[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Are these base dmg values on these lasers or is that a bonus on top of say 150 = 325 for the Spectral Lancer3?

    If so this would be a double edge sword even most ufe cubers would use because it would save amo while reducing pvp output so some novice pvper could potentially pop that ufe while they are cubing.While newbies would use them to kill npc for quest faster as they already dont hit enough for pvp. I honestly like where these new items are going plus when your equipment is set you can set up different ships for different styles of play.
    xuhu99 and OILDAILY like this.
  2. Runcho

    Runcho User

    I see you dont like the price for scatter laser 3, but I have to completely disagree on the prices you put on the lf-4 lasers. 100k uri for lf-4? This is impossible!

    Here are my calculations (based on hades gate): I have done 35 hades gates in total and I got 9 LF-4s out of that. On avarage one hades gate costs me 60k uri
    35x60 000= 2 100 000 uri
    2 100 000 / 9 = 233 333 uri avarage for lf-4

    It is definately not 100k-150k uri for getting an lf-4

    Regarding scatter lasers I don't see any reason to go for them. The gates you need to do for the mats are not worth the effort as you can spend that on a gate that gives you an lf-4

    Spectral Lancer III looks interesting tho, I might be interested in replacing the lf-3 lasers on my ship with it as a temporary measure while I get lf-4s which are better in any aspect of the game. As long as they are with reasonable price! Scatter laser III isn't worth the effort. Right now the hole assembly is not something worth looking at as a feature with those low rate drop chances and they keep trying to force it on the game.
  3. -Corex-

    -Corex- User

    they will be "not so awesome" if they cost more than the Scatter Laser III considering you have to get about 46 of them to fill your ship and drones

    EDIT: Changed amount of lasers, Thanks @yellowsubmarine
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2016
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Halloween 2016 Breaking news:

    Greetings Space Pilots,

    Come and celebrate the return of the Halloween event. With even spookier goings on:

    • The terrifying Tunnel of Terror is back!
    • Enjoy ghoulishly good new Halloween drone designs, the Ghostifier Item, the Pumpkin Boxes and the Ghost NPC.
    • The haunting Halloween specific titles are available again!
    But that’s not all!

    We’re adding the following eerie new content:

    • New Item: Spectral Lancer Lasers (does additional damage against aliens)
    • New permanent recipes: Short Term Boosters (1h versions)
    • Chimera, Phantom, Mirage and Enigma Blaze, Borealis and Sandstorm designs (only available during the event)
    • Some seriously, satisfying Booty Box reward changes.
    The event starts on the 17th of October 2016, 0:00h LST and ends on October, 31st, 23:59h LST.1

  5. So we will get more LF3?!

    Fortunately this item will have a higher hit rate than LF4....
  6. Mmayuri

    Mmayuri User

    And yesterday at Lf4 day i have used 600 keys, i bought them for 360k uri with %60 discount. I got 11 lf4s and 12 designs, that means 120k uridium so 360-120= 240k uri for 11 laser. Should i say a lf4 cost 22k uridium? No!
  7. Great to see that the ToT is coming back, that's pretty much going to bring me back to the game for a while, and other players as well I assume - hopefully it remains unchanged as it can really pay well given that your ship is well built and you have ammo to spare; On a side note, I'm really looking forward to seeing what the booty box changes are - be nice if it is something more useful than a higher chance for an lf3 lol
    SauronL likes this.
  8. Don't hope 2 much they may just put scatters in them lol
    crazytoon likes this.
  9. I would like it ^^
  10. SauronL

    SauronL User

    New lasers are going to be strong for noobs and newbies, they can actually do decent damage to npcs with them.

    I could even use them for my noob ships, but since i have over 300 lf4s i dont see a point in them for an UFE player.
    Its an update for newbies.
  11. Well, if they could actually get them! Which noob has enough resources/hardware to assemble them? I am ufe and I can't assemble them unless I spend some time collecting booty boxes...
  12. Please tell me there's some news about Bat formation's return.
  13. Bat formation is usually available during Halloween event.
  14. Usually. But idk if I'll buy this year after the price hike. $25 more for the same amount of uri. They'll prob offer package with it to include bat form and prob a herc but I won't be interested
  15. If anything Darkorbit will add the Bat drone Formation to crafting and/or to a uridium package. As far as Uridium packages going up...mine went down, but sadly my 100$ still costs 100$
  16. I would like to see those designs. When you can, send us few pictures of them :p
  17. HowDoIQuit

    HowDoIQuit User

    So this means that there will not be any event till this Halloween event?
  18. Yes halloween event is the next event


  20. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It is just new names for the Mint, Orange and Red designs, not actually new designs.
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