[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. crazytoon

    crazytoon User

    Okapi are they making change on quest or same old quest with new rewards
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I don't know - there's been no new quest entries as far as I'm aware but it is still a few weeks until the event starts.
  3. 35 SL-03 lvl16, Built and not happy. they need update fast. no one is going to build them. LF4's are still the Best.
  4. New lasers seram not the problem the problem is that the game most do not know corretamente.Ex accounts:
    Pusat vs Surgeon =
    Pusat more 1 more slot version with no bonus and less life for 250,000 uriidum
    Surgeon 6% more damage, honor and xp and even a slot for generators for
    300,000 uridium
    Hence if the player can do vera accounts, you can use calculator, Surgeon if you have more than 1 LF4 (6x15 = 90% of a slot + 53) will give more damage than a Pusat addition to being able to stay within walking her distance in a race using only engines.
    So for you to have an idea:
    Surgeon = 15x14 = 2,100 + 200 = 2,300 + 6% = 2,438
    Pusat = 16x15 = 2,400
    Conclusion besides you spend more ammunition (more slots more spending) will spend more ores, ie if your basement for seprom is equal to an Aegis or citadel (0.73% hp shaped basement), will have enough now seprom if a G-ships (0.59% hp shaped basement), or V-ships (0.56% hp shaped basement) then tera lack of seprom mainly Pusat (spends more 6 ores and ammunition more).
    So they only do the calculations of the new lasers:
    175/130 for LF3 = + 25 / -20 = + 15% / - 17% and if you do not have all LF4 will offset against aliens as gg, chests and HITAC is not 100% chance of winning or mount LF4 .Despite that Scarelf2 now of every 5s (120 + 75 = 195 damage in aliens around, intones will be less 20 every 5s for more distance will compensate?
    For those who saw fight aliens up to a Spectral Lance IV (4) would offset 250 damage to liens and 150 for ships.

    And the calculation above ta wrong:
    125-80 = 45
    145-90 = 55? 135-90=45,130-95 = 45,145-100 = 45,155-110=45,165-120=45?
    175-130 = 45
  5. Thanks for wasting the money so the rest of us don't have to...but in all seriousness why would you do that? You could tell they wouldn't be better just looking at the numbers, it's basic math. No matter what way people try to spin it.

    On another note the prices on the Blue and Red Keys....yeah nobody is going to buy those. $300? Soo much better to just use that during a Helix, save the 3-4mil Uri and buy 5k Green Keys when they are on sale. I also got a 12 hour chat ban because I said nobody was going to buy them, gotta love the abuse of power on the chat mods these days. Nobody monitors them whatsoever.
    Lady_Muddigger likes this.
  6. more after all are people with money left over for spin-off of crystal gg or packages, knowing that flies earn few.
    Or so designers pictures without changing anything, like the designers were able to get a taste of boosters in jogo.Mais every month to spend more than 1000 real in the game, to have all or other moeda.Mostra not the player this thinking hps, slots, basement and other items in the game more deregulated station:
    Pusat was to be with:
    172,500 hp and nano hull
    17 slots for lasers
    13 for generating
    1 Rocket Launcher
    Initial speed: 370 (which could be converted with some extra in G3N-7900)
    endless extras (always releases a slot left without cpus)
    1,725 of basement (1% hp)
    by 172.500 uridium
    Or citadel have:
    600,000 hp and nano hull
    6 slots for lasers
    30 for generating
    6 Rocket Launcher (recharging will be time-consuming to use having only 2?)
    Initial speed: 150 (which could be converted with some extra in G3N-7900)
    endless extras (always releases a slot left without cpus)
    6,000 basement (1% hp)
    by uridium 75,000 125,000 150,000 case for veteran case for elite
    Besides the travel be useless with engines.
    If you had dial obecjtivo exchanged with spearhead the travel the two would come out winning
    Now pay packages with Citadel, Pusat and other things the way who are dai so ta people on the server with Aegis, Surgeons, Influences, Pusats full LF4, G-skills (except: solaces(+50% do hp?), many prefer more Aegis it because of repairs shell (50%) and hp at 100%) and tartarus; the rest are used with formations 150,000 uridium because if not not go out or the base to fight it withstands not fight.
    Then there are people who like to spend money without thinking this is fact and they do not care about this is not what many would see players like I saw.
  7. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Spectral Laser images:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]


    • 1 Nano Case
    • 1 High-Frequency Cable
    Shop is listed as 4,294,967,295 uri and 4,294,967,295 credits - its not going to be available in shop basically x)

    SLL-02 is listed as being 300,000 credits in the shop. Not available in crafting.
    SLL-01 is listed as being 50,000 credits in the shop. Not available in crafting.

    To put things in perspective, the SLL-02 does 145 damage in PvE (vs NPC), that's 96.6% of an LF-3 for just 300,000 credits. I would definitely recommend new players to grab this laser now instead of bidding on LF-3.

    1 Hour boosters in crafting:
    • 30 Mucosum
    • 1 Plasmide
    • 25 Scrap
    This applies for all 1 hour boosters in the crafting.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2016
  8. KaffeeXxX

    KaffeeXxX User

    Aha ,
    so basically newbies will now have lf3s in shop for credits aswell , bp time to take lf3s out from booty lol . Sounds fun , finally newbs with at least some dmg :D.
  9. That's a dream for every beginner. It halves nearly the credits costs for full equipment. The credit prices for LF3 will go down.
  10. Oh they finally learned, I can make like 100 of those SLL-03, finally can replace my LF3s until I get full LF4s.
  11. I really like these new lasers! Finally noobs can get some more firepower against aliens with sacrifising the lasers pvp damage.

    But i would like to see either better version of SSL-03 or SSL-04, which can deal more damage to aliens than LF-4 (Like 250 damage to aliens, but only 150 damage to players). And I wouldn't mind if the updated SSL-03 or SSL-04 laser would be even harder to obtain, because I really want a really good ship for only shooting aliens, even better than a ship with full LF-4's :)
    BestGArenEUW likes this.
  12. I notice that they don't change some event balance issues immediately, they will do it in the next events. E.g. high recipe costs for Scatter 3. Now the new laser
    has nearly the same cost as Scatter 2. Interesting.
  13. crazytoon

    crazytoon User

    Lol you really thought it will be cheaper :p
  14. Probably thought the opposite, which would really make more sense. Looking at it, it seems odd that it is going to be so cheap, however when the scatter came out in the test server, I don't remember seeing anything about assembly but that could just be me.
  15. Guys, is possible to get LF-4 with green booty, in non lf-4 day (not in helix day)?
  16. It is chance/possible 24/7/365 :cool:
  17. -Corex-

    -Corex- User

    That is really freaking good actually, glad it doesnt require overpriced Assembly components!
    RapidStar[go_up] likes this.
  18. crazytoon

    crazytoon User

    PET pet just turned to turkey ...I dont even know it happened ..Any ideas?
  19. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    sounds like it's a bug, the devs are on it :)
  20. crazytoon

    crazytoon User

    I have another major issue...my laser damage has gone down by half..tried everything ..changed ships formations..re-installed equipment..nothing is working >.<
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