[SC] Bots and Cheats ... archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ASTRAEA, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. ]eggy[

    ]eggy[ User

    the only way to stop bots and cheats is to make the game download only to play ..loads of games have change to stop botters .1 game I play as always been a download game ..the game as never had any botters of cheats as thay get seen right away and instant banned .and its not just a ip address ban the system grabs there pc id and bans that aswell so it can never make a new account and play // people have tried for many years to make cheats and bots for the game I talk about but with no joy as there spotted right away and the ban hanner drops down for life ;) this game realy needs to become down load only ..and by the way it would also stop game lag and darkorbit would also be able to put loads more content on the game with no problems ..there 1 guy on gb1 server that's been botting for years he brags on ts he as over 30mill urid at the moment an his a top user he bots in mmo upper maps on gb1 server .an now the event as started all he does is kill everyone off the hitac why because he does not need to spend the time or money everyone els does playing the game so he just laughs and spoils the event for everyone els ..god knows who maney times in the years this player as been reported ..I just can not understand why or how he is still around doing it ..I do know he as been banned before for the same thing ,,funny thing is he is in a chat called [REMOVED] on gb1 mmo ..funny that maybe thay should rename it to BOT because I know for sure all of them do the same ,get agrip darkorbit and slam that hammer hard on them
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 4, 2017
  2. Steady decline over the 8 years i've known about/played the game.

    My server rarely has more than 25 people playing at a time.

    They won't ban anyone right now the game is teetering on the brink of death.

    The fact they didnt perma ban anyone in the ban wave of 2012 ruined any chance it had to grow, its only been declining.

    I didnt get squat for playing honest, cheats got to keep 90% of what they stole.

    if your arent ufe, (i am), the game is not fun at all. I hear this all the time.

    The final blow was the elimination of cash prizes, all they had to do was give smaller amounts in UBA or somewhere else, why they didnt is just pure incomptetence.

    The new releases have helped but this way too late imo.

    i don't mind them giving away items now that i paid for in the past, since i'd rather see that than the game get the plug pulled.

    I never have done this but its common knowledge :

    You used to hear of accounts selling for 800$ ++

    Now they go for 50 bucks if you are lucky.
  3. you cant kill the bots they have proximity warning on them, as soon as you get near them they run to port.oh well i know the botters have been in the maps for at least 6 weeks now, 24hrs a day. and DO do nothing,
    oh well rest in peace DO !
    I used to play regularly, but now can't be bothered with all the cheats.
    neoonoma and PuckerUp like this.
  4. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    Tartarus full speed+wheel formation to get in range, and then change to moth for fast kill, they usually use goliath, so with tartarus+wheel u can get in range very fast, even if they detect you.

    I do that all the time.
    neoonoma and PuckerUp like this.


    can some 1 tell me wot maps are the bots in ?
  6. japanese

    japanese User

    Bots in X-2 maps? no need to kill them :D, put a phoenix of a different company camouflage in their X-2 map, while they detect a enemy ship they will go to port, dont collect anything. If they kill the phoenix, you dont need premium, repair in port with credits everytime they destroy you, and if a bot dont go to port while your phoenix stay there, then you can destroy him because dont run to port when you enter in X-2 map

    Bots in X-3, X-4, X-5, X-6 X-7 or X-8? first click him and wait he is so far to any port and wait him there and is this moment start to fire him

    Bots in pvp, no comments only kill him
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2017
  7. The bots really exploded for this event. Really disheartening to work like crazy to get to a certain point as a player in terms of top user then see several people pass you very quicky. To make it even worse, you see their ships botting in the same map you are legit grinding npcs in. They change their names so you don't know who then they swap ships to pvp mode and lo and behold, their real names.

    Dark orbit's answer to this...... the scripts that aren't working will get them. The equivalent of "pull my finger" in my opinion. I'm just glad I don't spend as much money on this game anymore. I might bail after this event. This junk makes me hate the game.

    The emphasis on more events is great but legit players are at such a huge disadvantage. And the technical bugs everywhere? Nice that I can see that i killed a devo 25 minutes after I actually did it in the log scroll. Or the increasing lag.

    A big pointlessness if you want to enjoy the game at a certain level. Sandbox for sociopaths as always. But DO got its hand out for mo' money for gear that really doesn't work right or provides no true advantage unless you buy this and that and so forth.. nah..

