[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. we all have lives solideye, and if we notice then you should aswell...
  2. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    I'm not sure what part of acknowledging there is a problem, reporting there is a problem, and that the dev team is working on it means we haven't noticed?

    but to each their own
  3. how come the old systems dont detect them like they did before?
  4. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    The programs change over time to try and prevent or avoid being detected.

    There's basically a loop with these things - cheat program is released, developers figure out how to accurately detect & handle them (negate effects, punish, ban), those making the cheat programs then work to avoid detection once again and then if or when they do developers have to counter again.

    Over the years DO has seen different steps taken. Some instances to negate effects, like diminished rewards in X-1 maps, diminishing rewards in bonus boxes, and firing range being capped just as a few examples. There's been ban stages in the past culminating in now just the account being flat out permanently banned.

    So basically the detection system has to be improved upon so that it will detect the new and updated programs. That takes some time, which can prove to be trying to say the least, as seen^^
  5. hello there is no longer privacy if you offence the game provisions, you already breach your privacy when you indulge to illegal activities... I hope you admins guys if possible if I may can just sight what server? they belong and how old the accounts you been banning or caught at least years at least we could some specifics...and we honest players not just counting the stars in the skies...
  6. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Someone posts a racial slur slur in the chat and that's a breach in the T&Cs as well, but we're not broadcasting "who dun it" or the status of their ban/account :/
    The numbers we get are from across all the servers, there's no information breakdown when we get them.
    badwon[spt] and PSK~SUNDANCE like this.
  7. Legit boxing has become impossible again, ok nearly. Tons of box bots again. So I just won't pay for doubler until they figure it out. I been around a long time and have been through this before. It's a shame I can't play the game they way I want to because of cheats. And always a painfully slow response from BP. How many years will they get away with it this time? And blah blah I know they do bans now but it's seems to be a small percentage of the actual cheats getting caught.
    Although I like the direction the game is heading with the new updates, can't help but be disappointed by the box botting. Special boxes are what initially got me hooked on DO.:confused:
  8. i myself am today quitting the game i have played now for 9 years as waiting for 4 years for dark orbit to get to grips with botters is beyond belief ......
    people said these accounts do not get quick rank ...wrong as they are online 24/7 killing npcs ..people also say they do not make uri they can make upto 150k per day.
    d.o. if people mail you and tell you about bots or users using them you give the same story we have detection systems for it ,,,,,,well i have news for you ...your detection system does not work .
    honist players are not placing money anymore on a game that is run bye botters ...accounts are sold swapped for real cash on team speak servers on a daily basis ...most of the top 10 accounts have been bought and sold more times than i ever played ...
    worst is these botting accounts are the ones which hit like tanks and cost someone 30 quid ....so why ii ask myself have i placed more than 3g on your game within 8 years ...should i have just gone out and used one of these programs instead of being a honist player ?
    this game has been hacked to death bye these players well can you really call them that ..well now the hitac is on all those botted accounts are online popping everyone in seconds ..
    and what did it cost them to do this about 2 percent of the money ive put on your game ..well this is another long term player you have lost ...
    my question here is why are you so willing to sit back and relax while the game is being destroyed ?? yes you say you are trying ..but do you think a real person can be online for 24 hours a day 7 days a week and really it be a human lol
    anyhow this will be my last post on this much loved game killed bye players looking for easy ways to win and a game operator which seams to not care anymore for a game which had a massive following
    -oversoulpaul-, SmieBOX and OILDAILY like this.
  9. SmieBOX

    SmieBOX User

    I am thinking to STOP PLSYING DARK ORBIT TOO.

    I do not believe it is hard to stop potters. So I think it is time to Get to Grips and completely stop them.

    Or the WORST case Scenario. People quit Game Dies. And no more Botters. No Game.

    That is a nice prediction. So please STOP SAYING WE ARE WORKING ON IT.

  10. Kyro

    Kyro User

    It is not a simple thing to just stop/ban botters... Sure BP could just ban people who behave like a bot, which people keep thinking it is that easy but... What if it turns out they weren't actually botting or that player tries to take legal action(like say if they spent money on the game) against BP for just banning them by watching how their ship moves(aka not solid evidence)?

