Questions for Twitch Stream 18.01.2017

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Baracus, Jan 17, 2017.

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  1. AVIT

    AVIT User

    THE game needs a total overhaul ..ranks are unfair ..rewards are unfair now that double rewards are counted in shared gates ,
    How can a shared gate reflect on an individual for ranking , That is a mockery of rankings.
    XeonXS likes this.
  2. Money determine your status, what's the problem? :p

    You can ask it in the next twitch stream.
  3. Baracus

    Baracus Community Team Team Darkorbit

    Hey guys, Thanks a lot once again for the questions. I will get back in here as soon as I find some tie to answer any questions we didn't have time for on the stream =)

    - Ron / Baracus
    BestGArenEUW likes this.
  4. Concerning the aspect of reducing the game from p2w i wanna mention that there needs to be a Change With the Premium abilities in context of pvp: 2nd and 3rd qsb, repairing Double amount or Free kamikaze isnt that overpowered in comparison to no Premium Players

    The only disturbing Thing ist the Double Rocketspeed... 10 seconds-> Player a shoots 5 rockets and Player b 10 rockets... Damage disadvantage is already at 50 k DMG if u consider Rocket precision and the 3030 rockets

    Instead of the Double Rocketspeed u could add a Special Premium Feature
  5. (so nobody would buy Premium)
  6. Trust me the people nowadays are that addicted to Premium

    It doesnt Matter if the the Performance becomes Worse or the game gets boring
    They will buy Premium

    kamikaze for a b g, npcs, crazy cubi
    That reason ist enough
    Maybe a few Players will stop buyong Premium but anyway everybody is addicted to that
    3 Times kami is 1050 Uri no Rank Player would Pay that amount for a kristallin Wave

    Those who see prem Rebate as Basics will continue Banking this
  7. ZABASS910

    ZABASS910 User

    hey i been working on my red honor killing on home base but the lower it gets that harder it is cause i get less and less honor points for killing even if i purchase honor buster it doubles but is not enogh i am 1.5 million points on red out of 10 million it looks like that closer iget the less poits i get how do i fix it to be back on green not red how doi get more points iim on that quest to kill until my honor is no longer on red thank you for your support
  8. Galaxy gate spins... I am now doing alpha, gamma, beta. alpha is complete and I only have 16 parts to finish the rest. I got 2 parts out of 257 in my last spins. I hope there is some change they can do to lesson the chance and make it closer to the 13% they say. I even use a small ship that has a full nano hull. why not give each gate part when you earn them? simple change.... would encourage more people to do the gates also. thanks for your time.
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