Halloween 2016

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Solid_Eye, Oct 16, 2016.

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  1. tdogggg42

    tdogggg42 User

    bb. doing the halloween gate, and the game froze and when i try to go back in , it said wait 19 hours. i was on the last wave 70 ,when this happen.
  2. how many lives do stil have before the game freeze ? If you were killed on the gate when it froze and you only got 1 life, the gate will reset and be available again to you after 20 hours.

    Anything other than what I have said above shows a problem, you may need to contact support.
  3. Ok seen many post's on the job-100 ammo but never saw any answer from anyone , Are we going to see pumkin ammo for sale during the Halloween event or not?
  4. YOu have 10 lives .It will not reset if you killed them you will just continue to where you left once killed.
  5. Yes I know that, I'm asking tdogggg42 about that.
  6. I had 3. "Had" is the operative word... Stupid Shockwave...:mad::mad::mad:
  7. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    In reference to the JOB(halloween) ammo; we haven't heard anything on it this year. Given that today is Halloween I don't know that I would expect it much at this point before the event ends.
  8. Ok Solid_Eye thanks for the reply. Although i must say i am very disappointed i waited the whole Halloween event for the job-100 ammo that has been sold every year during Halloween
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2016
  9. =Richie=

    =Richie= User

    was on 7 out of 8 demons killed, loged in and the quest had reset itself back to 0!! also no rewards for killing 8 demons, game is very very poor
  10. crazytoon

    crazytoon User

    I understand your pain..I finished whole gate under 2 hrs i am ranked 69..Noob with 94 play hrs have rank 1 ..GO FIGURE
  11. Kante_

    Kante_ User

    Poor idea. You propose fast NPC. The slower ships can't do it.
  12. =Richie=

    =Richie= User

    you can complete the gate up to the last few waves, leave to next year and the time resets for next year!!
  13. I didnt get the ammo drops... only like 4 out of 6 times done
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