10 year anniversary event feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Solid_Eye, Dec 1, 2016.

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  1. bryyan21

    bryyan21 User

    i have a problem u.u
    im complete epsilon gate and not resived especial resward
    24.12.2016 - 01:42 5 green booty key(s) collected.

    24.12.2016 - 01:42 Part received for the Kronos Gate.

    24.12.2016 - 01:42 Part received for the Kronos Gate.

    24.12.2016 - 01:42 Epsilon Gate completed

    24.12.2016 - 01:42 Received item: Ammunition - UCB-100 (20,000)

    24.12.2016 - 01:42 10 log-disks collected.

    24.12.2016 - 01:42 You received 207900 honor.
  2. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    If I was rewarding points I would give 9 out of 10 for the calender, there were some very good rewards and something there for most players.
  3. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    Sorry but it is true. It seams nothing worked. I still have yet to see a Santaboto or a icy they have never been on in the time slots I play. Great going DO have to say, why gives us missions to do if you never give us a way do do them. 2016 winter fest goes down as the worst event in this game in 6 years as I see it.
  4. The calendar rewards were good.
    The event boxes were good.

    The fact that this event was supposed to be a celebration of ten years was NOT good and made the developers look pretty pathetic.
    After all they had TEN years to prepare for this event. Most of it was "reruns".
    Do they test anything?

    Do they solely depend on the poor forum mods to "smooth over" all their inadequate work?
    It would be nice to hear the developers actually answer for their work. in this forum.

    It would be nice to hear that someone, other than the poor Referees (mods), actually give a damn about this game.

    Today I received 3 emails from DO.(all the same). The subject : "We need your opinion on Dark Orbit."
    NO WHERE, on this survey, was there a spot for me to voice my opinion.

    AND why would anyone want another USELESS app on their cell phone so that DO can push sales on their customers, in the guise of actually " needing our opinion"

    From reading the forum consistently( for 5+ yrs), it is obvious that the customers' " opinion" means squat to DO.

    Please.......... FIX... OUR.... GAME....................
    Kante. likes this.
  5. Just like pretty much everything DO has ever done. Great Idea Poor Execution:rolleyes: I will say the boxes were ok and
    R-zone has been pretty awesome. 100 plus kills an a few deaths:cool: The only downside is techs are down to single digits,
    emps down to double digits, cloaks aren't fairing much better and X-4/RSB only a couple thousand left. If DO want us to
    feed this beast called The Refraction Zone we need techs/cloaks/X-4/RSBs faster otherwise the R-Zone could become
    a ghost town:eek:

    The sad part about this event people were gonna try to come back to the game again, like always DO fail in their execution.
    Overall I give the event a 4 .5 out of 10.
  6. The love and hate- relationship with darkorbit continues once again. This year darkorbit released tons of updates but at the same time these updates included so many bugs (and the sad part is: almost all of them still exist in game!) And the saddest part was 10th year anniversary event, which was only full of bugs (and at the same time all developers were celebrating their weekend holidays): cold wave wasn't working at all (and some players are still not able to play the gate), cross- server map release got delayed, my favorite ship design "Ignite", have been already twice in shop as a limited available item and each time it was bugged and not available for anyone. I really hope that bigpoint takes bug fixing to priority #1 spot because all of the unnecessary bugs are only ruining the gaming experience and not helping anyone at all.

    Regardless of all bugs and balancing issues, I really loved the decision about making a cross-server zone instead of combining servers together. After playing 10 times in refraction zone, I can admit that darkorbit is definitely not a dying game; the cross server map is full of players and there is no dominating clan/company. The map is balanced and i'm more than happy to spend more time in that map :)

    And Goliath X: It's really kind to give all players a chance to use goliath ship FOR FREE! Even if I'm not even going to use this ship (because Surgeon has much better bonuses than goliath x ), I think noob players are in love with this ship!

    I hope that we can see some performance issues getting fixed as soon as possible. After that I'm ready for any kind of updates...
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
    BestGArenEUW and OILDAILY like this.
  7. Year 2017 will be very nice x)
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 14, 2017
  8. If their speeches in the streams are true, we will see a lot of changes in 2017.
  9. Kante.

    Kante. User

    The ending of Winter Missions was big disappointment. Even more disappointing, they ware not included in the 10 Year Anniverasary Event FAQ. I feel I wasted my time trying to fulfil all the Winter Missions. The last mission I think was 34 and the reward was just few hundreds Uri.
  10. Mine ended on winter mission 39 and 40.
  11. Phenomenal event, shame about demaner, but some things can't be helped. It will be re-run for us so no big deal. I do however think that its unfair to noobs who could do with the demaner cargos most, that they won't be able to get near it, and ddm mines frustrate me more then you can imagine.
    •»Radiance«• likes this.
  12. when darkorbit fix LF4 blue and green x2 x3 laser colors???
  13. That would be out of topic on this thread but as far as I know only full LF3 on a ship's laser slot would grant that what you're asking for.
  14. Kante.

    Kante. User

    Right, I stay corrected. It don't show in log book. It was at December 31 killing the Streuners. Big disappointment.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2017
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