[UI] ignore/ mute

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Οήĸyо™, Apr 30, 2017.

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  1. It would be nice to be able to permanently ignore a player forever. I know we have have /ignore but that last only till you log and log back in.

    Their are several that need the permanent ignore because for me its the same players all the time I put on ignore.

    Just a thought.
  2. You could post these to NOTEPAD and cut and paste every time you log onto the game. I do not think D O will ever do a Perma Ignore Option to Chat, other than BAN.
  3. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    I agree but you can simply close the chat.
  4. Kyro

    Kyro User

    ... What kind of a solution is that? So if there are certain players who get on your nerves, you should just close the chat? Sure you won't see what they say anymore but also wont see what everyone else is saying... (although sure that is an option, but I doubt just closing the chat is an option people want to choose much)

    A "perma ignore" option of course would be something good to have, cause I'm sure quite a few people know of at least some players that they just don't want to see what they type ever. I'm kinda surprised you cannot already do this, cause if someone doesn't want to see what someone else types for whatever reason, that is up to them.

    Lots of other games/social platforms have such a option for plenty good reasons you know, and instead of having to keep ignoring them in each session why not just let people perma ignore them? (as in they are basically "ignored" until you un-ignore them yourself)
    Last edited: May 1, 2017
  5. It seems like you would be able to do this like setting players so they can't invite you. Having to do the ignore each time, whether when the problem player starts chatting or in advance is just a waste of time. Some players play daily, some log on several times a day. How many times do we need to /ignore *player* during the course of a day/week/month/year to get it through to the system that we don't want to see or contend with this problem players. Closing chat, while a bandaid, leaves you out of the loop for so much. Players that like to hunt or help those in need would not know what was going on with the chat closed. The OP has a point as week need a better option.

    VESPID User

    I'm not too fond of even opening chat unless outfitted or when I gotta trash talk my way into fights with whatever idiots interrupt my farming.

    I do see value in this idea, not for me so much but a need does seem to need covering.
    I do love options and this idea provides one.
  7. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    I am simply suggesting something and as PSKSUNDANCE said :
    But why would you use the DO chat which often crashes when you can use teamspeak?
  8. Not everyone uses teamspeak. However if using it, that mute feature is nice.
  9. As some of you said " I can close chat" Yes I can but really why should I have to close chat when I use it to speak to others and clan members. Their are lots of time that chat mods are not available for such chat issues as typing in a different language in a US sever, having someone over and over again whispering you just random typing as well as those that use foul language. Just after a few minutes of this going on I already know I would put them on perma-mute . I do not use teamspeak for the reason of its questionable security issues.

    Yes I know I can close chat or use /ignore, this was just an idea that I know I would use alot and I know others that would be happy with it as well..

    Thank you for the input and your point of views.
  10. One cannot ignore whispers so unless you close chat there is no real way to silence them .....from here on Onkyo i will limit my talking to you to only 1000 words lol
  11. lol Killercal very funny.....haha
  12. Doesn't the "blacklist" permanently ignore people? Been a while since I used that feature.
  13. Unfortunately no, the blacklist is only for invites.
  14. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    Blacklisted people can't send you messages to your DO backpage but they can still talk to you through whispers -.-
  15. this should automatically be added when you block someone
    neoonoma likes this.
  16. Verse

    Verse User

    Heya there,

    The team is looking into a permanent ignore feature with the new chat system - with that said, I can't guarantee that it'll be implemented, so don't take my word for it. We have voiced our opinions on the matter a lot, so here's so hoping. ;)

    - Verse
    VESPID and Kyro like this.
  17. That's great, Thank you Verse.

    Lets hope it will be added and i will be in chat heaven.
  18. Now with all this said, it would be nice if we had some chat to use it on.