    Especially when the botters have all the gear. Even when they get banned, they keep coming back. Now why is that? Isn't a ban a ban?

    Seriously, why would you want to keep playing when guys who got their gear illegally are whomping on you 24x7?
  8. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    There back on GE2, that's for sure...


    Rather than attempting to fight bot users, it might be better to just ask ourselves the question WHY they are botting: because it takes WAY to much time to become ANYTHING in this game now. We need to change that and then we can efficiently punish and perm ban botters. This is not working.
    BestGArenEUW, neoonoma and PuckerUp like this.
  9. They are botting up to 24 hours a day. Way more than the average Joe has time to box.
    Someone is always going to CHEAT.
    DO is doing a way better job punishing these "maggots" now, than they did years ago.
    In my humble opinion.
  10. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    Yup,i always see exactly the same guy on my 2-7 map(i'm EIC) with a diminisher autoclicking the sks and bsks.There is also this red sphere around him constantly glowing for some reason(diminisher ability but in a limitless degree).When i shoot at him he never fights back and he immediately goes to the portal.I have also tried whispering him and system says:player doesn't exist or isn't online.
    Exactly,is DO so blind that they can't see why people are botting?People bot at a game(any game) because it may be too grindy or too boring,and DO is no exception to that category.And bots is proof of that.Prices are still extremely high and all we see is:
    3)money milking,
    4)the ways to make uridium disappearing.
    These 4 things have the utmost importance and need to be fixed now but NOW if they want to keep people in the game which translates to them as more people paying money.
  11. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    We need more rewards from NPC bashing / teamwork and missions. And admins who fly in ulticloak (not detected by bots), to go out once in a while looking for suspicious activities*.

    *What is an NPC bot?

    An NPC botter is a user that exploits a bug which allows them to kill NPCs of all kinds without taking (significant) damage. The programs which they use allow them full control over their ship, even when there not there. For example: abilities can be triggered, configurations can be switched, and different formations can be activated. You can also select the distance that the bot should create between you and NPC's, the NPC type and much more! To make mathers worse you can even select what you want your ship to do when an enemy flies in range of your radar. This is often visible when attempting to kill these bot-users; the verry second you see them on your minimap, their bot program will detect you and react by instantly flying to port.

    What gives and indication that someone is using a NPC bot program (apart from the obvious)?

    Even when cloaked, and in between cubicons, the program will stil know you are there. This is verry noticeable when you use the spearhead ultimate cloaking ability; as you cannot be detected by the program (make sure to use it far before you get in their radar range though). If you secretly follow an enemy to a cubicon with both a standard and ulticloak active, the moment your ulticloak runs out they will start running to port, confirming that they are bot users.

    You can also use the spearhead recon ability, to outrange the radarrange of the bot-users. For as long as you keep the botter at the border of your range, they will not be able to detect you and they will not flee.

    So far, most NPC bots can not be caught, which makes it a rather efficient thing to do, allowing the bot users to easily make 50K a day.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2017
  12. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    (What i will post is quite old but i believe it still holds true until today.)
    Original post link
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2017
  13. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    They can make easily 150k+-easily a day if they are UFE.
  14. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    Even worse XD
  15. And the leo gleaning in USA East 1 2-3 map 24x7 is still cranking a way .... no matter when I'm in there, he's there botting for npcs and boxes. Wow.... that bot detection software doing its job like magic. As of a half hour ago, the leo is still in there...with a couple other robotic players.
    How tolerant DO is to allow robots to play this game. Bot lives matter!
  16. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    There are less than in the past, in the past u could have more than 40 botter per map, right now u have much less, just give BP some time to deal with them.
  17. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    Hmm....6 years will be enough .
  18. MyBigi

    MyBigi User


    it took like 5 years for them to deal with them at 2013, lets give them another 5 years, so lets wait till 2018.
    neoonoma likes this.
  19. You assume they survive this long. But the you also have to remember they dealt with them in 2013 bit how many came right back? How many will return after 2018, assuming they are still here.
  20. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    I remember some of them gone forever, others lost bio and upgrades(these came back for a while until their reserves of uridium ran out, which made them leave too)

    I don't really care about them, they come and go, for me they are just extra fooder on the maps.
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