    BP wants to catch botters by their anti bot script so players have no ground to argue about it, so they don't accidentally ban someone who is not botting and for legal reasons. You also have to keep in mind the people who make bots are all the the time finding ways to circumvent BP's detection systems, so it is a constant cat and mouse situation but that is not to say it is impossible to catch botters. May not ever totally get rid of botters, but should be able to at the very least once nail it down to keep figuring out how to catch botters and to keep banning them.

    Eventually should be possible that it will be hard/time consuming enough for bot makers to keep making bots that work without being detected easily and will have to if don't already make people pay or pay more for their bots. Also if players see that they will get banned for sure if they bot, less and less players will be willing to spend money on bots.

    Also... why would BP bother to unofficially sell bots for not much money compared to uri and at the same time be trying to constantly catch botters and ban them? The common sense thing to do if BP wanted to get income from players willing to buy a bot to play for them is to just sell the bots in the open themselves, not behind closed doors. Botting on a game is not against the law it is against the games rules/T&C's, you could say it is to save face but not being able to deal with botters at the moment does also not look good either... So in general that conspiracy does not have much ground to sit on.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2017
    ***NOMAD*** likes this.
  11. SmieBOX

    SmieBOX User

    I do understand.

    But It does not matter to me how it must be done. But it has to be.

    I am trying to convince myself that all gonna be fine. But I really do not see progress what so ever.

    I like new content and events. Event overpowered clans. That is all ok.

    But not Bots and LAG.

    Please do something more, and faster.
  12. As fast as 1 bot is caught, another(s) uses a different program that runs different than the first.
    Cheaters are a fact of life.
    It is to DO advantage to catch them as they are STEALING from DO.
    There are obviously more cheaters and cheat programs out there than there are DO employees trying to catch them.
    There is scum on every pond and under every rock.
    The amount of botters today is WAY under what it was 5 yrs ago.
    Keep up the good work DO.
  13. The only way I can imagine how this game could be free of bots is the following:
    You wouldn't get any rankpoints by killing NPC:s. Yes, most bots also collect uridium but I will come to that later. Another change would be to make rankpoints only available with pvp actions.
    Bonus boxes should be then removed completely (of couse players with active bonus box doublers should get good compensation!)
    And last, the whole game economy should be changed and I don't really have solution for that.

    These are just my thoughts so point out if something doesn't seem reasonable.
  14. Your remarks are great for a Pay to Play game. The items you want to remove are the only things that the FREE player have to look forward to.

    IF D O wanted to prevent the outside programs from being introduced to the game it would be very easy. You remove the Browser from the connection to the game. Create a download program that every player has to use to access the server. Once inside the server all program software is kept on the server with nothing being sent to the users equipment. This would remove the individual system LAG from the game, remove the 3rd party software from being introduced/used in the game, and would remove the ease of launching DDoS attacks against the servers.
  15. SmieBOX

    SmieBOX User

    I said it is easy. I think there are reasons why they do not get rid of bots. Maybe they get paid? Or it just seems to be busy servers this way.

    I personally hate cheaters and bothers. Would love them to b gone. Will see
  16. Wait so are NPC bots back or something? Wouldn't surprise me TBH, I know why they keep coming back and don't get taken out much. I can't say why though :p
  17. yeah there back dream.. probably worse then before on GA1.. i ended up quitting the game.. not worth fighting cheaters all the time
  18. batata

    batata User

    Insted of botters (effect) they should remove the ufe (cause). Then nobody would bott bc the game would be fun again :D
    Much simpler than making the game lag like crazy with the anti-bott sripts.
    neoonoma likes this.
  19. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    Botters are free exp, just kill them.


    this game should be were u need to download a couple of gig then no bots or scripts then we can all play and hve fun most crooks wont like my post but nvm they forgot y god give them 2 hands for
    PuckerUp and •»Radiance«• like this.
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