[TI] Current BUGS

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BMλŋ916-ƒliesUSƒlaǧ, Aug 27, 2016.

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  1. GROUP chat is STILL an issue.???????????
    Hardly makes flying in group worth while which kinda KILLS the comradery of the game...........
  2. Actually I just started calculating shield regeneration today.

    I found out that:
    1. Normal shield regen rate is 4% of total current shields per second.
    2. Each Fusion Shield 3 only adds 0.25% regen rate to the basic 4% of total shields per second and not 6.25%.
    3. The basis of the regen rate is prioritized with the shield's regen rate equipped on your ship shield's slots. When no shields are equipped to your ship, the basis of the regen rate will now be based on the regen rate of your shields in your drones.

    Shield on Ship
    Shield on Drones
    Have Regen Boost?
    No Shields :p
    No (Basic 4% only)​
    No (Basic 4% only)​
    No (Basic 4% only)​
    No (Basic 4% only)​
    No (Basic 4% only)​
    Yes [4% + (0.25%*x numbers of FS-3 equipped on ship)]​
    Yes [4% + (0.25%*x numbers of FS-3 equipped on ship)]​
    Yes [4% + (0.25%*x numbers of FS-3 equipped on ship and Drones)]​

    Calculation of shield regen per second and total shield regen time:

    Shield Regen per sec = Total current shields x (4% + R )
    "R" pertains to the regen boost if you have and FS equipped. See the table above for reference.

    Total Shield Regen Time = Total Shields / Shield Regen per sec.
    Note that the result you will get is the total time it takes for your shield to fully regen from " zero "

    Also note that in some instances the values may be a bit high or low bu not that much, this is because some decimal values were round off to whole numbers.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2016
  3. Well OK for starters i think when shields are equipped on drones their is a % difference from them being on your ship, try that and let us know if their is a difference cause am currently upgrading 2 of them myself to see what the difference may be. And also it says they give a 8k shield bonus where as the B-O2 gives 10k shield bonus but when i equipped them it was not a 8K shield bonus. That's why I am upgrading 2 of them to see if you get 8K from them only if their upgraded to lvl 16. Thanks looking forward to more input on them Enjoy
  4. I edited my post and added additional findings.

    PS. When i'm calculating the drone shield calculation I found a bug. Shields equipped on every iris has +20% shield boost even if some iris were just level 1. Idk if the iris shield bonus is based on your iris highest bonus level and applied to all or not, but I believe the bonus should be based on individual iris bonus and not for all if this is not a bug but a feature.


    I think I found out the problem about my post above. I think the basis of the iris drone dmg/shield boost is the iris of highest level and then applied to all. Since all of my iris are not yet upgraded and I have a level 6 iris (20% more shield) it affects all iris such that even the level 1 with no boost gives 20% shield boost too.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2016
  5. -DWil-

    -DWil- User

    Indeed, thanks for this information. It seems I have all necessary items (1 Research point, more than enough credits, all prerequisite PP, needed seprom). Still the seprom remains red. I am wondering now, do I need the seprom in the skylab or on my ship? In the past, I think they were needed in my ship.
    I have now
    • 1290 seprom in skylab and
    • 4100 seprom in ship.
    All PP needing 1000 seprom are ok, the ones needing 2000 seprom are short of seprom (indicated in red).
    Anyhow, I'll wait until I have enough seprom in skylab and report back.
  6. I suppose the seprom has to be in skylab!
  7. I tested SLL-2 damage on drone, ships, and on pet and here are the results:

    Equipped on Ship Only
    Equipped on Drones Only
    Equipped on PET
    Equipped on Ship and Drones
    Damage to NPC
    145(ship) + 90 (Drones)
    Damage to Players
    90(ship) + 90 (Drones)

    This means that SLL-02 (or all SLL maybe) deals 90 dmg only to NPC when equipped to PET or in Drones. SLL-02 equipped on ships are working fine. this should be fix along with all the lags and bugs.
  8. -DWil-

    -DWil- User

    Yes indeed, the seprom needs to be in the skylab. Changed apparently.
  9. Fidycent

    Fidycent User

    Same for the lancer 3