Cross-Server Zones – “Refractions” – live

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Deter, Dec 14, 2016.

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  1. Hello

    When this doesnt lag and you dont get stuck its amazing

    x3 problems-

    1. If you try to exit it often freezes, if you close game screen you cant get back on
    2. If you try to jump in sometimes it doesnt put you in and when you close game screen it wont let you on
    3. The lag at times is terrible

    x2 suggestions

    1. You really need to work on the team work element or it will make clans pointless- allow people to make an outfit and jump in together
    2. Allow people to add things like cloak cpus in there please
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  2. Having a great time fighting alongside other MMOs. REminds of company vs company back in the day.
    COWBOY·FROM·HELL likes this.
  3. Refractions needs to be refracted off the servers. There has been nothing but lag since it was released and now there are delays in NPC movement, especially in GG. It takes 3 seconds for the game to update their positions.

    Aegis can barely use hp abilities. I used the shield rep and only got 30000 shields back. With hp, it only restored 60k. It takes so long for the delay that it's halfway through before it activates. I've lost 2 lives in Epsilon because of this, and I already had a gate reset recently.

    DO is not big enough as a browser game to support cross server. It's far too complicated for this system. Hell, we can barely keep the server lag free most times and you want to add something this big?

    Be ready for server outages throughout Christmas once you release the Demaners on the 19th. Between that, increased volume because of holidays and winter break, refractions, the servers are bound to have issues.

    I'll be logging out and shutting my wallet until April or so, when DO Devs [removed] and fix what's broken first.

    Last edited by moderator: Dec 19, 2016
  4. And this cross server map should give us back the ammo and emps we waste, or only wallet warriors gonna play on there.
  5. Maybe implement a point system for the 3 factions and a time limit of the battle.

    1.For example in a 15 or 20 min battle, players of each of the 3 factions earn individual points and a total faction points. At the end of the time limit the faction with the most Faction points will win and have a reward (based on individual points performance/kills).
    2.Also players of same factions cannot perform PvP.
    3.You can also add an announcement system for the top killers of a specific faction which will appear and disappear on screen (like the super ice meteoroid notification) for either a warning whenever you meet them or for others to hunt and steal their points. (when you hunt down a top killer you gain more points).

    Those where just suggestion. :)
    _-DarkOverLord-_ likes this.
  6. Well fixing going thru walls :/ Once i somehow go thru walls and go into 20 enemys :(
  7. -ЩarΛnt-

    -ЩarΛnt- User

    When leaving refractions, FAQ says you should end up back in the map from where you jumped, however, you always end up on x-1...
    2 B fixed?
    •»Radiance«• likes this.
  8. Tiara100

    Tiara100 User

    is there any information as to what will happen if you jump in to the Refractions zone with a title on you ship ? will you lose it when you jump in because it s a different server ? will you lose it if you get killed ? and what will happen to the title ?
  9. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    at this point, no I don't have any information as to what happens with a title heading into refractions. I would expect it to work similar to UBA (when you enter UBA your title is left behind and resumes when you return), however I haven't happened across a title to test it with the cross server so far

  10. Tiara100

    Tiara100 User

    well I jumped to Refractions zone and yes you are right the title was lift behind and I got it back when I returned . and this title is one that you get from another player or find it on an npc .. thank you Solid_Eye
  11. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Brilliant, thanks for letting me know! :)
  12. Hmm, noticed the changes:cool: and the reaction time to do it Nice work DO team. Now make it so we Don't have to grind months or pay loads an loads just to get the resources to compete there:) Personally Id like to see other quadrants/maps with dif. layouts and maybe
    moving parts/walls:cool: Good work on R-ZONE:)
  13. MadMongo

    MadMongo User

    For me the lag is so bad, kills not registering on quests, EMPs wasted as nme still popping me in DMZ. Have wasted so much ammo, If u have unlimited supply of best ammo or money then its ok, but i don't so unfortunately not for me. Sorry guys
  14. I have stopped doing the kill quests! reason being that I am not getting the kill even I am doing the damage... when a player clicks on and fires one shot before me and then backs off if they dont fire on someone else they will get the kill I have then worked for... Maybe if this could be changed in some way as in majority damage, say 70-80%, get the kill... I do realise that this is how it works on the normal servers but at least there the benefactor from my work would be someone I know...
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2017
  15. I have gone to refraction zone with quests and have completed them without being the one to actually finish that player off, It works same as regular maps you have to be the first one to shot that player and still have their lock when they die. Just remember there is no way to know if your the first player to attack maybe your getting unlucky and just helping someone else get their kills. Enjoy
  16. I like refractions, company vs company, really enjoyable, then a group from vru start killing vru (I'm vru btw) and get POSITIVE honour for it, turn it to negative honour then it'll stop own company killing same company, i would be in there now but a group from the same server are in there killing any vru that go out of d zone, puts people off of going in refractions.
  17. Maybe there are some quest that requires X kills of players friend or foe.
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