[GI] What is the rocket hit %'s ?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -»Mâžèš«-, Sep 7, 2016.

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  1. Hey guys,

    I was just wondering if anyone would like to let me know the hit probability of PLT 2026, 2021's and 3030's since im not sure if i should put Pilot Bio in Heat-Seeking missiles and NOT have to build Rocket precision Tech items but still have a high % for rocket hits. Thanks :)
  2. All missiles including Hell-storms have 75% hit-rate, but 3030s only have 50% hit-rate.
    Do not use any of your points in heat-seeking missiles, it is useless( and easily countered by evasive maneuvers), just get precision targetter from the tech lab.
  3. Thanks for the response, but i was just thinking that instead of precision targeter, i coudl replace it for something else i.e Battle Repair Bot or Backup Sheild, what do you think?
  4. You don't have to replace anything, you can have all of them at once.
  5. As illustrated, you can build multiple items in the tech center. The amount available will show on your shortcut bar as well.


    I agree that "Heat seeking missiles" is a bit of a waist.
    Calculate the cost to build that "Bio".
    Precision targeting is 20,000 credits per build and takes only 2 hours. Precision targeting while active is 100% hit rate. Build one when logging off. Build another or a few while playing.

    I use it all the time when hunting ships and also when doing gates, or just npc's ;)

    Side note: if you have only one tech slot open, precision targeting would be my first choice and set a goal to open another slot and so on till you have all 3 opened. Those you see are the tools I use. Some use different tech's.
    Choose what suites you best for the type of playing you do, as you progress so does your choice of tools change :D


    Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2016
    -»Mâžèš«- likes this.

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you very much for assisting this player with their issue.

    Does the OP have any further questions on this topic?
    Have a nice day
  7. No further questions, however it would be good to keep this threat viewable to the public incase anyone else was wondering about rocket %'s :)

  8. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Closing as no further questions.

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