[GI] GG cold wave

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by _Minon_, Dec 10, 2016.

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  1. 29377075 gb1
  2. Shenquhn

    Shenquhn User

    84656623 GE6
  3. i wasn't keen on putting my id, i did though, reluctantly
  4. 42543160 GE2
  5. Keksíček

    Keksíček User

    ID: 162892603
    Server: GB2
  6. still not got my cold wave even though people who posted at same time as me have had theirs, any idea how long will take?
  7. Damn we all have to give our ID just to get the gate haha if DO can't fix this properly then keep your birthday gate. Oh and happy birthday we all waited a full year for this and cross server not working either :(
  8. StLouis...

    StLouis... User


    Global America 1
  9. 73049881 Globale Europe 6
  10. Not everyone. :( I posted before you and still haven't gotten mine.
  11. Fallout205

    Fallout205 User

    ID: 52264570 Server: GB1
  12. 34464613 GB1
  13. 53066029

    Global America 2
  14. 162618837 global america 3
    i can see quest and even accepted both of them then also can see that port to jump in 1-4. till when it will be fixed?
  15. 68831332 EAST 3 no gate...
  16. murarusi

    murarusi User

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