[GI] Max loot from bonus box

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by memrix, Jan 3, 2017.

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  1. Nope, i did this pp long time ago, you dont need tractor beam 1.
    theOtherKey likes this.
  2. memrix

    memrix User

    once again, nice timing :) And ok i had to check , tractor beam doesn't affect the uridium?
  3. Tractor beam1 increases cargo, tractor beam 2 increases bonus box loot.
    memrix likes this.
  4. memrix

    memrix User

    *insert mother of god.gif* wow i did not see the difference before, now i need to wait about a 1.5 week for enough seprom :(


    yes ime sure u need tractor beam 1 and 2 ?
    memrix likes this.
  6. memrix

    memrix User

    yeah the amazing thing is that it's not like that :) , turns out the tractor beam 1 says 'Increase CARGO box', whereas the tractor beam 2 says 'Increase BONUS box'...I'm sure they made that little 'difference' for a reason. If it were as you thought, wouldn't they have given both the same description?
  7. No you dont need, i did this pp before.
    theOtherKey likes this.