[SC] i dont want to be bullied anymore

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by TheBajanSoldier, Aug 18, 2016.

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  1. i just want to play events without big clans or one uber fe player that 3 uber fes Cant Kill!!! can we enjoy the game No Because thiers player like this that BP dont consider Bullies theier just strong Players?
    is so sad wiley
    [ × ] I Dont Have A Clue.™: jesus
    [Š†Ш] KROMLEK:i shot him with x4 & rsb & his HP or shield did not move once
    [₭ƦɄ] BӨƧƧ~ΛDΛM: Lmao.
    [~JK~] Cinjun: you a vet wiley?? thats nice
    [AAB] HαppyFeeтѕ: D'Awe I drank some this morning... Must not be working.
    [WIL] Wiley_: why they lived
    [₭ƦɄ] ΉΘΘŢΈŔΖ™: to do hitec you must say (Please Gods of Darkorbit Let Me Do HITEC).
    [₭ƦɄ] BӨƧƧ~ΛDΛM: ^

    [₭ƦɄ] ΉΘΘŢΈŔΖ™: 2mins remaining
    [Š†Ш] KROMLEK: at least spell it right -_-
    [₭ƦɄ] BӨƧƧ~ΛDΛM: Praise Daddy Adam to receive a small loan of a million capsules.
    [WIL] Wiley_: if you think helping animals is sad, that explains a LOT I don't have a clue
    [웃유웃] Me Either.™: so much pride

    but BP dont consider this bulling ,so i will wait till thier is an event that is not ran by players wit more wallet funds than me Thanks Bp.


    i dont by uri cause im still blacklisted again for some random reason but thats for another day if i dont quit a game i really love

    LEVEL 21
  2. I agree with you, sadly, TheBajanSoldier.

    DO agree that there is an issue (@Twitch#10) and after several years thinking about what to do they are still not ready to change the bullying and bring some balance, which fascinates me when they/we/I have seen this problem become progressively greater over the last 5 years and the player numbers continue to fall, the above mentioned is at least a heavy contributor to the low retention of new players...
    I could continue but they know what I think already so...
    Maybe they will do something for the 10th Anniversary in December :p as a present to whoever still remains thus adding even more value as it will be shared between fewer players :rolleyes:... or maybe it will be the 15th anniversary before they actually pull their finger out and make a decision :(...
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2016
    jackknife likes this.
  3. I watched the 10th twitch and I read in between the lines. Basically they say they want to stop the bulling and the MCCs and to make this game more balanced but unfortunately they don't want to upset the bullies and the MCCs. After all, these players give them the most cash. It is sad that they do not realize that every new player that starts the game (and people start everyday) are potentially new paying customers.

    Sadly, these new players find out the lengths they need to go to, to get a strong account and also continuously being popped by these bullies and MMCs they quickly decide to quit. There is absolutely nothing to keep a new player interested after they have done the training missions. I am not saying that they should get an FE account after having been on for a week but there needs to be some changes to keep weak players coming back for more.

    However, it is much easier to get to FE now than what it was say 4 to 5 years ago. But new players do not know this and they see themselves getting popped by 1 hits and think whats the point. Because of the gap between the UFEs and a new player and even FEs is so large I believe extra help and a better start for these new players is needed. They need to be looked after better by the DO team if they want to improve server populations.

    I started a noob train clan on my server, I invited all the new players that I could find. After a few weeks only 2 of them stuck it out the rest have gone inactive. I see new players everyday asking questions like " Im new, how do you fire rockets?", "whats the best ship to get"? etc.. They are met with either "If you don't know, log out" or people just laughing at them. I however direct them to the newbie section in the forums and tell them that it is a wealth of information for new players. Every time that I do they ask me where are the forums?

    Like I said there is next to no help for new players. This can be dealt with so easily by the DO team, but they are too busy giving UFEs everything they want. Take this HITAC event, its good but for UFEs and strong players only. There is an easy solution for that as well as other parts of the game, so the event and the game itself can cater for all but will they consider it? I doubt it. They seem to be slowly killing their own game and I am left wondering why.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2016
    badwon[spt] and theOtherKey like this.
  4. Peo0pl3GA5

    Peo0pl3GA5 User

    i am surprised that people are killing player off hitac because i just cant even click them. its very laggy for me.
    that guy who poped you must be very lucky, i wish i had that connection so i would have been a bully for some loser who poped me many times because of lag.
  5. A member of my clan was having the same issue. I advised him to turn his settings to low and switch to 3D. He did this and it solved the problem for him. Also turning off things like cargo boxes and drones etc can help. I hope this helps you.
    Peo0pl3GA5 likes this.
  6. this is not only a bully tactic it is also way these players can push without being punished dark orbit can easily look at these players who are doing hitek kill logs and then look at the players who are getting killed and see that they are attacking lower level players who arent wallet warriors or still have some respect for the game who are not using macros to become ufe and do something about it but thats just a dream that wont happen
  7. 007xs

