[GI] Ghostifier

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by lord-notorious, Oct 24, 2016.

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  1. This is not working as it is supposed to i used a bunch of them to see if the emp effect was working and its not just wanted to report it
  2. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    It doesn't have an emp effect. I don't think it was supposed to.
  3. Ghostifier GST-01


    - Turns player’s ship into a Ghost upon usage for 60 seconds
    - Cooldown: 120 seconds
    - Consumable item, works like e.g. EMP
    - Available in the Shop for Payment.
    - Pack of 10 charges available in Payment for a discount
  4. It is not saying it is like an EMP except in the Consumable factor. The player has to be within range like the EMP for the effect to work, and is set off like an EMP, if the player is out of range then you wasted the charge just like the EMP. It will not stop a fight or break an attack it just turns the opponents ship into a ghostly ship. It is just designed to fleece your wallet for cash into the game.
  5. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hi lord-notorious,

    Thanks to everyone who helped answer the players post. Just a bit of clarification, as TheShadows mentioned, the Ghostifier does not have an EMP effect. This was a description to help players understand it was an expendable (or one time use) item, just as the EMP is an expendable item. Once a Ghostifier charge is used, it is gone, but keep in mind they are available for purchase in packs of 10 or 100 charges.

    Also, the
    Ghostifier affects your ship, not the ship of an opponent or any other player. As HelpMeHelpYou stated, the Ghostifier will not stop an attack on your ship . It is only a temporary 'cosmetic type' effect which makes your ship look ghostly.

    Do you,
    the original poster, have any further questions on this matter or may we close this thread?
  6. nope you can close thank you
  7. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Closing as answered/requested.
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