[SC] Darkrobit killing their own game

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -»ĦΘŁŁΘЩ†KΘRPδΣ«-, Apr 24, 2017.

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  1. My pal started game few weeks back spent some money ..got basic fe ...had 1m uri sitting there after some purchases.... From that 1m uri he gained 2 herc 2 lf4 from kappa he said he has now quit (darkorbit you disgust me) with the % You have had the chance for years to change the % and make the game more active by not doing so people are starting to feel more and more robbed left right and centre.... Do you wonder why people turn to botting because i dont YOU ARE CHEATING YOURE PLAYERS
    coming from me a person who used 1011 booty for 1 disgusting lf4 assume i am a tad mad
    _-DarkOverLord-_ likes this.
  2. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    All of us have been here, tell ur friend to persevre and keep going,and be smart about how to spend uridium, he should do zeta gates instead of kappa gates, zeta gates gives a lot of goodies that u just cant pass.

    tell him to do the gates on double GG rewards event(sunday), with the keys he will get from zetas, he can easily get zeus/apis/bunch of lf4s...
  3. Yeh but i know just annoying wanted my pal to wona play but when things like this happen its off putting ill try to talk with him i guess ;D
  4. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    Things are much better now, in the past without the double gg event, it took like 40 kappa gates for me to get the 10 hercs and like 30 zeta gates for the 10 havocs.

    Nowadays u can get those designs with far less gates done.
  5. New players always start up playing blindly. Either playing free or buying, they rush in with no guidance and easily frustrated later on. Let your friend know to take time and not try to rush into getting UFE. Getting FE is actually quite easy and getting there fast gives a false idea about how fast one should make UFE. The chance factor is real as we all deal with it but is should not be the reason a player quits in less than a month. It could be quite worse. You friend could be playing with permanent NOOB power like me. That would put everything into better perspective.
  6. The problem is the game isn't fun for new players. Period.
    On top of this, the game tutorial is utterly inadequate. It's a complex game with about zero help in how to succeed in the game.
    Yes the game is better in content, in actual performance it's a disaster. Tons and tons of bugs. UBA, logins, refraction, events, server times, broken payment events, etc.
  7. I do aggree ive tried to advise him but you know some people dont listen lol and lol perm noob but noobs are fun;p
    The chance factor is a big part of it as chances are very low for items new players need
  8. TBH DO will get credit for killing the game when actually anyone who's still playing since the Glory Days (myself included) played
    just as much of a role as DO/BP. Regardless of how PO'd DO made us we kept those subscriptions running:oops: when we should have been canceling them. At that moment they knew they could CHANCE us any kind of way. Then GREED took over.:(

    Well said Death. But while reading the last part of your post I was getting the feeling I should abandon ship
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 26, 2017
  9. So sad you talking of quiting guys I myself stop 2 and 1/2 yrs. but now Im back 6 months now already and having patience again if not quit Im still chief colonel now basic major..I stop playing becoz of too many bots now they came back.
  10. Zeta gates range from 190-220k uridium. Kappas probably around 250k.

    Sorry man but 1M uri doesn't get you squat.
  11. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    If u combine that 1 mio uridium with premmium and rebate on double gg rewards weekend, he can get 10 havocs if he is lucky
  12. Luck loooool you need more than luck for that D
  13. 23 gates = 7 havocs and the majority were on sunday...............0--0 .............
  14. Peo0pl3GA5

    Peo0pl3GA5 User

    1011 booty for 1 disgusting lf4
    you are [REMOVED], the first thing you do is open them on double lf4 day so you already prove that you are very [REMOVED] and also i got 10 havoc with 24 zeta and 30 kappa for 10 hercs all on double reward days.
    use your mind and stop complaining.
    also my average was 2 lf4 from 100 keys and its all luck there are times i got 10 lf4 from less than 400 keys and then there are time i got 4 lf4 from 300 keys, the point is its not as bad you think and you need to use a bit brain.
    get some advise from top players and you are set to go.
    Last edited by moderator: May 2, 2017
  15. yeh i know is disgusting this is my point .... before you talk i started before double gate rewards everythin i said regards to no double day for one and for two ..are you thick i been playing the game nearly 8 years do you think i didnt use them on lf4 day

    by the way i am ufe been ufe few years lol all the advice you gove me goes out the window and this post was reference to my mate
  16. ]eggy[

    ]eggy[ User

    your lucky I used over 1000 keys on LF4 day and got 0 ...the time before that I used 1600 key and to my surprise I got 0 lf4s again lots of rubbish and spped gens and lf3s what a discussing joke never known a game like this what a ripoff
  17. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    Thats pretty hard to believe--- 2600 keys and not even 1 lf4?

    If its true, then its some next lvl bad luck xD.
  18. wow mate i can believe that the chance/odds on this game are a joke probs why 50% have left the game
    i doubt the odds will get any better and thats why they made double rewards day double the odds of getting nothing lol
  19. Maddust

    Maddust User

    wow with 100$ you can buy two new console or PC games. And you know what, nobody can take it away from you, it is 100% yours.
  20. True, you will just get tired of them after a few months when the next new game comes out. For some reason, I don't get tired of this one after 5 years of play.

    I am just starting about a year ago at trying for havoks and hercs. Its a very slow process since my play is split up between the servers and accounts but I am working on it. But I keep going. I don't feel the need to get it all this year.
    badwon[spt] likes this.