatches that valuable scrap away!

    Lizard Hunting
    No description available at the moment.

    The third quest mentions a delta gate, so if a GG discount appears before the event you might want to build a couple and save them for the event.

    A blueprint box has also been added for the Legend Spectrum. None of the Pusat as of yet though.
    BestGArenEUW likes this.
  14. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Descriptions of the new shields and lasers.

    Fusion Shield 1

    The Saimon are legendary for their ability to transform quality scrap into shiny new goods. The Fusion Shield I provides an increased regeneration bonus of 6.25%, 3,200 shield power and absorbs 70% of enemy damage!

    Fusion Shield 2
    The Saimon are legendary for their ability to transform quality scrap into shiny new goods. The Fusion Shield II provides an increased regeneration bonus of 6.25%, 5,600 shield power and absorbs 75% of enemy damage!

    Fusion Shield 3
    The Saimon are legendary for their ability to transform quality scrap into shiny new goods. The Fusion Shield III provides an increased regeneration bonus of 6.25%, 8,000 shield power and absorbs 80% of enemy damage!

    Scatter Laser 1
    Equip your ship with Saimon tech! This Saimon Scatter Laser I can pack a punch, doing 105 damage a shot, and has an overdrive function that can cause 37.5 extra damage every 5 seconds when equipped, but the trade-off is 25% reduced range!

    Scatter Laser 2
    Equip your ship with Saimon tech! This Saimon Scatter Laser II deals an extensive hit of 120 damage and has an overdrive function that can cause 75 extra damage every 5 seconds when equipped, but the trade-off is 25% reduced range!

    Scatter Laser 3
    Equip your ship with Saimon tech! This Saimon Scatter Laser III is so strong, it will rip apart your enemy’s ships with 150 damage and has an overdrive function that can cause 150 extra damage every 5 seconds when equipped, but the trade-off is 25% reduced range!

    To compare a scatter 3 to an LF-4, the dps over 10 seconds makes the LF-4 still the best laser.

    Scatter 3 over 10 seconds: 1,800 damage - if the 'override' damage is on 5s and 10s. 1,950 if the override damage is on 0s (the very first shot if managing to combo a rsb and x4 shot together at the same time), 5s and 10s.
    LF-4 over 10 seconds: 2,000 damage

    With upgrades and so on included then the LF-4 ends up being better by quite a margin due to the percentages going further etc.

    Fusion shield overall seems to be at least equal or a step down compared to the B02 on the face of it. However just super basic theory crafting could see it being better than the B02 in certain situations, such as a high damage config designed for SAB usage.
    Will work nice with tank configs too.

    Blue prints exist for:
    • SL-02
    • SL-03
    • FS-03
    • Blaze Spectrum
    • Blaze Spectrum Drone
    • Blaze Spectrum P.E.T
    • Blaze Pusat
    • Blaze Pusat Drone
    • Blase Pusat P.E.T
    • Legend Spectrum
    • Legend Pusat
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2016
    BestGArenEUW likes this.
  15. crazytoon

    crazytoon User

    Any idea when event will be ?
  16. Finally an Lf3,5. But:
    These shields are weaker against high damage than B02...they should regenerate a smaller amount of shield during fights. D O can even create 15K shield B02..Idc, because enemies shield can't kill me....

    I can imagine their hard core recipes. Maybe it will take 2 weeks for getting ONE Shield 3...
  17. They are going to screw this game to hell if they put those monstrosities into this game.

    BO2 and LF4's are the core of the game, there are already hundreds of combos with BO2, LF4, and speed gens, putting those things in will completely unbalance this game.

    I sure as hell won't be on this game if this gets implemented. We already have enough troubles with these drone formations and we don't need more overpowered garbage in this game.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2016
    wghardy2 likes this.
  18. ~Monster~

    ~Monster~ User

    How are they imbalanced?

    In 5 seconds, the sl-03 has 100 less damage than lf4, and the new shields are only effective is someone is running to regen a lot.
  19. You get 300 damage per laser with the overdrive function, along with havocs you get 360.

    360 x 35 = 12600 base damage. If you use x4, add full damage(boosters, drill, etc), you can hit over 120k every 5 seconds without a diminisher skill design active.

    So assuming it works like that, it's pretty much a built-in RSB that'll completely demolish people in group fights because you can EMP them off of you, or have a citadel draw fire.

    While the DPS may be lower than the LF4, the burst damage from the function will completely out-scale it(and you).

    As for the shields, shield regen boosters stacking with the extra 6% is kind of OP with ring not gonna lie.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2016
  20. xuhu99

    xuhu99 User

    I think the shields are meant for npcs specifically cubing. Even if it is OP, it's at least not going to be OP in PvP. I think Scatter 3 is supposed to compare to LF3 rather than be compared to LF4. Scatter 3 is better than LF3 for NPCs but LF3 is better for Pvp. I think a Scatter 4 is going to come out one day to balance out LF4s which so far are the best lasers for NPCs AND Pvp. Hopefully scatter 4 has downside like 0% damage in PvP fights.

    Oh yeah I don't think scatter 3 will make pvp any more ridiculous than it already is since its inferior to lf4 even though scatter 3 is pretty powerful.
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