    007xs User

    I have spent lot on this game but I dont shoot players of hitac I mostly do gates collect boxes do quests I have kept getting shot by groups of clan players from hitac. Dont think I will spend much money while theres this bulling going on if Do have none about this for years then they dont need the money to run this game I guess so we should stop spending cash till they do something about this
  8. Well we all know what they will say, its a PvP game and that is all the justification they need. However it is no longer a fair PvP game and has not been for a long time. That is one of the main reasons why there is a lack of population on the servers, the other reason is the cost or time it takes to get a good account. Bring a better balance to the game and I am sure the population will increase and in turn will make for a better gaming experience and more money for BP.
    Peo0pl3GA5 likes this.
  9. Protection in the lower (x-1 to x-4) maps needs to be set so the UFE (level 16 up) can only be attacked first before they can attack. If they are an enemy in that map they must be attacked before they can start an attack (like in x-1 maps). Prevent same company player attacks in lowers (1v1 requests need to be done in the battle maps (4-x or 5-x maps)), clan wars are good only for b-maps and upper maps (lowers are protected against same company attack like x-2). Until D O decides the NEW/low level players are important they will continue to have low numbers on their servers and as long as they keep making the game unplayable they are not going to have happy players spending money on their game.

    Take responsibility for the issues in the game, fix the current state of the game before adding NEW stuff, you want to keep the game interesting while trying to fix the game run existing Events that you know work before making changes that might not work properly, and make sure the NEW stuff works properly before it is added to the game. Quality Control should be a group of TOP Players spending "X" hours a day on the specified TEST server making sure these are working properly for 30 days before they are added to the game.
    jackknife, BestGArenEUW and Zoopla like this.
  10. Maxim123

    Maxim123 User

    UFE's are only ruining this game. Thanks to BP. They never care about the newbies, they add only new stuff for wallet warriors.
  11. Zoopla

    Zoopla User

    New to the game and reading these feeds sure puts things into perspective. It sure is annoying being jumped all the time. I like the fight as much as the next guy, but seriously what is wrong with these so-called ultra full elites? Save it for the arena. Give me a PVE server anyday. DarkOrbit Reloaded rocks compared to the game 10 years ago! But the basic bullying is still the same. Attacking the unsuspecting is nothing to be proud of and forms the basis for the problems the West faces on a Global level. Give us PVE. Or allow us to buy Protection (for PVE). If I like the look of the offer or the event I dont mind spending a couple of bucks, nothing's free. You might find yourself with more players rather than less.
  12. im2eood

    im2eood User

    in game now a few plear use new program - they are immortal - no 1 can kill ... any time when switch the conf. they are full hp and shild ... x4-rsb-x4 and hp and shild dont move (my combo is 250 k +)
    nice BP
  13. All of these problems can be minimized if DO took advice to make a different map. One with bigger stronger more rewarding aliens for UFE players. A map where the players that cry they only like pve and complain about players who spend money on the game being stronger than them and picking on them can't enter for no reason. Then they can't complain anymore and when an event like hitac comes there could be a better event on the new map where UFE players will not bother with the lower level players. Enjoy
    hereBaDRAGON likes this.
  14. Term2050

    Term2050 User

    AS a ufe and a LOW DOLLAR PLAYER (rebate and premium only) My server east 3 is ruled by one clan on vru (i am mmo) the impunity in chat is olny part of the issues. there needs to be serious open communication regarding game issues. and serious visible effort to combat the Players who use macro/ gaming devices and programs to perform unhuman game task`s. The bullying issue is a major issue with retention of new players but balance and the appearance of Bias is ruining the game for the rest of us. I have gone from a 300 to 400 usd a month player to rebate and premium only because of this unbalance. It would seem that big point has dose not care to regain my business
    theOtherKey likes this.
  15. ]eggy[

    ]eggy[ User

    for the hitac event thay should drop a program on the game .that when the Hitac jumps into a map no one can shoot another player and only can shoot the hitac ..when it jumps out that map you can then shoot other players again ...this would give every one a chance at at least some rewards and enjoyment from the hitac event
  16. 007xs

    007xs User

    I dont mind spending money for this game
    yes good idea
  17. D O, the brood of bullies, where even 12 years old children can learn to torture other players...or be tortured. And nobody prevent it.

    This problem exists for a VERY long time, the solutions are very easy and simple. I still don't understand why D O didn't achieve some of them. Perhaps cause of the "I'm finally Ufe now, so it's my right to pop every noob " players, who payed the most money?
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2016
    Maxim123 and theOtherKey like this.
  18. What if the uncloaking zone around the hitac. Was also a demill zone too. so no PVP in the uncloaking zone. and yes mines will still kill you. and if you go outside the uncloaking zone its game on.
    lord-notorious and ~Monster~ like this.
  19. After KRU & The Club allied they just hog the Hitac in USA East 1 and kill anyone they are not allied with. It is sad that I can not enjoy events in this server anymore. The MCC problem is out of control. -Never
  20. skunkdaddy

    skunkdaddy User

    during the Hitac event,if it spawns in a VRU map,only VRU shoild be allowed to enter that map for the course of the Hitac,same with EIC and MMO,only the company thats owns the map it spawns in could enter until after the hitac is killed.And no shooting on players of the same company during the event.The bullying always has been a problem,never did understand why DO seemd bound and determined to kill a good game,but thats exactly what they are doing,not enough protection for new players until they get strong enough,getting popped too many times by the super elites for a few rank poinst,but its running too many of the new ones off.And the ones the leave today,sure aint gonna spend no money tomorrow
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