[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Doar_eu

    Doar_eu User

    yes thats the current bug. you cant get the box if someone is over it. i make more than 10mil dmg on demaner and for what. for nothing ...
    •»Radiance«• likes this.
  2. if someone is sitting on your box just WIZ them and pick it up the box from a different angle. it's what i did. and it will work. have fun.
  3. will your PET not pick it up?
  4. Doar_eu

    Doar_eu User

    its like booty box not normal cargo box like in hitac event
    its not like that. everyone can steel each other boxes, there are as many boxes as the ships that shoot it . so 1 player can collect more than 1 box. thats what is the problem.
    (Drop Rewards

    When the Demaner Freighter is destroyed, it will drop a box for every player individually that dealt at least 1 damage to it in the past 180 seconds.

    These boxes can only be seen and collected by each individual player, they cannot be stolen.)
    this is what they write on event FAQ.
    But as always there are bugs...
  5. Everyone just has to wait i mean how many players are picking up their boxes but when they leave yes your boxes will still be there for you to pick up. Enjoy
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